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Islington council kept in dark over "Death Lab" on border with Camden.

London Against Camden Danger Lab | 11.04.2008 14:41 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Other Press | London | World

We contacted Islington council who it appears have not been informed by Camden council {or anyone else} about the plans for "The World's largest ever, highest level, virus containment facility and animal testing lab" to be built in Kings Cross on the Camden side just a few footsteps from the border with Islington. We wonder, what contingency plans, if any have been drawn up in the event of terror attack or virus leak at the site, scene of 7/7 and 21/7 bombings. Foot and Mouth disease was a govt lab leak.

In response to our email Ahmet Kemal the Senior Environment officer for Islington Borough council said:

I have checked our database and we have no information or knowledge of such a lab opening up in the Kings Cross area. Please do not hesitate to contact me.
Regards Ahmet Kemal.

We put the blame for this with Camden council and the mainstream media {it was on the ten o'clock news once, for around 30 seconds...} who have maintained an almost blackout on coverage regarding this. It seems they want to sneak this through with no thought for contingency plans in the event of emergency, local opinion {this will affect Islington every bit as much as Camden, being so close...} or how this will affect local businesses and residents.

If you live in Islington you can write with your concerns to :
Ahmet Kemal
Senior Environmental Health Officer
London Borough of Islington
Public Protection Division
Commercial _ West Team
3rd Floor
222 Upper Street
London N1
Tel : 0207527 3230 Fax 02075273057

alternative contact : Commercial Support Team 02075273816

Ask them to lobby Camden council and to ask Camden what they are playing at. Tell thewm how dangerous this lab will be. It will become a prime terror target, the threat of virus leak is very real {Foot and Mouth / Bird Flu / Plague / Ebola / TB / Measles etc}, protests from Animal Rights activists, loss to businesses locally {Kings Cross is being regenerated...}, how this will affect YOU.
The links with the proof about the lab {Times Online etc} are on our webpage

London Against Camden Danger Lab
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Even people on the estate are "in the dark" over's been told.

12.04.2008 23:22

We spoke to people on the estate and very few people knew anything about it, despite "consultations". Hardly anyone in Camden knows let alone anywhere else. Drastyic action is needed and urgently. Local people are scared and angry over this. I should add that they are NOT scared of the Animal Rights is the council, the MRC and the governement who are treating local people like dirt. This could well lead to riots not seen since the days of the poll tax fights with half of Somers Town / Camden being arrested for "terorism" for speaking out. This stinks of corruption and Gordon Brown, Frank Dobson, Keith Moffitt et al should hang their heads in shame.


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17.06.2008 17:02

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