April 11th 2008 - International Day of Truth Action - Photos
Truth Action | 14.04.2008 21:35 | Anti-militarism | Terror War | London | World
Members of We Are Change UK, http://www.wearechange.org.uk/ visited the United States Embassy in London this April 11th. We encountered some Iraqi refugee's and a large number of police officers.
We gave away more than 500 flyer's, a couple of dozen DVDs , and all in the rain. You could say that the weather was against us, but we just adapted to the situation and went in a big porch in front of a mall entrance in the city center, where apparently tons of young people were waiting to meet their party mates. So it was a great strategic location to engage conversation and meet people.
Most were somewhat amused by our signs at fist, so they didn't mind talking to us, they were curious and thankful at the end for the information. We made a lot of people look into the subject yesterday, I am personally very happy about this.
The new signs help out a lot, I met at least 5 people yesterday who had already watched loose change or some other documentary, they were even happier than me to see us there. This encourages everyone. It's exactly why we have to keep getting more and more visible. Tons of people already know but are hiding behind their computers subconsciously scared of the social taboo.
The Truth Action April 11th kicked off well. Time outside the ABC studios (picked due to their decision to not report on Mr Fujita speaking at the Australian 9/11 Truth Conference), was well spent.
We handed out around 300 DVDs and many good information fliers about Sept 11 and Fujita. It was the first time as a group we have used the "bull horn", we found it very effective for this type of action.
The police turned up however they only took down information for their co-intel ops(records).
We went for lunch at the Powerhouse Museum and we were almost assaulted physically, and we were verbally assaulted by security. John and this rude fellow were toe to toe for a few minutes.
After lunch we moved to the TAFE near the ABC and that went very well with the students. We then carried on up to the University of Technology UTS for the last hour till 5pm.
Here we are once again on the 11th in Stockholm. We had a nice meeting and dinner afterwards.
8 hours of outreach and visibility at Powell and Market
I went outside the Army Reserve center in Arden Hills Minnesota. I have been inside this place before. It required one weekend a month, two weeks a year.
I remember the oath. I stated my full name. I solemnly swore to protect and DEFEND the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.
The word soldier means 'one who stands alone'. With this month’s action, I'm still doing it. After all this time I'm still standing alone for the constitution.
Today, 4/11/2008, I chose to stand outside SAFECO FIELD in downtown Seattle where the Seattle Mariners were playing the LA Angles. Here are the numbers of people who had a GREAT opportunity to SEE my... "9/11 truth-partners in-PEACE" banner and attachments:
...9/11 was a FALSE FLAG ATTACK...
...ITS THE 11th...SEEK PEACE...
View / Download here (PDF)
Both ways on the ferry ride....400 folks...
At the ballpark...5,000-7,000 folks...
on the walk to-fro Safeco...1000 pedestrians and motorists...
...call it about 7,000 folks getting a glimpse and a good thought about 9/11 and peace...and all in a "four hour" period of time...
...handed out about 50 1/4 page info flyers [attached and created specific to Seattle issues]...
...had three terrific positive conversations...
...got seven "thank you for being here-you are doing a great job" comments...
...got one woman IN MY FACE as she asked for my info to explain my deal...which she read...and then "pursed it", and quietly walked away...
...got only one "perfect middle finger" from a pretty young white woman...pretty middle finger-pretty young woman...a brain spin...
...had a short conversation with one of our "Al Queda fighters" where he said that they were tough...
...and I said that I knew this because the USofA intelligence agencies had created them to be that way...
...and he walked away simply depressed and DEAD on his feet...PTSD frommy view...
...any young teenagers thinking of serving should have an opportunity to chat with this "dead man walking"...
Didn't have enough energy to walk three miles to close a "Dave Matthews-Dhali Llama" concert [sp] at the Key Arena...but they probably get it anyway...
Just another rewarding day out at CI ranch...caught some sun too...
