Is the CIA behind the China-bashing Olympics protests?
Larry Chin | 12.04.2008 21:27 | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles | Terror War | London | World
The “Save Tibet,” “Save Darfur,” and “Help Falun Gong” movements are as deceptive as the “war on terrorism.” The “causes” are controlled by Anglo-American intelligence apparatuses and/or co-opted by them, in order to provide the masses with the propaganda justification for wars and intervention, and resource conquest.
Around the world, Beijing’s hosting of the 2008 Olympic Games has become the target of unprecedented, well-orchestrated and extremely hostile mass protests.
Meanwhile, geostrategic realities, and historical and current parapolitical fact, suggest that the protesters and passionate activists (in time-honored form [1]) have once again become the willing dupes, propaganda shills, and street bullies for “causes” created, fronted, and pushed by Anglo-American intelligence agencies (CIA, British intelligence, etc.) that continue to target a government (this time Beijing), in a host of long-term subversion and sabotage plans.
Tibet: imperial pawn
Behind the powerful din created by the popular and celebrity-embraced “Save Tibet,” campaign is the fact that the CIA is behind the Tibet independence movement.
According to many reports, the Dalai Lama himself may be a long-time CIA asset. See The Role of the CIA behind the Dalai Lama's holy cloak [2] and The Tibet Card [3].
In addition to being geostrategically situated, Tibet is also rich with oil and gas [4], and minerals -- and this is just part of the larger superpower warfare between the US and China. See Tibet, the "great game", and the CIA. [5]
The legions of pro-Tibet activists also seem largely unaware of the historical fact that the “holy land of compassion” has been a CIA pawn since the end of World War II. The infamous Tolstoi Mission sent CIA operatives into Tibet, with plans to establish it as a US military base, from which the US could control the entire Asian region. This activity flourished under the US-supported, opium-banked Nationalist Kuomintang regime of Chiang Kai-Shek.
When the Communists rose to power, the CIA trained Tibetans in guerrilla tactics to use against the regime in Peking, and thousands of Tibetans lost their lives in these battles. Who benefited? Who really gave the orders then -- and who is driving the agenda now?
There is little doubt that Anglo-American interests continue to use Tibet, exploit the image of Tibet as a holy place under siege, and bamboozle naïve (and well-heeled) outside activists with slick marketing, in order to undermine Beijing.
Denunciations of Beijing’s brutal crackdowns do not take into account the covert operations and outside infiltrations that triggered the crackdowns in the first place.
Outside forces behind Falun Gong
On the surface, and to uncritical eyes, practitioners of the practice of Falun Gong [6], a school of Chinese qi gong, are the innocent victims of horrific suppression by Beijing. In a situation parallel to the crackdowns in Tibet, it is also a fact that Falun Gong has been the recipient of years of vicious crackdowns and human rights atrocities across China.
But just as is the case with Tibet, there is more to the Falun Gong case than simple persecution. Outside political forces and corporate interests can be found pushing Falun Gong into increasingly political activities, including well-funded, well-organized, and ubiquitous worldwide protests against the Chinese Communist Party.
Among the foreign (predominantly Western) Friends of Falun Gong [7], we find the likes of Mark Palmer of Freedom House [8]. Freedom House is a quasi-intelligence front created by the CIA-connected Open Society Institute [9] of elite George Soros [10]. In addition to Palmer, Freedom House has counted among its top management the former CIA Director James Woolsey, neocons Bernie Aronson and Diana Negroponte, super elite Zbigniew Brzezinski, former Clinton National Security Advisor Anthony Lake, Clinton Commerce Secretary Stuart Eizenstat, and the late Congressman Tom Lantos and his wife.
Freedom House is backed by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) [11], which former CIA agent Philip Agee [12], and many others have amply documented, is a US intelligence apparatus that has been a driving force behind opposition forces (“democracy revolutions”) in many countries.
As pointed out by William Blum in his book, Rogue State, the CIA has created a host of “Trojan horses” such as the NED specifically to subvert foreign countries, under the guise of humanitarianism:
“The NED was set up in the early 1980s under President Reagan in the wake of the negative revelations about the CIA, in the second half of the 1970s . . . The idea was that the NED would do somewhat overtly what the CIA had been doing covertly for decades, and thus, hopefully, eliminate the stigma associated with CIA covert activities.
“It was a masterpiece. Of politics, of public relations and of cynicism.
“The National Endowment for Democracy was set up to 'support democratic institutions throughout the world through private, nongovernmental efforts' . . . In actuality, every penny of its funding comes from the federal government . . . NED likes to refer to itself as an NGO (non-governmental organization). The NED is a 'GO.'
“In a multitude of ways, the NED meddles in the internal affairs of foreign countries . . . In short, NED’s programs are in sync with the basic needs and objectives of the New World Order’s economic globalization, just as the programs have for years been on the same wavelength as US foreign policy.
“The NED, like the CIA before it, calls what it does supporting democracy. The governments and movements whom the NED targets call it destabilization.”
An analysis conducted in 1999 [13] (during the Clinton administration) offers a glimpse of the NED’s role behind a long list of “democracy” fronts -- including Tibet independence and Falun Gong. Just imagine what this list looks like today, in a time of war, spearheaded by the Bush-Cheney milieu.
For legitimate reasons, Beijing clearly suspects US and CIA involvement behind Falun Gong. Denunciations of human rights offenses committed against Falun Gong, however legitimate, are one-sided if they do not also take into account the funding and co-opting of the group by outside political forces.
Manipulation behind Darfur
Similar to the “Save Tibet” movement, the “Save Darfur”/“Stop Darfur Genocide” movement has become a worldwide cause celebre, embraced and trumpeted by a host of Hollywood celebrities and headline-loving political bigwigs, and aggressive activists. While this cause is continuously promoted by propaganda, and one-sided “Hotel Rwanda” type fare, the real geostrategic game being played in Africa is being largely ignored.
China and the US are just one of many nations whose political and corporate interests are battling over which controls the energy spoils [14] in Darfur, and the entire horn of Africa.
It is not just China doing business there. In fact, the Western oil companies have engaged in far more aggressive activities, for many years more.
Darfur is brimming with covert operations [15], and Anglo-American military-intelligence involvement behind tribal warfare, elections, cross-border military skirmishes, and massacres is undeniable.
In other words, there is a “great game” being played in Africa, just as there is one being played around Tibet. Through propaganda, China is being made into the single arch-villain.
Off-target passions, easily manipulated
Virtually every government on the planet is guilty of human rights abuses, and these abuses deserve to be exposed and protested. But to simplemindedly (and, with more than a little racism thrown in) protest China, based on human rights “causes” created, manipulated, and co-opted by Anglo-American intelligence propaganda is to fall directly into the hands of the exponentially greater violators of human rights all over the world: the United States and its allies.
Indeed, activists and protesters all over the world must ask themselves whose side they are really on, and to whose orders are they marching? The vast majority of both pro- and anti-Chinese protesters fail to acknowledge the complexities underlying their pet causes, or the corruption poisoning the situation from every side.
Far from actually alleviating any suffering in Darfur, Tibet or within China itself, activists are being guided into deepening the suffering; assisting the Anglo-American empire’s own plans to destabilize and conquer (energy-rich and strategically situated) Africa and (energy-rich and strategically situated) Tibet, and politically hamper Beijing.
China is the target of long-term US military and political aggression [16]. A full-blown superpower conflict is underway. China is being simultaneously used as the labor engine for the world’s capitalist economy, while being geostrategically and militarily encircled. China is also in the process of being financially seized and gutted by the World Trade Organization. Every move made by the Beijing government, particularly for its own stakes in oil and gas, have been violently contested by the Western powers.
China’s attempted rise to the world stage, out of decades of isolation, is headed off by rapacious US-led machinations. Today’s anti-Chinese Olympics protests are simply the latest manifestation.
It is no surprise that US presidential aspirants Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have jumped on the anti-Chinese Olympic boycott bandwagon, joining the worldwide anti-China propaganda noise. It is now politically expedient for all of the presidential nominees, as well as the Bush-Cheney administration, to hammer at Beijing, without bothering to mention the true complexities of US-China politics.
