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Audacious Space Cinema

AUDACIOUS SPACE COLLECTIVE | 11.04.2008 16:40 | 2008 Days Of Action For Autonomous Spaces | Free Spaces


@ The old housing office - eastgate (opposite primark!)
07526 261061

Presents… a weekend of radical documentaries

Occupy, resist, squat!

Friday 11TH APRIL 2008

7 - 8pm European autonomous Spaces Part I

Direct Action against Apathy shorts on ‘autonomous spaces’. DAAA made some documentaries back in 2005 about European autonomous spaces. Here we feature three of them: Barcelona, our very own A-spire from Leeds and a secret location!

8-9pm – Rob Newman
Live from the 2007 Camp for Climate Action, we have Rob Newman’s hilarious and political sharp stand up on oil, war and direct action.

Saturday 12TH APRIL 2008

2 - 3pm European autonomous Spaces Part II
Back with 3 more shorts from Direct Action against Apathy: Nottingham (Sumac Centre), Christiania and Amsterdam

3 - 4 pm Boom - the sound of eviction
Story of gentrification and resistance from downtown san Francisco

4 - 5 pm Those who dance
Inspiring story of resistance from Rossport in Ireland where a community is taking on the massive multinational Shell to stop them building an oil pipeline.

5 – 5.30pm The story of Joe Hill
Story of legendary itinerant, folk hero Joe Hill - a key agitator and wobbly (IWW) organiser

5.30 – 6pm Hands of our homes
Short documentaries abot communities resisting privatisation and PFIs from around the UK

6 – 7.30pm The Take
Story of workers in Argentina who occupy their factory after the 2001 economic crash.

7.30 – 9pm Dockers
Story of amazing 1994 Liverpool dockers strike whose struggle spread around the world.

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12.04.2008 07:26

the address is 21-27 the Headrow, not Eastgate as stated above

seeya down there!
