The control and power that Israel has over US + The Shabak - GSS + The Mossad [s
SHAHAR HLINOVSKY | 12.04.2008 20:42
...The Shabak - GSS (General Security Service) is the Internal General Security service of Israel....
...The Mossad - The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operation, is Israel Secret Intelligence service....
...The Mossad - The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operation, is Israel Secret Intelligence service....
Hi everyone
Last week I was arrested by the police while riding on TTC bus at Dundas west going east (on my way to work);
Since the police, RCMP and even so called “peace activist” are refusing to believe me when I claim I been targeted or under surveillance I bought a small digital Camera and every suspicious person, car… is recorded (on the camera), so there will no doubt.
After I took a few photos in front of my house, street, price choppers….ex’.
I have been stocked for an hour by (at list one) violent person who claimed that I harassed his girl friend (false accusation!) or some thing like that:
He threatened me and the TTC driver, then followed us around in his pickup truck and a couple of friends inside. TTC driver called the police and ordered me to stay on the bus because he believed I will be attacked and injured if I will step down…police arrived, after about an hour of “police investigation” I was arrested, they didn’t know what to charge me with but they wanted me to be arrested,- Finely they did. The charge was assault (?!)
I was held 3 days in detention facility.
But now I have about 150 pictures (on TTC, street, neighbourhood) that show how teams and individuals works as undercover spy or collaborators.
OH man, I asked you (Israeli-collaborators) so many times to leave me alone, but are so fascists and stupid…! – What can we do?
Construction of 30,000 homes planned in new W. Bank suburbs
By The Associated Press
Tags: Housing, West Bank
The Palestinian Investment Fund says it plans to build 30,000 affordable apartments in the West Bank and Gaza to ease a growing housing crunch.
...The Shabak - GSS (General Security Service) is the Internal General Security service of Israel....
...The Mossad - The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operation, is Israel Secret Intelligence service....
she has exposed for the American people the control and power that Israel
has over US, a power soon to be made even stronger by Congressman John Conyers "hate crimes" legislation; she has been roughed up by the "Blue Shirts" of the Bush/Bloomberg Nazi crime machine; and she has started a much-needed anti-war movement, a Populist grassroots let's-take-America back movement. She's a heroine of impeccable stature in so many ways; hence, the terrifying threat to Amerika's neo-Nazi movement. ....
...., there is absolutely nothing new about this "Jewish" Zionism supporting the new Nazism; old Zionism, as personified by the "Jews" Sulzbergers [NY Times], the Warburgs [Rothschild International Banking Illuminati] and even the Masonic B,nai B,rith! Zionist "Jews," all collaborated with Hitler, and today, that Zionism culminates in Israel.
Shahar Hlinovsky
Last week I was arrested by the police while riding on TTC bus at Dundas west going east (on my way to work);
Since the police, RCMP and even so called “peace activist” are refusing to believe me when I claim I been targeted or under surveillance I bought a small digital Camera and every suspicious person, car… is recorded (on the camera), so there will no doubt.
After I took a few photos in front of my house, street, price choppers….ex’.
I have been stocked for an hour by (at list one) violent person who claimed that I harassed his girl friend (false accusation!) or some thing like that:
He threatened me and the TTC driver, then followed us around in his pickup truck and a couple of friends inside. TTC driver called the police and ordered me to stay on the bus because he believed I will be attacked and injured if I will step down…police arrived, after about an hour of “police investigation” I was arrested, they didn’t know what to charge me with but they wanted me to be arrested,- Finely they did. The charge was assault (?!)
I was held 3 days in detention facility.
But now I have about 150 pictures (on TTC, street, neighbourhood) that show how teams and individuals works as undercover spy or collaborators.
OH man, I asked you (Israeli-collaborators) so many times to leave me alone, but are so fascists and stupid…! – What can we do?
Construction of 30,000 homes planned in new W. Bank suburbs
By The Associated Press
Tags: Housing, West Bank
The Palestinian Investment Fund says it plans to build 30,000 affordable apartments in the West Bank and Gaza to ease a growing housing crunch.
...The Shabak - GSS (General Security Service) is the Internal General Security service of Israel....
...The Mossad - The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operation, is Israel Secret Intelligence service....
she has exposed for the American people the control and power that Israel
has over US, a power soon to be made even stronger by Congressman John Conyers "hate crimes" legislation; she has been roughed up by the "Blue Shirts" of the Bush/Bloomberg Nazi crime machine; and she has started a much-needed anti-war movement, a Populist grassroots let's-take-America back movement. She's a heroine of impeccable stature in so many ways; hence, the terrifying threat to Amerika's neo-Nazi movement. ....
...., there is absolutely nothing new about this "Jewish" Zionism supporting the new Nazism; old Zionism, as personified by the "Jews" Sulzbergers [NY Times], the Warburgs [Rothschild International Banking Illuminati] and even the Masonic B,nai B,rith! Zionist "Jews," all collaborated with Hitler, and today, that Zionism culminates in Israel.
Shahar Hlinovsky
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13.04.2008 07:23
Nutter alert
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