It is tragically ironic that the predominantly Western/developed market-based “Save Tibet” and “Save Darfur” activists and anti-China protesters have done relatively little, if anything to “save themselves.”
Compared to the militant zeal expended against China, relatively little passion or outrage has been aimed at the Bush-Cheney administration. These “activists” would rather focus on “saving those poor Tibetans and Africans,” even as their own human rights, liberties, material assets and well being have been systematically ripped away, by an openly criminal administration that (with the help of a corrupt Supreme Court, Congress, Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, etc.) enjoys absolute unchecked power.
The “Save Tibet,” “Save Darfur,” and “Help Falun Gong” movements are as deceptive as the “war on terrorism.” The “causes” are controlled by Anglo-American intelligence apparatuses and/or co-opted by them, in order to provide the masses with the propaganda justification for wars and intervention, and resource conquest.
The CIA’s “mighty Wurlitzer” has never been more deafening, and the masses are dancing to its tune.
Larry Chin
Hide the following 8 comments
CIA Involvement
13.04.2008 11:42
Any confluence of wishes / geopolitical strategy in these circumstances, of the CIA and human rights campaigners for a more open China, and more autonomous Tibet is not as you suggest a valid reason to stop protesting on behalf of these values, in fact I would suggest it is all the more reason to go for it. And I would suggest it far better to focus your polemic energy on ensuring that communication lines are opened up between protestors in the countries of the west and the citizens of China, so that the latter might be reassured that the protests are not directed at them, but rather at the Chinese goverment. There is a huge diffference in attitude towards authority in the two cultures and an urgent need to make a bridge between them; where we (and the media) are almost actively encouraged to challenge any governmental abuses of power we are able to discover, a cultural of deference based on Confucian ideals combine with state repression and withholding of info means the opposite is the case in China.
Our job is to unite in our struggle against state abuses, and the links between corporate interests and the nation states of the world as the Olympics so well embodies. And through this process to transform our nations, to rid them of this corporate corruption and to democratise them, from below so that all peoples, east and west alike may be truly free.
Also, please note a major difference between the Chinese regime and the Bush Cheney one you deplore, which is that the latter can and will be voted out whereas the other is the only Party allowed (in fact, it is a criminal offence fior a Chinese citizen to resign their Party membership).
Cosmic Indigenous Anarchist
The Other CIA
The Other CIA
Co-opted struggles
13.04.2008 12:01
Sure the Repuglicans can be voted out and replaced by the Demokkkrats - and then it will be business as usual.
Protest when our ruling elite tells us to - whilst doing nothing about the 'human rights' abuses in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine that they are directly resposible for - vote to keep the BNP out - and get some other racist party instead.
Is that really the best we can do?
The ruling class must be well chuffed that the left is so willing to sing along to the hymn sheets that the rulers invent and clearly don't believe in.
If the propaganda of the main stream media is all that you require, why bother to come to this site at all?
Nasty NED
@ The Other CIA
13.04.2008 14:23
Well if you live in the UK you full well know that if you do not participate in the "democracy" game by constantly registering to vote in the next elections you commit a criminal offence as well, which they remind you when they come in person to get you to sign the registration document, when you didn't send it back to them by mail before a certain date... Never experienced that ?
Other than that your vision of the world seems rather naive to me.
India recognizes Tibet as part of China and told the Dalai Lama to shut up and not do politics otherwise they kick him out of the country. Why is it so do you think ?
In my opinion it has got to see with national security considerations.
If Tibet were to secede under pressure of the West, it would nearly immediately sign treaties with the United States of America and those treaties would undoubtely provide for the establishment of 4/5 US military bases in Tibet.
Then the US could easily secretely deploy there 4 to 5 hundred nuclear tipped cruise missiles over the space of 2/3 year and it would then be in a position to launch a surprise attack at any time that would wipe India and China, the two most populated countries on earth, off the map in the space of a couple of hours.
There are a few reasons why the US might want to do this at some point in the future... All to see with big economic figures and the major threat to western economical suprematism those two countries represent IMO.
As for human rights and all that, the difference between totalitarian countries and the West has very much narrowed.
