SHAC National March & Rally at Novartis Primate Research Centre
SHAC - Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty | 22.04.2008 15:58 | SHAC | Animal Liberation | Health | South Coast | World
This is a reminder that it is less than a week to go before the SHAC national march and rally for World Week for Laboratory Animals. Where we'll march against animal experiments and demonstrate at Novartis primate research site in Horsham.
Saturday 26th April 2008, 11am - 5pm
SHAC UK National March & Demo
@ Novartis Primate Research Centre, Horsham,West Sussex
Novartis is also one of HLS's largest customers, most notorious for theXenotransplantation scandal back in 2000. The research was conducted by abiotechnology company, Imutran Ltd, which is a subsidiary of the multinational drug firm Novartis Pharma AG, in collaboration with the University of Cambridge. The experiments took place at the controversial Huntingdon Life Sciences laboratories.
See: and for more information.
It is now nearly a year since the massive police raids against us, which was ablatant attempt to shut down the SHAC campaign - and it has failed miserably. We will march a short way from the town centre to Novartis and hold ademonstration there. This is to show the mass opposition to what they are doingboth in their own facility and at Huntingdon. Novartis really don't want thisdemo to go ahead; in fact they sought to vary their injunction in the highcourt to have national protests banned at Novartis. They spent thousands ofpounds and lost. The judge said that this demo will go ahead. So we should allstand proud outside and let Novartis know that the global animal rightsmovement isn't going away and that we will carry on the fight for the animals.
This is a very important demo to show our disgust against Novartis and HLS. Themarch is a great opportunity to let the people of Horsham know that primate andguinea pig research is going on there.
Meet at Horsham Park, Horsham, West Sussex.
For more information, including maps go to: html
Transport is being organised from all over the UK including:
•Brighton, •Cambridge, •East Midlands, •Hampshire•Ipswich, •London, •Manchester, •Wales, •Liverpool •West Midlands, •Manchester, •Leeds, •Plymouth and South-west*
If you have any transport queries - please email us at:
11am ~ Start of assembly at Horsham Park, near Recreation Centre (south end ofthe park, near the town centre)11am to 12.30pm – Rally in the park with info stalls and veggies food anddrinks. Before the march sets off, there will be speakers.
12:30pm (approx) Start of march into and around the centre of Horsham and thenup to Novartis (the march is about 1.5 miles)
2pm - 3:30pm ~ Demonstration with speakers outside Novartis on Parsonage Road,HorshamThen short half mile march back to Horsham Park finishing by 5pm(There will be an option for those not wanting to walk so far on the march tojoin the march after going through the town centre - please contact us for more information)
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VICTORY: Sciencelink animal lab has been abandoned (21 April)
Participate in World Week for Lab Animals (20 April)
Novartis HQ smashed & painted during HLS march in Barcelona (28 March)
Animal Liberation Front - Crime Investigation Agency (A.L.F. - C.I.A.) vs Novartis
Allergenic Asthma Applied to Rats (11 April)
Exposed in Austria (23 March)
SHAC UK National March & Demo
@ Novartis Primate Research Centre, Horsham,West Sussex
Novartis is also one of HLS's largest customers, most notorious for theXenotransplantation scandal back in 2000. The research was conducted by abiotechnology company, Imutran Ltd, which is a subsidiary of the multinational drug firm Novartis Pharma AG, in collaboration with the University of Cambridge. The experiments took place at the controversial Huntingdon Life Sciences laboratories.

It is now nearly a year since the massive police raids against us, which was ablatant attempt to shut down the SHAC campaign - and it has failed miserably. We will march a short way from the town centre to Novartis and hold ademonstration there. This is to show the mass opposition to what they are doingboth in their own facility and at Huntingdon. Novartis really don't want thisdemo to go ahead; in fact they sought to vary their injunction in the highcourt to have national protests banned at Novartis. They spent thousands ofpounds and lost. The judge said that this demo will go ahead. So we should allstand proud outside and let Novartis know that the global animal rightsmovement isn't going away and that we will carry on the fight for the animals.
This is a very important demo to show our disgust against Novartis and HLS. Themarch is a great opportunity to let the people of Horsham know that primate andguinea pig research is going on there.
Meet at Horsham Park, Horsham, West Sussex.
For more information, including maps go to:

Transport is being organised from all over the UK including:
•Brighton, •Cambridge, •East Midlands, •Hampshire•Ipswich, •London, •Manchester, •Wales, •Liverpool •West Midlands, •Manchester, •Leeds, •Plymouth and South-west*
If you have any transport queries - please email us at:

11am ~ Start of assembly at Horsham Park, near Recreation Centre (south end ofthe park, near the town centre)11am to 12.30pm – Rally in the park with info stalls and veggies food anddrinks. Before the march sets off, there will be speakers.
12:30pm (approx) Start of march into and around the centre of Horsham and thenup to Novartis (the march is about 1.5 miles)
2pm - 3:30pm ~ Demonstration with speakers outside Novartis on Parsonage Road,HorshamThen short half mile march back to Horsham Park finishing by 5pm(There will be an option for those not wanting to walk so far on the march tojoin the march after going through the town centre - please contact us for more information)
Related articles
World Day for Laboratory Animals, Oxford (21 April)

VICTORY: PIA Stop Beagle Flights (21 April)

VICTORY: Sciencelink animal lab has been abandoned (21 April)

Participate in World Week for Lab Animals (20 April)

Novartis HQ smashed & painted during HLS march in Barcelona (28 March)

Animal Liberation Front - Crime Investigation Agency (A.L.F. - C.I.A.) vs Novartis
Allergenic Asthma Applied to Rats (11 April)

Exposed in Austria (23 March)

SHAC - Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty