Tyendinaga Mohawks Under Attack by Canada: Urgent Call
helpmohawksnow | 26.04.2008 19:02
Mohawk Nation News reports Tyendinaga Mohawks have been moved in on by the OPP Ontario Provicial Police while protecting their sovereign lands. "Lives are at stake". Urgent that worldwide support be mobilized.
PLEASE DO WHATEVER YOU CAN TO MOBILIZE SUPPORT and prevent Canada, as it regularly does from Gestapo style raids upon Indigenous peoples. MNN reports that Tyendinaga activist Shawn Brant was grabbed and taken away. More thuggery is expected from the Province of Ontario and Provincial Police Forces OPP now gathering.
For further information and updates:
Call OPP 24 hour Communications Center and tell them the world is watching!
1-888-310-1122 (toll free)
(where are all the pro-tibet canadians on this issue?!)
For further information and updates:

Call OPP 24 hour Communications Center and tell them the world is watching!
1-888-310-1122 (toll free)
(where are all the pro-tibet canadians on this issue?!)