Call for participation in the Radio and Public Media Forum, EA3, Peru
latinos locos | 22.04.2008 15:30 | Globalisation | Other Press
Between May 10 and 16 in Lima, the Alternative Media Forum will be carried out with the support of Enlazando Alternativas 3 and a number of independent media of Peru, Latin America and Europe. These neetings will be parallel to the Fifth Summit of European Union-Latin America and Caribbean (EU-LAC) Heads of State, held in Lima.
Call for participation in the
Radio and Public Media Forum
Lima, Perú
May 10 to 16 – 2008
Between the 13th and 16th of May, the Fifth Summit of European Union-Latin America and Caribbean (EU-LAC) Heads of State will be held in Lima, Peru. Parallel to the official meeting, social movements and non-governmental organizations from Latin America, Europe and the Caribbean will gather in an alternative event, namely “Enlazando Alternativas 3: Cumbre de los pueblos” (Linking Alternatives 3: Peoples’ Summit).
During the four days of this alternative meeting, participants will discuss, among other issues, EU-Latin America free trade agreements, the ongoing implementation of a neo-liberal economic model and development policies proposed by the EU. Along these same lines, social movements will aim to integrate alternative global agendas, in accordance with proposals that lie closer to the majorities of all peoples.
During the event, a Peoples’ Tribunal (PT) will be held with the objective of calling into justice the power system of European multinationals operating in Latin America, as well as in their countries of origin.
For more information:
Alternative Media Forum, Lima 2008
Between May 10 and 16, the Alternative Media Forum will be carried out with the support of Enlazando Alternativas 3 and a number of independent media of Peru, Latin America and Europe. This event for communicational coverage and exchange has been held previously with great success in important meetings, such as the Third Summit of the Peoples in Mar de Plata, Argentina, the Fourth World Social Forum in Caracas, and Enlazando Alternativas 2 in Viena, Austria.
From May 10 to 12, Peruvian social movements will carry out activities and mobilizations that precede the summits; from May 13 to 16, the common media coverage of the Peoples’ Summit, Enlazando Alternativas 3, will take place.
We cordially invite all independent media from Latin America, Europe and around the World to join in the coverage and reporting of the Peoples’ Summit in Lima.
Radio Forum
The Radio Forum is an initiative of technological convergence which brings together community radio initiatives, networks and other actors involved in New Technologies (NTs), thereby consolidating an information exchange project regarding diverse-format, free information production. The Forum thus contributes to strengthen cooperation ties between radio projects from around the World through the strategic use of NTs, and itself constitutes a common space for world alternative media.
The event will be transmitted live in FM and Internet streaming from a studio located in the heart of the social summit. Programming will be continuous, collaborative and multi-lingual through Simultaneously, meetings, debates and exchanges of experiences in social resistance and alternative media development will be carried out.
We invite all organizations with experience in radio to participate in this event, in order to strengthen a space that is slowly consolidating into the voice of those peoples and social movements in Latina America and Europa who fight for a world of justice.
How to participate?
All interested radios, individuals and initiatives involved in audio-visual media and communication can joined the common program between May 10 and 16 in Lima. The Alternative Media Forum is an initiative for collective participation, self- supporting and independent.
To participate in the Radio Forum, contact:
To participate in the Alternative Media Forum and for general questions, contact:
In this address you can obtain information on stay and accommodation in Lima.
Don’t keep yourself from participating, see you at the Peoples’ Summit!
Please pass on this message!
Inviting organizations: Radio Mundo Real, Programa Democracia y Transformación Global (Perú), CONACAMI (Peru), Colectivo Observatorio Alternativo Zoom (Peru), Comunicaciones Aliadas (Peru), Asociación Latinoamericana de Educación Radiofónica (ALER), Radio Onda (Alemania), Radio Matraca (Germany), Radio Lohro (Germany), Noticias (The Netherlands), Red con Voz (Madrid), Radio Vallekas (Madrid), Amisnet (Italie), Indymedia-Peru, Minga Informativa, Amarc-Europe.
Radio and Public Media Forum
Lima, Perú
May 10 to 16 – 2008
Between the 13th and 16th of May, the Fifth Summit of European Union-Latin America and Caribbean (EU-LAC) Heads of State will be held in Lima, Peru. Parallel to the official meeting, social movements and non-governmental organizations from Latin America, Europe and the Caribbean will gather in an alternative event, namely “Enlazando Alternativas 3: Cumbre de los pueblos” (Linking Alternatives 3: Peoples’ Summit).
During the four days of this alternative meeting, participants will discuss, among other issues, EU-Latin America free trade agreements, the ongoing implementation of a neo-liberal economic model and development policies proposed by the EU. Along these same lines, social movements will aim to integrate alternative global agendas, in accordance with proposals that lie closer to the majorities of all peoples.
During the event, a Peoples’ Tribunal (PT) will be held with the objective of calling into justice the power system of European multinationals operating in Latin America, as well as in their countries of origin.
For more information:
Alternative Media Forum, Lima 2008
Between May 10 and 16, the Alternative Media Forum will be carried out with the support of Enlazando Alternativas 3 and a number of independent media of Peru, Latin America and Europe. This event for communicational coverage and exchange has been held previously with great success in important meetings, such as the Third Summit of the Peoples in Mar de Plata, Argentina, the Fourth World Social Forum in Caracas, and Enlazando Alternativas 2 in Viena, Austria.
From May 10 to 12, Peruvian social movements will carry out activities and mobilizations that precede the summits; from May 13 to 16, the common media coverage of the Peoples’ Summit, Enlazando Alternativas 3, will take place.
We cordially invite all independent media from Latin America, Europe and around the World to join in the coverage and reporting of the Peoples’ Summit in Lima.
Radio Forum
The Radio Forum is an initiative of technological convergence which brings together community radio initiatives, networks and other actors involved in New Technologies (NTs), thereby consolidating an information exchange project regarding diverse-format, free information production. The Forum thus contributes to strengthen cooperation ties between radio projects from around the World through the strategic use of NTs, and itself constitutes a common space for world alternative media.
The event will be transmitted live in FM and Internet streaming from a studio located in the heart of the social summit. Programming will be continuous, collaborative and multi-lingual through Simultaneously, meetings, debates and exchanges of experiences in social resistance and alternative media development will be carried out.
We invite all organizations with experience in radio to participate in this event, in order to strengthen a space that is slowly consolidating into the voice of those peoples and social movements in Latina America and Europa who fight for a world of justice.
How to participate?
All interested radios, individuals and initiatives involved in audio-visual media and communication can joined the common program between May 10 and 16 in Lima. The Alternative Media Forum is an initiative for collective participation, self- supporting and independent.
To participate in the Radio Forum, contact:

To participate in the Alternative Media Forum and for general questions, contact:

In this address you can obtain information on stay and accommodation in Lima.
Don’t keep yourself from participating, see you at the Peoples’ Summit!
Please pass on this message!

Inviting organizations: Radio Mundo Real, Programa Democracia y Transformación Global (Perú), CONACAMI (Peru), Colectivo Observatorio Alternativo Zoom (Peru), Comunicaciones Aliadas (Peru), Asociación Latinoamericana de Educación Radiofónica (ALER), Radio Onda (Alemania), Radio Matraca (Germany), Radio Lohro (Germany), Noticias (The Netherlands), Red con Voz (Madrid), Radio Vallekas (Madrid), Amisnet (Italie), Indymedia-Peru, Minga Informativa, Amarc-Europe.
latinos locos