China in Tibet is cracking down on people who did loot, arson and murder and those who fomented that, arguably with the backing of the "CIA".
In the UK, a woman protester, who is certainly not backed by any intelligence agency, is sent to Holloway for speaking her mind in public about the foreign genocidal wars the UK wages abroad...
And you're arguing that it's good to protest against China in the company of those who send this woman in prison and commit genocide abroad, sending the message to the Chinese people that the protest is not directed against them but against their government...
Come on...
Dalai Lama a current CIA asset?
14.04.2008 09:27
"According to many reports, the Dalai Lama himself may be a long-time CIA asset. See The Role of the CIA behind the Dalai Lama's holy cloak [2] and The Tibet Card [3]."
Neither of those sites presents evidence that the Dalai Lama currently works for the CIA. He did work for them in the 1950s, 1960s and into the 1970s, however. I would like to see any evidence that indicates the Dalai Lama is still working for them, because otherwise this is just a smear.
both are evil
14.04.2008 09:42
for all that it is true that the protests about the PRC play into US hands' - it does not make them any less valid, justified or relevant. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, and it is becoming boring pointing out that a vile, reactionary regime becomes no better for the fact that current members of US govt think it so too.
Everything for Everyone
14.04.2008 21:03
Seeking Enlightenment
15.04.2008 12:00
Indonesia out of Papua
USA out of Hawaii
UK out of Scotland and Wales.
What about 'Israel out of Palestine' being replaced by 'Israel into Palestine'. Though how that can be achieved to restore the good relations between Moslems and Jews that existed in Moslem Spain is now virtually inconceivable. There is a Hamas Editor who Mossad need to talk to to learn his views on anti-semitism, it was a 1946 Jew who first expounded them to me. Had those intent on founding Israel listened to that Jew History would be different. It is now too late. The problem has become intractable short of Anarchy. Getting indoctrinated religious people to be good enough to live in a state of Anarchy is probably even more intractable.
Emigre: Do you have have inside information that the Dalai Lama no longer receives funds from the USA? Our friends in the CIA have certainly been cleaning up their own act and now refuse to do Bush's dirty work in renditions and interrogation. But Guantanamo still exists. Are people in Tibet now sending out funds to buy those Gucci shoes? Or are they funded directly by the likes of Gates and the Sage of Omaha, not from US taxes?
The use of the title Dalai Lama is dodgy, surely once the sixth Dalai Lama achieved enlightenment and disappeared there could be no more reincarnations. But I am now told (by a raving nutter) that the Dalai Lama is not a Bhuddist but a God, so I might be mistaken.
In Short, Yes
15.04.2008 19:59
by Jordan Thornton
September 18, 2005
Cindy Sheehan's courageous actions in Texas have captured the imaginations of an American public desperate for an end to this madness. We must give them something they can get behind, while the Bush/PNAC Regime is vulnerable, and before the next big Distraction we all sense is imminent. Let's send an unmistakable message of unity and determination to the world, and end this now before things get any worse.
Since the demonstrations which reversed the electoral decision in the Ukraine, I've heard and seen many Ukrainians talking about large groups of foreigners who were pivotal to their planning. Many of these groups were the ones responsible for paying for the food, shelter, and orange banners used by the protestors. I didn't think much of this, or the accusations of funding from agencies such as the CIA, until I saw the same thing occurring in Lebanon.
Then, a reporter for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Carol Off, did a piece explaining that the "spontaneous, grassroots" protests in the Ukraine were the result of CIA funding and planning over a period of ten years.
Sadly, the report lauded these tactics of Regime Change, but nonetheless, proved my point.
One thing I've noticed is the tightly-controlled Western media's willingness to ignore the unsubstantiated allegations made in Syria and Lebanon that the Central Intelligence Agency, or Israel's Mossad, or both, were responsible for actions like the assassination of Rafiq Hariri, and behind the recent Opposition Movements, while at the same time, parroting over and over the same unsubstantiated claims about Syria, emanating from the White House den of LIARS and thieves. Even media outlets which I consider better than the rest, like the CBC, are guilty of such irresponsibility. When pro-Syrian demonstrators turned out in the hundreds of thousands, proving the anti-Syrians to be the minority voice, the media downplayed these numbers.
