No Action on Global Warming Expected in Paris
David Roknich | 16.04.2008 19:45 | Climate Chaos | Globalisation | World
As night falls across the US, the sun will rise in Paris, where the largest polluters in the world will address the problem of global warming cause by carbon emmisions.
As I type this, a dog and pony show scheduled the amusement of "accredited journalists", has come to an end and the debates, which begin tomorrow are closed to the press. The Government of France has announced:
Major economies meeting on energy and climate (Paris, 17-18 April 2008)
*The third Major Economies Meeting on Energy and Climate Change (MEM), *which will be held in Paris on April 17 and 18, will be chaired by European *Affairs Secretary Jean-Pierre Jouyet. Brice Lalonde, Ambassador for climate *change negotiations, will represent France.
* The MEM is a forum for political discussion grouping 16 countries *accounting for 80% of world carbon dioxide emissions. Its mission is to *advance the talks on climate change.
* This meeting is specifically to prepare for the December 2009 *Copenhagen conference which will be preceded by the Poznan conference in *December.
It so happens that the "16 countries accounting for 80% of world carbon dioxide emissions" also have the greatest interest in maintaining a global economy based on the dominance of oil, so it will be interesting to see what level of inaction results from this gathering.
A press booth has been set up so that journalists can be at hand when the participants are prepared to release an announcement. Expect them to start arriving soon.
Official Contact:
Marina LOUVET 0033 1 40 81 27 65
Ministère de l’Ecologie, de l’Energie, du Développement durable, et de l’Aménagement du territoire
Service d’Information et de communication
Tour Pascal A 92055 La Défense cedex
David Roknich,

Major economies meeting on energy and climate (Paris, 17-18 April 2008)
*The third Major Economies Meeting on Energy and Climate Change (MEM), *which will be held in Paris on April 17 and 18, will be chaired by European *Affairs Secretary Jean-Pierre Jouyet. Brice Lalonde, Ambassador for climate *change negotiations, will represent France.
* The MEM is a forum for political discussion grouping 16 countries *accounting for 80% of world carbon dioxide emissions. Its mission is to *advance the talks on climate change.
* This meeting is specifically to prepare for the December 2009 *Copenhagen conference which will be preceded by the Poznan conference in *December.
It so happens that the "16 countries accounting for 80% of world carbon dioxide emissions" also have the greatest interest in maintaining a global economy based on the dominance of oil, so it will be interesting to see what level of inaction results from this gathering.
A press booth has been set up so that journalists can be at hand when the participants are prepared to release an announcement. Expect them to start arriving soon.
Official Contact:
Marina LOUVET 0033 1 40 81 27 65

Ministère de l’Ecologie, de l’Energie, du Développement durable, et de l’Aménagement du territoire
Service d’Information et de communication
Tour Pascal A 92055 La Défense cedex
David Roknich,
David Roknich
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