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Cops say they'll confiscate anti Chinese olympics banners

justice for Tibet & all political prisoners in China | 03.04.2008 23:18 | Repression | London

It was just said on the news that the cops will be confiscating banners during the olympic torch crap going on in London this Sunday.

More details on this daft torch carrying ceremony here:
It goes without saying that the psychotic regime ruling China should never have been awarded the olympics in the first place as it legitimises their truly awful humans rights abuses to the rest of the world. I also know our own regime is falling over itself to arse lick to the Chinese regime because we can't get enough of their cheap shoddy goods produced by nearly slave labour but I'm wondering if the cops would have ANY grounds for confiscating banners? After having watched the Channel 4 undercover in Tibet documentary on human rights abuses in illegally occupied Tibet on Monday:
made me realise that things are FAR worse than even I imagined. Compulsory sterilisation of Tibetan women, blatant ethnic cleansing, confiscation of land and virtual imprisonment of nomads, shooting dead of KIDS as they tried to escape over the border to Nepal, 13 year prison sentences for political protesters. So what I'm thinking is that we would all be failing as citizens of this world if we don't at the very least wave some kind of banners protesting at China's human rights record. If the cops do perform a mass confiscation then we should swamp them with a mass police complaint, unlawful arrest claims etc. Would make them look ridiculous after it's all over. Now I'm thinking about this, I recall it's all happened before when Chinese psycho leader himself visited in 2005:
etc. Cops got blasted over that.

justice for Tibet & all political prisoners in China
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Falun gong

04.04.2008 00:39

The Chinese regime fully supported by the Rockefellers in times long past is the model laboratory for the New World Order, soon to be passed, if you guys have anything to do with it
Slave labour,mashed striking workers,internees marked for their tissue types and DNA and organ harvesting, any belief or culture outside the officially sanctioned
The Chinese Olympic presence in London ought to be overwhelmed by the protesters
Of course it won't because these genocidal overlords haven't been exposed
They are disastreous


I forgot to mention

04.04.2008 08:57

The forced sterilisations that involve the cutting of fallopian tubes through an abdominal incision were carried out without anaesthetic. It beggars belief that we should be doing any trading at all with a regime that carries out such atrocities.

justice for Tibet & all political prisoners in China

lacking credibility

04.04.2008 10:34

may i suggest targeting the human rights abuses committed by the British regime before moving onto criticise other countries


anti-Chinese?Anti-Seb Coe

04.04.2008 12:49

Surely you mean anti-Chinese government/junta. Not anti-Chinese which would seem a little racist? Also does this mean that anti corporate olympics ones are OK. with the Babylon? Another point - what about that scumbag corporate colonialist country known as England ( OK the english government and all the fash who voted for it and those other thieving parties in our local councils) busy raping Africa through nice little PFI and ex state companies such as the Commonwealth Development Corp. as well as invading and occupying other places for oil and other commodities. Big cheer to the Greek state for their repression and continuing the tradition of attacking the homeless and making people homeless in the name of the Olympics. and destroy Coke.


no credibility

04.04.2008 12:57

Pardon me, but when was the last time the British government carried out ethnic cleansing against its own citizens, and forced sterilisations without anaesthetic? Defending human rights is an INTERNATIONAL issue. Yes, you should complain about human rights abuses in your own country, but it doesn't stop there. British protestors can more effectively protest about human rights abuses in China because we are not going to be shot, tortured or imprisoned for lawful protests. So it's imperative we get involved! There is no hypocrisy in that. The hypocrisy is on the part of the politicians who complain about human rights failings by the Chinese state, but then say and do nothing about the companies that are doing business there.

Andy Citizen
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04.04.2008 13:12

i see you are interested in human rights

these do not stop at freedom of speech. they extend to rights to food, water, shelter, security etc

did any of you blink an eyelid during the wars in the DRC in the last few years? did you march on parliament to fight for their rights? No

how about the annexation of Ireland- how would you respond to demands from Chinese human rights activists that Britain frees Northern Ireland from its evil clutches?

by the way have you heard about the wars in Iraq and Afghanstan or has that slipped off your radar? what about the show trials for terrorists and animal rights activists in Britain? what about siddique khans constituent who has been imprisoned since 2004 without charge? detention centres etc etc etc

by changing things at home you might stand a chance of influencing government policy


Oh grow up

04.04.2008 15:31

Yes we all get it, no-one should be protesting anything until your own pet issue has been dealt with and no-one's protest has any credibility until they've attended every protest that's important to you.

There is some seriously bullshit reasoning bouncing around IMC.

Why do so many seem to think that a person can only be aware of one problem at a time? A call out to take action against one issue is not a de facto call to abandon every other issue you are involved with.

MonkeyBot 5000

The Sad Fact of the Matter

04.04.2008 22:52

is the the Tibet issue has been stoked up by West ahead of the Olympics so the they can use it as something of a loss leader by pining the Chinese down to that one issue in order to secure concessions on trade issues while once again leaving the Tibetians to their slaughter.

So if you want to go out on Sunday and protest for richer Americans at the expense of Tibetian dead feel fucking free but don't expect me to be waving that banner next to you.