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Foie Gras off the Menu at a 4th Birmingham Restaurant

Foie gras free Brum | 29.04.2008 21:26 | Animal Liberation | Birmingham

Le Bistrot Romance takes the decision to remove the controversial, animal cruel dish known as Foie Gras off their menu, and the campaign to make Birmingham a Foie Gras Free Zone builds speed.

Le Bistrot Romance is the fourth restaurant in Birmingham to cease the sale of Foie Gras, after just one demonstration held on the 23rd April 2008. The management at the French Restaurant on Bennett's Hill seemed very hot under the collar at the sight of protesters outside their windows.

A letter was sent to the restaurant two weeks prior to the demonstration taking place, to which there was no response from the management.

The demonstration, that only lasted around 30 minutes certainly made an impact, as the campaign was (and still is currently) focused on regular demonstrations at Opus Restaurant.

The manager and owner of Le Bistrot Romance were very rude and aggressive towards protestors claiming that we were wasting our time and that we would never achieve our goal.

However, some time after that conversation with the manager and owner, we noticed that Foie Gras had been crossed off their menu with a notice stating:

"To all customers, as of 24th April 2008 we will no longer be serving Foie Gras, apologies for any inconvenience".

We are glad that Le Bistrot Romance has chosen to stop serving this torturous delicacy, and we urge any other restaurants still serving it to follow suit.

An email from the manager of Le Bistrot Romance after we enquired as to why the dish still appeared on their online menu read as follows:

"As I said, I had a meting with the owner about the matter who decided to remove the Foie Gras from the menu, so I confirm that we are no longer serving it since the 24th of April.
About the website we technically can't remove it now until the new menu is designed"

This combined with previous victories at Purnell's, Simpson's and Chez Jules is a great result and a flying start to the campaign.

The campaign will continue to name and shame all those still supporting the extreme animal cruelty behind this so called "delicacy".

For further information, or if you would like to help us make Birmingham a Foie Gras Free Zone, please feel free to contact us.

Foie gras free Brum
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Fantastic stuff

29.04.2008 23:11

Congratulations - sometimes all it takes is making the effort to hold that first demo against the target and they become so scared of negative PR or sabotage that they cave in.
Keep it up Brum!


Nice one

29.04.2008 23:35

keep on keepin on

FG Free UK

Excellent work

30.04.2008 09:29

A good article. Very inspiring work! More awarness should be raised about Foie Gras and it's effects on the animals and human health!

Keep going!



30.04.2008 14:57

Great news!

Animal Liberationist


01.05.2008 10:45

What an outrageous attack on democracy! Who voted for you? Who do you represent? The comment above points out that 'demonstrations' like this are in effect blackmail, forcing people to act out of fear that they may receive sabotage. This is the use or threat of violence to achieve political aims, otherwise known as TERRORISM!

All of the above makes sense in Daily Mail world....I'm confused. Congratulations on your demo!


To Ironist....

02.05.2008 12:31

Just because someone has made a comment aout taking violent action, that doesn't mean that the protestors in the campaign above are interested in doing so, how silly. I certainly haven't seen any reports of terrorism or blackmail in Birmingham.

I for one am glad people feel they can stand up and use their right to protest! Lets not have a fascist UK thank you very much.

I don't understand why people want to eat diseased liver anyway! But hey its their choice I suppose