Previous International Day of Truth Action reports:
March 11th 2008 http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/03/393439.html
February 11th 2008 http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/02/391158.html
January 11th 2008 http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/02/390707.html
December 11th 2007 http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2007/12/387706.html
November 11th 2007 http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2007/11/385787.html
Truth Revolution Video, 5 minute edit of Scott Noble's video Truth Revolution which documents the origins of the campaign for International Days of Truth Action on the Eleventh Day of Every Month.
Advert-free archive of Truth Revolution radio.
Some suggested sites and resources for further information about September 11th 2001:
Truth Action http://truthaction.org/
Truth Move http://www.truthmove.org/
911Truth.org http://911truth.org/
9-11 Review http://911review.com/
9-11 Research http://911research.wtc7.net/
Journal of 9/11 Studies http://www.journalof911studies.com/
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth http://www.ae911truth.org/
Complete 911 Timeline http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/project.jsp?project=911_project
September 11 Revisited http://911revisited.com/
9/11 Press for Truth http://www.911pressfortruth.com/
Other alternative media sites which cover 9/11 truth:
Unwelcome Guests http://unwelcomeguests.org/
TUC Radio http://tucradio.org/
Taking Aim http://takingaimradio.com/
Global Research http://globalresearch.ca/
Information Clearing House http://informationclearinghouse.info/
Truth Action
Cincinnati, Dallas, Jersey City, LA, Ottawa
14.04.2008 22:00
April 11th was a great day for Cincinnati 9/11 Truth because the group was able to hold two successful street actions on the same date. Three-hundred and seventy-five DVDs were quickly distributed in the morning at the University of Cincinnati and the group came back in the afternoon to hold a street action at a high-profile intersection next to the main campus.
We Are Change LA & LA 911 Truth Earth Day Festival Outreach
The day started with ice pellets coming down. By the time we got out on the streets it had turned to rain. Very chilly, but a great action all in all with 3 new activists joining us.
300 discs and 300+ fliers gone in just over an hour.
Truth Action
Los Angeles, Maple Ridge, Norfolk Virginia, Vancouver
14.04.2008 22:13
"We Are Change LA " Getting the word out on April 11
Morning / 405 Fry Northbound
Evening / I-10 Eastbound
Friday, April 11th and Saturday, April 12th, 2008
Civil Informationing in Maple Ridge, B.C. in the heart of the Fraser Valley (East of Vancouver)
Fraser Valley 9/11 Truth took to the streets of Maple Ridge on Friday with Marina and Wayne present from 3 pm until 6 pm during Rush Hour at our usual spot, at the corner of 224th St and Dewdney. Then, on Saturday we were out from 2 pm until 7 pm.
We had a new portable table and several new signs, and a new digital camera (still no video camera, sorry). Tracey brought a number of 9/11 books, including the 9/11 Commission Report to help demonstrate the inconsistancies, cover ups, obfuscation and lies that have been widely perpetuated. All went extremely well and totally civil. In two days, ony 2 people flipped us the bird, while many honked horns, waved and cheered us on as the drove by. Many passersby took over 100 DVDs and a bunch of 9/11 music CDs, as well as virtually all of our printed literture and Deception Dollars. We had some very interesting conversations with people who already knew much about 9/11. One young man named Steve who came by with two school friends (all are grade 12 students) expressed interest in joining us. He has been doing 9/11 Truth research and activism on his own for a while and was delighted to find us, and to receive some validation for what he has been telling his friends. We received no complaints or disparaging words from anyone passing by. We noticed a good spike of hits on our website, and several new sign-ups for our newsletter.
Of the many police cruisers that passed by, we noticed that all of the officers looked straight ahead and would not acknowledge our presence there, as if under orders to ignore us and pretend we weren't there. A number of fire trucks also passed by giving us no reaction whatsoever. We would like the RCMP, members of the local Fire Department and the Ambulance Service of B.C. to know that we are seeking Truth and Justice for 9/11 victims, many of whom were your brothers and sisters with the NYPD and NYFD, as well as paramedics. The official explanations for the murder of nearly 3000 people (including 24 Canadians) on September 11th, 2001 are totally inadequate. The physical evidence, the science, and the many eye witnesses (Including many First Responders) tell a completely different story than what we were led to believe, and point to complicity by the government, the property owner, city officials, and others, and a massive cover up.
