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Police Complaints Proceedings Initiated Following Protest Raids

Source | 03.04.2008 17:07 | Climate Chaos | Repression | Social Struggles

Two protesters whose homes were raided and searched while they were in police custody have initiated complaints against Nottinghamshire police following advice from a solicitor.

After a peaceful protest at power giant E-On's Central Nottingham offices on Tuesday April 1st, two demonstrators were arrested on suspicion of Aggravated tresspass, despite a police statement given less than two hours earlier that no arrests would be made if the protesters agreed to move from their positions in front of the building at a specified time. Following negotiation between police inspector John Davis and Eastside Climate Action police liason Bob Fisher, Davis read a statement saying that at 10am a warning would be given for protesters to move from the area or risk facing arrest.

At 9:53am a warning was given, following which protesters immediately removed themselves from their positions. Police then arrested two people, who were taken to Bridewell police station and detained for over nine hours, while their houses were raided in search of evidence of charges that were dropped later that same day.

Custody records concur that the search was authorised in respect of evidence of the alleged trespass, however as police were in attendance at the scene were the trespass was alleged to have taken place, and the arrestees remained in the same position in front of the building throughout the protest, police could not have reasonably expected to find any evidence of such a trespass elsewhere.

After eight hours in detention the arrestees were given access to a solicitor, who had already logged a complaint about the 'dirty' search. Following their release the protesters were advised and have today initiated formal complaints about Nottighamshire police's authorisation and execution of these searches. The complaints were recorded at St Anns and Radford Road stations and will initially be investigated by the police's Professional Standards Department. In cases where the police fail to adequately investigate or address complaints, the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) are called in to manage or review complaints against the police.



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Sue them

03.04.2008 18:00

Sue the cops, that's what everyone always say in these situations!



03.04.2008 20:59

I had a trawl through my recordings and all I could find was this brief and poorly recorded warning saying 'move or I will arrest you' I can't be sure who this is aimed at, although i can confirm that it was made while I was watching the arrest being made.


for fuck's sake - think before...

03.04.2008 21:41

For fuck's sake, think before you post info on the internet! That audio recording could fuck up people's defence or ability to sue - if you think such things (or photos, etc) might be useful then ONLY ever give them to the defendants or the action's legal support.

If they could be used against people, not only should you NOT distribute them publicly, but you should delete them in case the police get hold of them. THINK THINK THINK!!!

And complaining about police actions to the IPCC can and does fuck up any chance of sueing the police. You can always make a complaint at a later stage.

legal eye

Sorry If i upset you there.

03.04.2008 23:33

Of course if it was actually of any use I wouldnt have posted it up. All it is is a police warning to someone anonymous. It cant be placed. I listened to the recording several times and i could hear anything of it.

The police already have full video and sound recorded evidence- they were there filming the whole time. And they were certainly filming and recording when I was. They certainly have everything they need. Jeez. Give people a break, theres nothing on there that could hurt anyone.

If its making you uncomfortable then I'll ask the IMCers to take it down but there realy isnt anything there of worth to either party.