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IMC-UK anti-Semitic transformation complete?

Strepsil | 08.04.2008 09:59 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | London

In the past if someone posted anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, comments appealing to moderators would be displayed, and then the offending post or comment would be hidden.

In the past if someone posted anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, comments appealing to moderators would be displayed, and then the offending post or comment would be hidden.

Now the reverse is happening!

See what happened to my comments at



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08.04.2008 10:16

Of course Indy UK is anti-semitic ! Why are people still finding this hard to understand. It's not through the choice of most contributors or even most of the admins but the few admins who do most of the work hold views that are anti-semitic so that the way the site comes over.

I now ignore any post which mentions Israel or Jews and concentrate on the true grassroutes reporting that Indy was set up for.