The families of the victims and many survivors have called the 9/11 Commission report a farce and have been asking for a new, fair and impartial investigation into 9/11, as are many scholars, academics, engineers, architects, military and commercial pilots, air-traffic controllers, ex-military personnel, former high level CIA Officers, FBI Agents, former governemt insiders including numerous former Defense Ministers, and tens of millions of citizens world wide. We hope that you too will take a good look at the evidence, not only for the sake of those who died, but also because we hope that disclosure of all of the relevant facts will help to prevent such a fate for you or others in your position.
We are out on the streets voluntarily, civilly and peacefully, as a public service, because we care about Truth and Justice. No one should fear us nor fear full disclosure of the facts, except those who have something to hide, or something to gain from the illegal War on Terror, at the expence of 3000 innocent 9/11 victims. So, if you are hearing negative reports and propaganda about us, please consider the source!
We invite you, members of the RCMP, Firefighters and First Responders to stop by and talk to us anytime when you see us on the street. You will find that we are not anti-police, not anti-military nor anti-government, and not radicals. We are concerned citizens doing what we feel is our civic duty (as the media has failed ask the important questions or to connect the dots) for the sake of the victims, for our loved ones, future generations, our country and the world.
We all have a right to Truth and Justice, to Peace, our Rights and Freedoms, to real Security and Freedom from tyranny by rogue regimes, agencies, and corporate elite fascists. That includes you and your families.
Truth Action
14.04.2008 22:22
We had our best turn out of truthers since Sept 11th and had every walkway covered between the Art Gallery, the Museum and the Library.
We handed out over 150 dvds, a big stack of Franks flyers and a handful of deception dollars.
The building 7 screen worked well. Most people don't know what happened to WTC7 and our laptop video enabled them to quickly see that 9/11 was somewhat different to what they believed. It was fascinating to watch peoples reaction to the 3 minutes of footage (taken from LCFC & Zeitgeist) and proved well worth the effort.
Truth Action
14.04.2008 22:30
All in all Emily and I dished out over fifty copies of 911 Mysteries DVDs and 100 printed handouts to people who came to us for their free 911 Truth info.
Truth Action
14.04.2008 22:54
Awesome weather... we had a little trouble with the Pike Place security asking us on a few occasions to leave the area. We didn't. Pike Place PUBLIC Market is NOT PRIVATE and there is no reason the First Amendment should be suspended on sidewalks within a PUBLIC area - so we will continue to hold our ground. Our next visit could be interesting, so please bring video equipment with you so we can record their unconstitutional behavior should it persist.
Truth Action
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14.04.2008 22:38
Wow! that's
14.04.2008 23:25
Not so funny...
15.04.2008 07:15
Truth Now!
O My God
15.04.2008 08:03
I know that the whole 911 truth movement has devoted itself into turning Indymedia into its own news outlet but I had hoped that some admins would be able to control this nonsense although as we saw over the Atzmon cock-up a 'head in the sand' attitiude often crops up when difficult editorial decisions are required.
What a joke. For God's sake get it together there peeps.
what the hell is going in there ?
#5 Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule.
15.04.2008 08:56
Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation
Homepage: http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20050116064744556
'Day of Truth'
15.04.2008 09:10
You win Chris
15.04.2008 10:01
International Days of Truth Action
15.04.2008 10:24
And surprise - no religion required!
But you knew that, didn't you?
So are all the troll comments going to be completely recycled from here on in or can you guys come up with any new material?
Get it right, Ruby
What happens when we find out the truth?
15.04.2008 16:49
What will happen...? Who knows...
15.04.2008 20:08
Why try to find out how many have been killed in Iraq? Why try to find out what the depleted uranium is doing? Why try to find out what the role of oil is in the imperial war in the Middle East? With your attitude what is the point of any of these things since "what's gonna change?"
Why don't you just accept the all lies and stick with the corporate media, what are you even doing reading an alternative news site?
