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BNP candidate: 'The Asians are rubbish...'

Lancaster Unity | 04.04.2008 20:13 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | London

Beacon's back!

The BNP is currently making a great deal of fuss about the selection of Derek Beacon to fight in the Orsett ward on Thurrock, tucked away to the east of Greater London.

According to the BNP's deputy leader, Beacon 'is the chap that turned British politics on its head when it [sic] was elected in Millwall in 1993'. He certainly did, for he is possibly the only politician ever to declare shortly after being elected that he had no intention of working for a large proportion of his constituents. On September 17th 1993 he told the Evening Standard;

‘I am only going to represent the white people. I will not represent Asians. I will not do anything for them. They have no right to be in my great country.’

No great surprise then that he was resoundingly booted out the following May...

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Wow Thurrock must well happy this gentleman has come to save them

06.04.2008 17:52

Wow Thurrock must well happy this has come to save them & scapegoat other hardworking people


so what's your problem?

06.04.2008 21:56

Nobody wants him. Why do you think everyone needs you to tell them that? Or are you just one of the bossy middle-class bossy boots who thinks you know better than everyone else?


Fook me

06.04.2008 22:37

Why do you think everyone needs you to tell them that?

Maybe not everyone knows what this guys like.

Or are you just one of the bossy middle-class bossy boots who thinks you know better than everyone else?

Jeez, what crawled up your arse? Perhaps LU is just trying to inform people? Or perhaps you're just a BNP troll?


The BNP are pricks

07.04.2008 17:18

Keep turning those rocks then Isolate and Attack them every time they show their shaven heads.

Combat Combat 18