Just feels a bit too staged for my taste ... What I find the most irresponsible about all of this is the fact that whoever is behind this, they are attempting (and succeeding) to divide the Lebanese People, and cause conflict both within the country, and towards Syria. This, of course, aids the Israelis and PNAC Americans, who both have an interest, and want to invade and occupy Syria (and perhaps Lebanon as well), as called for repeatedly by the agenda which has seen Bush/PNAC illegally invade two Arab nations already.
The CBC chose Janice Stein, a Zionist "Middle East Expert" to comment on the situation, and she said when she saw the demonstrations she "saw the colour orange". This was after the first anti-Syrian demo, when the colour scheme wasn't so pronounced. Since then, orange flags, placards, etc. have started “spontaneously" appearing in great numbers.
When I was in university, my Design professor brought in some Colour Researchers from the University of Edmonton, who lectured on the psychological, but also the PHYSICAL effects, colours have on the human body and mind. This red-orange colour is one of the "comfort colours", and you will no doubt remember seeing it in countless commercials (ING Direct, and the creepy, stereotypical European banker, anyone ...?).
Since the CIA, or some similar agency, is ultimately behind these carefully stage-managed displays, you know they understand what they're doing. I believe that we should be taking a cue from them, and striking while the iron is hot. This orange color scheme has been carefully crafted in order to transmit "armchair understanding" of these two manufactured crises, and make them appear to be popular uprisings.
Even though it was our Enemy putting it out there, for their own purposes, we should seize the opportunity to claim it for ourselves, since this IS a popular uprising, for the betterment of the world. After all, we have been granted an unprecedented peek inside the CIA's Handbook for Non-Violent Revolutionary Change, and you know damn well that they have studied all of the relevant psychological factors. We should not squander the opportunity we've been provided, and act while the soft underbellies of these monsters is exposed.
If you are to protest, from now on, DRESS IN ORANGE, and CARRY SIGNS OF ORANGE, rally at the feet of power, and the media, DEMANDING that the democratic Will of the People not be ignored. I guarantee this will send an instant message, not only to the Bush/PNAC/Bliar Regime, but to all Americans and to the world that sees it.
Keep your signs easy to read and understand, things such as "FIRE THE LIARS", "INVESTIGATE, IMPEACH, PROSECUTE" and at media centers, "LIARS", or "TRAITORS", or "COWARDS".
Groups should design some Talking Points, and designate members to speak with the reporters on-scene. In larger centers, you should inform the media of what's going to happen, and call the station’s News Director or Assignment Editor, and request to be interviewed. You could even take it further, and offer your services as an Activist Analyst for the day, just like they use ex-military personnel, and members of Right-Wing "Think-Tanks" to undermine our work. If they refuse, acknowledge their hypocrisy, stage a noisy rally at their front doors, contact their competitors, and when they arrive (and they will), talk to them.
Let's test these LIARS and War Criminals, and their media puppets, and see just how much they truly respect "Freedom & Democracy", the words upon which they attempt to justify the atrocities upon which they've built their fortunes.
Regardless of what happens, the message will be sent. We have nothing to lose. If something comes of this, then great. Follow up and celebrate. If the rallies are ignored, or treated by the police as those in the past, then you've just PROVEN these men to be the Hypocrites we all know them to be ... and this message will be transmitted in no uncertain terms around the world.
I'd like to see as many people as can not simply Rally for a few hours but for DAYS. Those who cannot make it there, plan and hold your own local rallies, and not only gather where your Government officials meet, but also where the media does its business.
Let's take this thing that was designed to dupe people into supporting what the Fascists in DC want, and turn it on its head. Let's use it as a tool for bringing that Fascism to its knees, and demonstrate the good intentions that were to be assumed about the "Orange Revolutionaries".
Remember, that we are the Majority, and Truth is our greatest Ally.
The only way we can fail, is if we fail to ACT.
P E A C E . . . ?
Jordan Thornton is an independent journalist, political activist, and screenwriter, who spent the past decade within the mainstream media, both in Canada and the United States. He can be contacted at
Behaviour of Tightly-Controlled Media A Sign