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Should Indymedia Antwerpen(Belgium) be removed from the net ?

IMC Antwerp | 02.05.2008 23:02 | Animal Liberation | Indymedia | Repression | South Coast | World

Viewpoint Indymedia Antwerp concerning law affair against protest against slaughter

Indymedia Antwerp
Indymedia Antwerp

Angry firm manager demands by a short lawsuit 10,000 Euros per hour of a co-worker of a progressive media center.
The elephant must have been passed here approximately an hour", says one of the searches. Geert can use the encouragements for that he until couldn't shoot to shoot begins to weight. For the distraction, an impala is killed. "I go put him up and place him at homedoor", says Geert. "I must just talk about it with my wive.

The affairs is started with the Telefacts reportage (Flemish Radio and Television) "Hunted Wild" begin April. Flanders Television viewers make then knowledge with Geert Vroman, Businessmen and "hunter on big wild for the game". Such "hunt parties" cost a lot: for an elephants hunt with souvenir, you pay already ten thousand Euros. His '15 minutes of fame' cost also on other way a money: the negative reactions on the hunt/slaughter party were massive and extremely fierce. Inge Boey, a housewife from Hemiksem had been so shocked that they single days later put an a petition began on the internet against the elephants hunter.

Emmanuel Paulus translated the petition and placed it on Indymedia Antwerpen.
To limit the image damage and to put the critics to silence a short lawsuit started.
Geert Vroman found that critics damaged its privacy -a little strange accusation when you in prime time afflicts the tube --. He didn't found it necessary to contact Emmanuel Paulus and/or Indymedia Antwerpen. The process announcement reached Emmanuel Paul the evening before; there was then no time more to react or take a lawyer under the arm.

De The process of 21 april come from Geert Vroman (Rollegem) and his related firm SPRL/BVBA Vroman (Moeskroen). In contrast to the newspapers placed, there is no mention of private data of the businessman, they mention only the address of its business.

In the summons, we read: Then the internet petition mentions literally the data of second summoned (= the business) and the email address Of first summoned (= Vroman himself). The email address belongs nonetheless at the business (all sources are agree about this once: this is the email address of the business Vroman sprl.).

This construction is naturally only "to prove" that this is an intrusion on the privacy of the businessman.

The craziness rises when Vroman states his wishes: "The damage can at the present not yet be estimated. he ask then a penalty from 10,000.00 Euro per hour that the concerned communication on the internet in the general exist and on the website, where places, remains." We have great doubt that the two people ever be capabel to solved this job. In teh In the meanwhile the text has been fanned out to many other websites and news groups. The internet with its billions pages is after all a difficult to tame animal. A big cost should it always be: a month time from now quickly costs 7 million Euros or three times the volume of trade of the business Vroman Count out its profit!

Indymedia Antwerpen is an undepended newssite which is supported by only volunteer work. On our newssite their is no censure without strong motivation. Within the theme of the site everyone could write what he or she likes. Exceptional could when readers asked articles become hidden or slightly modified.

This is our conviction and we will change for no reason it, specially not because of a bad past post-colonial hunt adventure.

Who go out to 'tame' the free opinion on the internet, is with us at the wrong address.

Indymedia Antwerpen

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IMC Antwerp
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Firm adress

03.05.2008 02:42

Firm Adress: Vroman Constr. Métalliques sprl Royennestraat 62 7700 Moeskroen (Belgium)
E-mail: vroman.s /at/


Firm adress

03.05.2008 02:44

Firm Adress: Vroman Constr. Métalliques sprl Royennestraat 62 7700 Moeskroen (Belgium)
E-mail: vroman.s /at/


If u go2the address be proper,dont give them a golden chance to try& crackdown

03.05.2008 08:38

Dont give the nasties what they want

Green Syndicalist


03.05.2008 12:48

How about someone translates the original text into English, not via an instant online program - they never work like that - only human translations make enough sense. This seems like an important report so surely would be worth the effort to get it translated properly.


Freedom of speech

03.05.2008 20:46

It seems to be about a Flemish TV programme about an elephant hunter, where the hunters identity was revealed on IM Antwerp to be Geert Vroman, head of a construction company called Mouscron. The Telefacts TV programme seemingly called him the elephant hunter a "big fat entrepreneur who doesn't know how to spend his money". And he seems to be suing IM Antwerp, or rather Emmanuel Paulus from IM Antwerp plus a woman called Inge Boey who was so shocked at the programme that she launched a petition against Vroman and stuck it up on IM Antwerp identifying Vroman.

Seemingly IM Antwerp were subpoenaed before any complaint was made about the article. It is a freedom of speech issue. My dutch and french aren't great though so ask a dutch or flemish person to translate.
