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Sharphill Woods Needs Your Support Again

Someone | 29.04.2008 06:44

Sharphill is again under threat, this time from an Outline Planning Application from Bovis Homes and David Wilson Homes. Fortunately because of the work done last time and in particular because of the strong Inspector's report we can and will win again.

On 15 June 2006 at an extraordinary council meeting, Rushcliffe Borough councillors decided not to proceed with a housing allocation at Sharphill Wood in Edwalton. But now builders have applied for a further Outline Planning approval to develop all the Sharphill land to the west of Melton Road with a mixed development of 1200 houses, a primary school, a 100 bed hotel and a further education centre. Additionally there will be what is described as a business innovation centre (the latest 'buzz' name for an industrial park?).

Why when there are over 22,000 homes in Nottingham, boarded up, rotting away, going to waste that could be used instead of building 1200 new ones on Sharp Hill? Answer money to be made by Rushcliffe Borough Council, private companies and individuals take precedence over saving our green belt land and the environment for us and for future generations.

Sharphill needs the active support you only have until Monday 5th May to lodge your objections or take whatever action you can so please act now.

Key aspects of the plan which must be of concern to everyone in West Bridgford is the sheer volume of extra traffic without any improvement in the road system and that all the traffic is to enter the site from a new junction on Melton Road with no possibility of defraying the traffic load by allowing some to exit onto the ring road. Their plans also include a bus service entering the site from Boundary Road presumably running down Musters Road again adding congestion and increased traffic right past Jesse Gray Primary School.


Visit Ruschcliffe's website at and follow the link through to Planning. From there you can go to their 'blueprint' planning register section and search for planning application number 08/00664/OUT. There you will find further details of the application including links to over 800 pages of submission from the builders! Read as much as you like but above all use the site to lodge your comments as to the merits of the application. Alternatively if you simply just want to write an email expressing your views then email

Pictures, links and info, already posted on nottinghamshire indymedia...

Sharp Hill Woods: Response to RBC’s rejection of the inspectors recommendation:

Sharphill Woods musical protest, Market Sq :: The pictures

Sharphill Woods 'Eco-Protest' :: [Feature] Action stepped up at Sharphill

Sharphill Woods 'Eco-Protest' :: BBC Politics Show Visits

Sharphill Woods 'Eco-Protest' :: Some Piccys

Sharphill Woods 'Eco-Protest' :: What's going to be lost, Landscape Piccys

Sharphill Woods 'Eco-Protest' :: Hands Across the Hill Protest Piccys
