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If steps aren't taken to stem global warming

Mat Wright | 16.04.2008 09:24 | Ecology | Globalisation | Liverpool | London

Billionaire environmentalist says world has too many people

Ted Turner: Global warming could lead to cannibalism
Billionaire environmentalist says world has too many people

By Nessie @

Failure to address global warming will have us all dead or eating each other by mid-century.

So says Ted Turner, the restaurateur, environmentalist and former media mogul whose controversial comments have earned him the nickname "Mouth of the South."

If steps aren't taken to stem global warming, "We'll be eight degrees hotter in 30 or 40 years and basically none of the crops will grow," Turner said during a wide-ranging, hour-long interview with PBS's Charlie Rose that aired Tuesday.

"Most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals," said Turner, 69. "Civilization will have broken down. The few people left will be living in a failed state — like Somalia or Sudan — and living conditions will be intolerable."

One way to combat global warming, Turner said, is to stabilize the population.

"We're too many people; that's why we have global warming," he said. "Too many people are using too much stuff."

Turner suggested that "on a voluntary basis, everybody in the world's got to pledge to themselves that one or two children is it." or we will have to take matters into our own hands.

Turner went on to say that the global population needs to be cut "way back."

We can still beat this thing Turner said; we just have to have the nerve to do it.

The CNN founder also said he thinks his old network has veered too far away from serious news, instead favoring lighter stories delivered by attractive female "chickies" and opinion-based news such as Lou Dobbs' show.

Mat Wright


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  1. Ted Turner mouth of the South???? — Onlyme