SHAC actavist pleads guilty to SOCPA charges
NETCU | 23.04.2008 07:49 | Animal Liberation
After entering a plea of guilty, the case against an animal rights extremist was adjourned for pre sentence reports at Preston Crown Court today.
Diane Jamieson, 59, of 190 Lytham Road, Ashton on Ribble, Lancashire, pleaded guilty to 6 specimen counts under Section 145 of the Serious and Organised Crime Act 2005, this equates to 44 separate offences.
These charges were brought against her as a result of a nationwide police investigation known as Operation Achilles, which targeted criminal activity associated with animal rights extremism and took place in May 2007.
These charges were brought against her as a result of a nationwide police investigation known as Operation Achilles, which targeted criminal activity associated with animal rights extremism and took place in May 2007.