Community Empowerment
Mike Lane | 09.04.2008 12:16 | Liverpool
Whitehall working through local government are experts at social engineering. They know exactly how we think and what they have to do to convince us of what is best for us. What are they up to and how do they work within our communities to enable them to impose their agendas onto us practically free of any real opposition?
I am making a documentary film about local government council officers and how they work within socially deprived communities.
The issues I will be looking at are community empowerment, fact or fiction? Structures used by officers and community outreach workers and whether those structures are conversant with real democratic procedures.
Is local government oppressive? Has local government evolved into an oppressive force in our communities? I will also be looking at the cultural perspective of British working class people who live in socially deprived communities and at the issue of whether they actively participate in their own subjugation by agencies that work within socially deprived communities, especially communities that have been earmarked for regeneration.
I will also be looking at the issue of antisocial behaviour and criminality.
I am looking for people who have worked in the community and any academics that would be interested in giving their views on these subjects or other subjects connected with the latter.
The issues I will be looking at are community empowerment, fact or fiction? Structures used by officers and community outreach workers and whether those structures are conversant with real democratic procedures.
Is local government oppressive? Has local government evolved into an oppressive force in our communities? I will also be looking at the cultural perspective of British working class people who live in socially deprived communities and at the issue of whether they actively participate in their own subjugation by agencies that work within socially deprived communities, especially communities that have been earmarked for regeneration.
I will also be looking at the issue of antisocial behaviour and criminality.
I am looking for people who have worked in the community and any academics that would be interested in giving their views on these subjects or other subjects connected with the latter.
Mike Lane
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10.04.2008 21:07