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Sucessful street party, London. (sent by mobile)

Doug | 01.05.2008 17:22 | Social Struggles | London

The Space Hijackers Mayday street party is being held in Shepherd Market, Mayfair.

Lots of fun had by all despite heavy police prescence. Several sound systems. Dancing. Acting. Boozing. Maypole. Pics and video to follow.



Mayday in Mayfair, London.

01.05.2008 19:21

An inevitable stop and search before leaving Gree Park.
An inevitable stop and search before leaving Gree Park.

Just a few of the police surrounding revellers.
Just a few of the police surrounding revellers.

Fitwatch in action.
Fitwatch in action.

Frustrated FIT photographer.
Frustrated FIT photographer.

Tangled Maypole.
Tangled Maypole.

In the stocks and pelted with soft sponges.
In the stocks and pelted with soft sponges.

Just one of several kids enjoying themselves.
Just one of several kids enjoying themselves.

Two powerful sound systems to dance to.
Two powerful sound systems to dance to.

Here are a few pics of the event. Although the police surrounded the revellers in Shepherd Market they didn't stop individuals coming and going and I didn't see any arrests.

More info:



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02.05.2008 10:16

What no arrest or the old age excuses about terrorist hiding behind the protest hence the widespread misuse of the terrorism act? Have they forgotten or something? Are they ill? I wished I've gone.



02.05.2008 10:55

...There actually was an arrest. Somebody was taken in under the pretense of drinking in a no-alcohol zone whilst returning to the May Fayre.



02.05.2008 13:08

oh gawd I wish i'd been able to get time off now....


blinding may day this year!

02.05.2008 16:21

Can't wait for the next one.

"# Oh I wish it could be May Day, every dayyyyy.... #"


Police state?

04.05.2008 18:04

Why so many cops present? Disappointing that "decent law-abiding citizens" can't have a bit of fun without such an oppressive police presence. Surely the Met have better things to do!

Cop watcher

Police state?

17.05.2008 14:48

Aye, they're a bunch of bastards.
