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Statement of Truth - Mr. Brian W. Haw

Mr. Brian W. Haw | 24.04.2008 15:17 | SOCPA | Iraq | London

what a tangled web they weave when first they practise to decieve... what a load of bollocks

Brian W Haw
Parliament Square
Brian William Haw

Statement of Truth

In support of Mrs Barbara Grace Tuckers Habeas Corpus J/R Application and Addendums – J/R CO/3828/2008

Further to so many Unlawful Arrests and Unlawful Arbitrary Detentions of members of our Peace Campaign, most seriously, imprisonment of Mr The Ninja Ant in 2007, and most recently, imprisonment of Mrs B G Tucker on 11th 2008, by corrupt DJ Snow:

I state the details of how DJ Snow attempted to wrongfully imprison me on 17th April, 2008 at COWMC.

Background, précis:-

DJ Snow, in collusion with others, demanding money with menaces - blackmail; abusing me/us through his position as a ‘judge’ in his conduct towards me/us in court and attempting to corruptly imprison me today - just as he ‘successfully’ did, previously, to Mrs Barbara Grace Tucker on 14th April 2008 at COWMC. There is a Habeas Corpus case issued from this, to which she is appealing at RCJ, in which I am a key witness on her behalf.

While we are engaged pursuing Habeas Corpus and HRA Convention rights, there is a serious organised criminal conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, commit and conceal various crimes against persons/peaceful dissenters, by a State and all its agencies, out of control.

Several J/R’s and other Higher Court actions are impinged upon by the crimes of Snow and others on 22nd April 2008, issues which Snow and these others are fully, acutely aware of.

Thus, there are very serious issues relating to assaulting, intimidating and harassing both witnesses and members of our legal team, by our adversaries, the Government, engaged in genocide; ‘The State’ and the various responsible authorities, all seen to be acting in concert against our 7 year campaign for Peace and Justice for All.

In my view, the perpetual attacks, including violence and extreme force, on us as we pursue justice and redress at the highest courts, amount to gross Contempt of Court, up to and including the Royal Courts of Justice. (Treason?) This is a most serious issue that not one Judge, including most senior personages, has had the balls or concern for Law and Ethics to address and redress.

‘Serious procedural Irregularities’ (re: a recent H of Ls case, February 2008) is, I understand, the legal term for, what citizens on the streets would bluntly describe as ‘crime and corruption throughout, to the highest levels’.

The ‘case’ on 17th April, was supposedly a ‘Means Test Hearing’

I confirm Mrs B G Tucker’s concise account, which is very helpful to quickly comprehend what took place on 17th April at COWMC.
The bullet points are:


• My Lawyers, Bindmans informed of the Appeal they are pursuing on my behalf, in 3 immediate letters to the court, which were placed before Snow.

• I informed DJ Snow that convictions are under Appeal, on the witness box, and that there are two JRs plus addendums, directly and possibly another, with other possible actions, besides civil suits galore against Police and Others. Snow had two of these JRs stuck up his nose recently, re a corrupt case with three allegations against me for complaining that a ‘policeman’ smashed me in the face. This case has since been discontinued. He cannot profess ignorance of the facts, of these ongoing, live appeals.

• Mrs B G Tucker, my McKenzie Friend informed DJ Snow of the same, showing Snow and the court her JR in question, with me listed as an interested party. It directly relates to our live ongoing appeal of the case this pseudo charge against me today has emanated from.

• The court, COWMC, has been given the relevant JRs as ‘disclosures’ by us though we were not obliged to do so. We did it to expedite matters and save all time, wasted costs, and ourselves even more awful trauma from these cases of malicious and vexatious litigation.

• D.J. Snow’s refusal to Recuse himself from the ‘Means Test’ disputed costs hearing despite overwhelming reason I gave in evidence on the witness stand. Briefly, these included his infamous ‘Void ab Initio’ decree re Mrs Tucker in Sept 2006; his wilful entertaining 16-18 ‘fresh’, same old shit, charges in February 2007 (I believe) when he really was going to wrongfully send her to prison. “Are you really going to send me to prison for saying stop killing children?” she asked poignantly.

(Note: I gave other evidence relating to Snow’s previous abuses and unlawful actions against Mrs Tucker. I reminded him of many of the matters she has compiled in her timelines and statements).

• Well Snow REALLY DID imprison her on April 2008, for the heinous ‘crime’ of wilfully continuing to say ‘stop killing children’ Apparently some people never learn; get in line Babs, ‘CONFORM/COMPLY’!

• Snow wilfully insisted to ‘sentence me, to enforce payment’ of the ‘fine’, contrary to Law, and the fact he could NOT do so.

