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trident and newclear demonstrators arrested in derby at rolls royce

peter ambler | 28.04.2008 16:02 | Bio-technology | Climate Chaos | Indymedia | World

foe demo set in concrete .police do some hard workto arrest them

prottesters at rolls royce newclear plant in derby,were joined together in concrete blocks.weighint 250 kilo causd havoc specailist equipment was called in police sweated as they chiseled away at the concrete whilst the prottesters relaxed and enjoyed bacon sanwhiches and chocolate .the mouths of the police oficers were dribling .the job had to be done delecately 4 hour in all .dorothy skrytek when freed and arested smiled triumphantly .we dont need newclear.and the danger in the wrong hands it possese keep it up foe .peter ambler derby

peter ambler
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