Give Me Some Truth
i'm sick and tired of hearing
from uptight-short sighted-
narrow minded hypocritics
all i want is the truth
just give me some truth
i've had enough of reading
by nuerotic-pyschotic-
pig headed politicians
all i want is the truth
just give me some truth
no short haired-yellow bellied
son of tricky dicky
is gonna mother hubbard
soft soap me
with just a pocketful of hope
money for dope
money for rope
i'm sick to death of seeing
from tight lipped-
condescending -mommies little
all i want is the truth
just give me some truth
i've had enough of watching
of schizophrenic - ego - centric
- paranoic - prima - donnas
all i want is the truth
just give me some truth
John Lennon
Good point @
15.04.2008 21:16
Tired of this.
Great stuff
15.04.2008 22:34
Not at all really Nothing like a religion. Just people waking up to how things actually are. It's perceived on different levels and every one s in fact ok
Please see that it's not about "capitalism" per se. It's about the system of rule, which always accummulates wealth and power to the same small group of people and organisations whether they call themselves capitalism, communism or whatever. The operative mechanisms are always the same and the same small elite always schlurp up the goods
Thanks for such a hopeful post
Something is wrong here..
16.04.2008 01:00
Thinking about it, the list of 'alternative media' sites that support them is shrinking at an alarming rate, a year or two ago a list of sites in support of the truth movement would have been ten fold. It appears that a lot within the alternative media are done with the truth movement and what's left is slowly collapsing in on itself.
I have sent truth movement test articles to the web sites found in google for "alternative media" and "alternative news" - the only ones to publish those truther articles was prisonplanet and conspiracyplanet. Surely that is a sign.
I also emailed the same sites with articles about Guantanamo, almost all published but strangely prisonplanet did not.
I say let the truthers post on Indymedia, let them make fools of themselves if they want to but for heavens sake don't stop people from expressing their opinion no matter what side of the debate they are on.
What's going on?
Something is very wrong...
16.04.2008 08:01
"the list of 'alternative media' sites that support them is shrinking at an alarming rate, a year or two ago a list of sites in support of the truth movement would have been ten fold"
List them please, can you even come up with 10 alternative media sites that "a year or two ago" were "in support of the truth movement" but are not now?
"I have sent truth movement test articles to the web sites"
What are "truth movement test articles"? Why should we anyone publish a "test article" -- it sounds like people suspected they were being sent disinformation, is this what you were doing and if so why?
"the only ones to publish those truther articles was prisonplanet and conspiracyplanet"
Can you provide the URL's of the (fake?) "test articles" that these sites published that you sent them?
"I also emailed the same sites with articles about Guantanamo, almost all published but strangely prisonplanet did not."
Can you supply the URL's of the articles you wrote on Guantanamo that these sites published?
It appears to me that some clear disinformation and abusive comments are being hidden here but some disinformation / misinformation is allowed, your comment being an example of this...
The 'anti-truth movement' - anonymous dictators
16.04.2008 08:45
14-04-2008 22:35 | 5 additions | 11 comments
If the truth movement is so insignificant, why are these supposed activists devoting so much time to undermining it with lies, disinformation and talk of majority consensus?
If it doesn't interest you - don't click on the fucking link ffs
sick of being told what I can and can't read
Collective Action
17.04.2008 14:22
Living in poverty with no hope of ever having a fair share of the world's resources is my truth. That's the one that keeps me working with other people against all States.
Collective Action and History Books
17.04.2008 17:42
The Terror Timeline: Year by Year, Day by Day, Minute by Minute Paul Thompson
The War On Truth: 9/11, Disinformation And The Anatomy Of Terrorism Nafeez Ahmed
The Road to 9/11 Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America Peter Dale Scott
You say that "We already know the truth. States torture, lie, repress, commit 'terrorist acts'." Yes, states do these things, and yes we know about it because researchers and activists uncover these things, but you seem to think that in the case of 9/11 these things should not be researched and a more accurate (more accurate than the corporate media's story) telling of it should not be sought? Why?
You want history books? How about you start with the ones above...
Grassroots Protests
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