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israel 'celebrates' 60 years of illegal military occupation of palestine

ruth | 12.04.2008 12:28 | Anti-militarism | Palestine | Social Struggles | London

This year marks 60 years of the creation of the state of Israel resulting in the ethnic cleansing of over 750,000 Arab Palestinians and the destruction over 400 of their villages. There are a number of disgraceful events planned by Zionist groups who do not represent the majority of British Jews or Israelis. These are mainly happening in London and Manchester in next few months, ignoring the reality of the ongoing illegal military occupation of Palestine.

It would be great to see the same amount of resistance to the Israeli 'celebration parade' as the Olympic flame recevied due to China's occupation in Tibet. End all occupations!
Parade on Sunday June 29th Manchester and London
More information on the route and the parade can be found at

On April 7 the Jewish National Fund had a fundraising dinner at Winsor Castle. Photos can be see at
The JNF was established in 1901 as the land settlement wing of the World Zionist Organisation. It became one of the primary instruments involved in planning for the dispossession and expulsion of the Palestinians.

More information on the creation of the State of Israel – Palestine’s Nakba- ('catastophe')

In 1948 over 750,000 Palestinians were driven from their homes and their lands by a systematic campaign of terrorism launched against them. The Israeli state legitimised the theft of their lands, houses, property and businesses offering no compensation and has continued to refuse the right of the refugees to return. The creation of the state of Israel was an act of dispossession – a brutal, colonialist assault on the Palestinians.
The United Nations had proposed a partition plan giving 55% of ancient Palestine for a Jewish state, but the Zionists, who had targeted the whole of Palestine for the creation of a Jewish State long before the Nazi atrocities, took 78% of the land using terrorist tactics and military force. The civilized world regards these acts as war crimes but Zionists, then and now, see them as the wholly necessary and justified means for the creation of their Jewish State.

Those 750,000 refugees and their descendants, over 7 million of them, still live today dispossessed and destitute in refugee camps throughout the region. Israel is in illegal occupation of Palestinian lands in violation of numerous UN resolutions - the longest and most brutal military occupation in history. It is still persistently and grossly breaching international law and infringing fundamental human rights with impunity, especially in the Gaza strip. Its own deeply racist society treats its Palestinian citizens with institutionalized discrimination. We therefore owe it to these people not to allow Israel, and its supporters worldwide, by celebrating the events of 1948, to obliterate from history the sufferings and injustice that they endured.



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In 1948 750,000 Jews were expelled from arab countries!

12.04.2008 13:30

In 1948 750,000 Jews were expelled from arab countries. These refugees went to live in Israel. The Jews are also not illegally occupying Palestine either as there has been a continous Jewish presence in Palestine for around 1,800 years. Within decades of the expulsion of Jews from Israel by the Romans in AD 70 they started returning in small numbers at first. But by 1900 Jews made up ten per cent of the population Palestine. Many bought land in Palestine on which to farm.

Jews in the Middle East have also face persecution and pograms from arabs for centuries. It was for this reason that they wanted their own state. Also contrary to popular opinion Britain did not create help to create the Jewish state of Israel in fact Britain tried to prevent Jews from Europe from reaching Palestine from the 1920s onwards. This policy by Britain contributed to the large numbers of Jews in Europe who fell victim to the Nazi persecution and later the holocaust of the 1940s.


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12.04.2008 23:18

You didn't mention that the Jews offered to accept the plan for a Jewish state on 55% of the land (of which most would have been in the Negev), but the Arab states rejected this, including the majority part of Palestine that had been renamed Jordan.

The Arab states then refused to absorb the Palestinian refugees, in spite of the similar number of refugees who passed in the opposite direction. Greece isn't demanding the return of Greek refugees from 1922 to Turkey, nor are India/Pakistan demanding their refugees can return, nor Germany millions to Poland and Czechoslovakia.

is not constructive

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Good article

13.04.2008 08:49

Another excellent Indymedia UK article on the problem of Jews living in our Moslem lands. Like so many Moslems I am so very grateful to the peoples of Indy-Media who are working to help us drive the Jews out of Palestine, we will not forget you when the land is ours again.

Long Live Palestine !
Long Live Islam !
Death to all Jews !


The United Nations

14.04.2008 17:33

Why should anyone care what the United Nations has to say on Israel or any other matter? The UN allows an evil regime like China a seat on its main commitee, and allowed the Soviet Empire a sat there too. The UN is no moral authority on anything.


To Pete

15.04.2008 12:21

You forgot to mention that the UN also seats evil countries such as the US Britain and France on the security council. Also another evil entity in the UN is Israel which has never seen any action taken against it. Is the UN a farce? Is western democracy a farce? even more so.


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