I state all this regarding, prior to and eventualities, regarding corrupt proceedings at COWMC before DJ Snow, in court 5, at 1400hrs sitting, that took place today. Myself and Mrs Barbara Grace Tucker attended by unlawful compulsion. Myself as ‘accused’, Mrs Tucker as my McKenzie Friend.

Mrs Charity Sweet arrived after the hearing. She is also my McKenzie Friend. She arrived late as she was filing and serving a JR re a further Habeas Corpus etc Hearing at RCJ re Mrs Tucker V COWMC and DJ Snow, re his awful kidnap and false imprisonment of her.

We are appalled at the compounded criminal abuses perpetrated on us by the State with its various authorities and particularly a judiciary that is out of lawful control in its malicious attacks on our Peace Campaign and personnel.

What took place today at the hands of corrupt DJ Snow with a compromised court administration beggars belief. It is irrefutably unlawful and we give information for your further scrutiny urgent correction. We ask you to make immediate directions which will be detailed at the end of this addendum.

Offences I/We are informing of, committed against me - the same offences having been previously committed against my colleagues, Mr Steve Jago, Mrs B G Tucker and other associates:

Wrongful Arrest, Blackmail, Demanding Money with Menaces, threats (some realised) to my/our right of Habeas Corpus and HRA 1998 convention rights, aggravated assault re Section 5 CLA causing me/us extreme harassment alarm and distress, as maliciously intended, by Police and CPS in concert with SCC and COWMC in – ALL this ordered by War criminals in Parliament, who ‘don’t like us’.

These are some of the offences that preceded my/our enforced attendance at COWMC today. I video-recorded Police ‘arresting’ me at Parliament Square on 14th April 2008, with yet another dodgy warrant, ordered and signed by who(?). Coercing me under threat of being forcibly taken to Belgravia police Station, where I/We have been abused and assaulted various times, into signing a form ‘bailing’ me to go to COWMC today at 1400 hrs.

A spurious fabricated ‘non payment of fine’ was allegedly ordered by HH Rivlin at SCC on 16th Feb 08. The ‘record’ from SCC is incorrect re the ruling of Rivlin. What he actually ordered was:
Refusal of our Appeal.
Refusal of All monies requested by the Treasury Counsel against us. These included:

(a) £3,000 Prosecution costs for Appeal Hearing - refused absolutely.
(b) Fine £250 Costs £50 re COWMC sentence of DJ D Wickham. (despite that we had no means) - refused, quashed.

He refused ALL requests of money against us, and when our adversary bleated about it he said ‘Consider the bigger picture’.

Unusual certainly, yet there is nothing usual about these political show trials. HH Rivlin knew we had no means and could NOT imprison us. Plus the fear of compelling us to appeal, in which event all the improprieties the cover-up for corrupt Evans, Wickham, the WHOLE corrupt court at COWMC, the corrupt Government, and uncle Tom Cobbly and All, would be under scrutiny which, as I’ve probably said elsewhere, does NOT bear scrutiny one whit.

His/their fervent wish was for it all to go away; for what Evans and Wickham, under orders, did to Babs and I was criminal, as was Rivlins cover-up of that.

Now everyone concerned is telling a different story - what a tangled web.


That is pretty basic, is it not? Thus, you can imagine our shock when Snow was about to send me to prison on this issue, despite ALL the volumes of evidence and facts I/We related, as I was in the witness box. Of course we clearly informed Snow and the court it was under appeal, giving the evidence, which the court and Snow were well aware of.

I supply this statement to inform, from our perspective as the injured parties, my immediate submissions and recollections of events on this day. It is a draft hastily written due to oppressive time limitations. Nary a day or night goes by without us having to suffer abuse at every level.

We urgently request this be STAYED FORTHWITH, and our rights respected.

In particular, we request that an immediate injunction/order be made in favour of the noble and long suffering Mrs Barbara Grace Tucker for a ‘Freedom from Harassment Order’ from Police and ALL bullying criminally behaving agencies of the State.

It would be nice if I and ALL my brave and caring associates can be included in this order. Please order this also.

I understand that harassment is constituted by two offences of the same harassing nature. Has the over some 200 times Mrs. Barbara Grace Tucker has been caused harassment, alarm and distress by the State not yet enough to equate with harassment or warrant a protection from harassment order?

I am more than willing to supply further evidence as necessary.


Mrs Charity Sweet

On behalf of Mr Brian William Haw. 24/4/2008

Mr. Brian W. Haw
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To the author

24.04.2008 15:52

Any chance you could write stuff up as an article, perhaps quoting these legal docs or including them as attachments, rather than just dumping this on the newswire unexplained?

Without context these posts are not news. Remembers the who, what, where, when.

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