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Netanyahu Says Any Abbas-Olmert Agreement Will be Voided

Zionists Don't Negotiate | 19.04.2008 07:06 | Anti-racism | World

What Netanyahu has done has been to literally sabotage any possibility of an agreement by saying that Israel won't honor any agreement between Abbas and Olmert.

If "Bebe" Netanyahu unilaterally voids a peace deal made by the previous Prime Minister, the diplomatic future of any agreements made with any other nations is also in peril. .

Because if one Israeli PM can void out an agreement a previous Prime Minister has signed off on, then absolutely no foreign policy accords with any country with Israel can ever be seen to be binding, including those done with the US.

This means that Israel's word, as a nation, to another sovereign nation, can be scuttled at the whim of any future prime minister who doesn't like what his predecessor did.

That said, I do not think that Likud Chairman Netanyahu really has to worry.

Olmert appears to be just "running out the clock" on the current administration, waiting for what he believes may be a "better deal" on any Palestinian statehood from whoever winds up in office after the November elections.

What needs to happen is for the world to get involved in ending Zionism's program of wiping Palestine off the map, and taking the faux 'peace process' Israeli Extremists use to perpetuate the conflict out out of the hands of the war's biggest sponsor.

Netanyahu Says Any Abbas-Olmert Agreement Will be Voided

by Ezra HaLevi

( Likud Chairman and former Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu says any agreement reached between PM Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is null and void.

Widely expected to be the next prime minister, Netanyahu said he would not honor an agreement reached between Fatah chief Abbas and Olmert – who are currently engaged in frantic negotiations on final status issues. The nature of the hurried negotiations with the questionably-sovereign head of a fractured PA is to reach a US-imposed deadline of at least a theoretical deal for a Palestinian state by the end of 2008.

"The agreement that Olmert will or will not achieve is no more than a cynical invalid deal - not in legal terms, but in terms of reality," Netanyahu is quoted saying in Friday’s Makor Rishon newspaper.

Israel’s main papers are carrying special holiday interviews with Prime Minister Olmert; Makor Rishon opted to interview Netanyahu instead.

Netanyahu acknowledged that Olmert would seek to present a US-backed deal as his election platform. "Then the public will be the judge," Netanyahu said. "If [Kadima] wins the election - fine. But if they don't, they can't force upon the public, in a cynical and manipulative manner, something the public is not interested in.”

On a different topic, Netanyahu says he regrets not establishing a unity government with Shimon Peres after beating him in the 1996 elections.

"I have since learned to appreciate Shimon Peres on a personal level in a different way than I did back then,” Netanyahu told Makor Rishon. “Today I think that we should have established a unity government, especially in light of the awful polarization that resulted from the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.”

The 1996 elections were seen as a referendum on the Oslo Accords. Bringing Peres, the accords’ architect, in as co-PM would have been a controversial move considering Netanyahu’s anti-Oslo campaign.

At the time, when Netanyahu continued to carry out the stages of the accords, including handing over the majority of Hevron to the PA, he claimed he had inherited the accords and was doing his best with the circumstances he had been given.

Israel displays its criminal side once again

Zionists Don't Negotiate


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Should be hidden

19.04.2008 07:44

This is a corporate repost from Jordan Thorntan an known anti semite and Holocaust denier. It should be hidden

Nazi spotter

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Different rules ?

19.04.2008 07:58

I thought the Editorial Guidelines were quite clear about not allowing sinple reposts of corp sites and yet this person seems to be allowed to post whatever he/she likes. Of course the fact that he/she posts only on issues regarding Jews might well be influencing some Indy editors whose views on Jews are well known.

Ho Hum, another nail in the coffin of the Indymedia concept I'm sorry to say


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NOT the meaning of his words

19.04.2008 11:13

"What Netanyahu has done has been to literally sabotage any possibility of an agreement by saying that Israel won't honor any agreement between Abbas and Olmert."

Even in the ansence of democracy, in an absolute monarchy or dictatorship, the acts of one ruler do not bind his or her successor!

That is even more so in a democracy. The people can, in their wisdon or their foolishness, change their minds, can elect representatives with the mandate to carry out different policies than their predecessors. For a politician "in opposiiton" to state loud and clear that were they to come inot power they would change this or that policy, law, etc. of the current government is simply to be honestly stating the obvious.

Do you imagine it should be any other way? That for example, a "Tory" govenrment could pass a law saying "socialism, nationalization of property, etc. is hearby forever banned" following which any succeeding "Labour" government would be helpless?

Mike Novack
mail e-mail: stepbystpefarm

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