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Student Hunger Strike for Palestine

Student Activist | 24.04.2008 00:01 | Anti-militarism | Palestine | World

Two Students at the University of Nottingham are on a hunger strike in response to the on-going “Siege on Gaza” and the University investment in the Arms trade.

Two student activists at the University of Nottingham have been on hunger strike whilst camping on campus since Tuesday the 22nd. The hunger strike will last until the end of the week and has been taking place in front of the main library (the Hallward) on University Park Campus.

The hunger-striking students, and many others, are concerned about the most recent, particularly inhumane, and on-going “Siege on Gaza”, the continued Israeli aggression in the area, and the proliferation of arms as a result of the arms trade, which leads to the deaths of innocent people not only in Palestine, but in situations of military oppression around the world.

With the grassy area outside the library hosting tents covered in graffiti reading “The University Profits, Who Dies?” and “Free Palestine” and with a placard demanding “End the Siege on Gaza” one student commented that they felt that the protest had “opened up a politically radical, pro-Palestine, anti-arms trade space on a normally right-wing or apathetic campus.”

The students involved in the protest have collected hundreds of signatures to present to the Vice Chancellor of the University in the first few days of the protest and have been handing out leaflets (see below) detailing the University investment in the arms trade and reporting the “humanitarian disaster” facing the people of Gaza.

When faced with these pieces of information most students are more than willing to add their signature to the letter addressed the Vice Chancellor that urges the University “to institute and support a ban of all Arms Trade companies from recruiting on campus and to ensure the University adopts an ethical investment policy”.

Audio and some more photos (of better quality) to follow shortly.

Student Activist
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By night

24.04.2008 20:19

I visited the hunger strikers last night, after the Smash EDO showing at the university. I took a few photos while I was there.

Disillusioned kid

More Pics

24.04.2008 21:18

When asked for a statement, this hunger striker responded "I'm hungry"
When asked for a statement, this hunger striker responded "I'm hungry"

The other hunger striker on the left
The other hunger striker on the left

Pics of Hunger Strikers on the second to last day of the strike



Hide the following 6 comments

technical problems!

24.04.2008 00:07

Don't know why but there's a big gap coming up between the title and the article/pics, is this happening to anyone else? how do we fix it? thanks.


very impressive

24.04.2008 09:24

solidarity with the hungerstrikers! given that most nottm students' most pressing concern is what they'll be wearing to go to the hallward library today it's great to see a radical movement claiming back some space.

maybe we can try something like this next:


Nice one!

24.04.2008 09:41

Keep it up guys!


Good action!

24.04.2008 10:35

Just wanted to add my support - looks like a good action on a much needed cause, and I wish you all the best.

A painted person

Well Done

24.04.2008 11:53

It's great to see committed supporters of Palestine taking real action.

Keep it up guys.

Im at home

BBC Radio - the uni spokesperson is a lying, cheating, capitalist

29.04.2008 22:40

BBC radio distort the protest, don't mention Gaza and given the uni spokesperson WAY TOO MUCH TIME to spread his flithy capitalist lies.
