Response to Operation Happy Shopper
John Paulman | 03.04.2008 15:46 | Education | Indymedia | Birmingham
Ever since the silly Anonymous vs Scientology 'War' begun, the internet has been filled with info coming from Anonymous.
Some of this information, I feel, (specifically that posted here on IndyMedia) is overly biased.
So, I went down to Queens Square today with the intention of clearing some stuff up.
I spoke to two CCHR reps today, one of whom was more qualified to answer some of the questions, including stances on Anonymous who have been protesting anything they see as linked to Scientology.
This first article is an immediate response to an AnonBiased report, which you can find (if so you wish) at the bottom of the page.
In this article, I will offer a synopsis of the conversation had, a more detailed article will be up as soon as possible.
First of all, the CCHR was co-founded by a retired Psychiatrist, and a Scientologist who disagreed with the mass drugging of Children of very young ages.
It is not a Scientologist front group, and not everyone attached to the CCHR are Scientologists; a fact Anonymous would want you to believe.
I can tell you, I was worried about meeting [name] at the CCHR exhibit in Queen's Square today based on some of the Anon material I have read.
And I appreciate many of you may also be concerned at what you have read.
[name] at the CCHR kindly gave me his email address if I had any questions, though he wished that the email address was not published.
Therefor, if you have any questions you would like me to pass onto [name], feel free to email me at
This email has been set up purposely for dealing with this issue, I am happy to forward on any questions and email back the responses, though spam and any hateful comments or statements will be deleted and ignored.
Expect more on this subject very soon.
Some of this information, I feel, (specifically that posted here on IndyMedia) is overly biased.
So, I went down to Queens Square today with the intention of clearing some stuff up.
I spoke to two CCHR reps today, one of whom was more qualified to answer some of the questions, including stances on Anonymous who have been protesting anything they see as linked to Scientology.
This first article is an immediate response to an AnonBiased report, which you can find (if so you wish) at the bottom of the page.
In this article, I will offer a synopsis of the conversation had, a more detailed article will be up as soon as possible.
First of all, the CCHR was co-founded by a retired Psychiatrist, and a Scientologist who disagreed with the mass drugging of Children of very young ages.
It is not a Scientologist front group, and not everyone attached to the CCHR are Scientologists; a fact Anonymous would want you to believe.
I can tell you, I was worried about meeting [name] at the CCHR exhibit in Queen's Square today based on some of the Anon material I have read.
And I appreciate many of you may also be concerned at what you have read.
[name] at the CCHR kindly gave me his email address if I had any questions, though he wished that the email address was not published.
Therefor, if you have any questions you would like me to pass onto [name], feel free to email me at

This email has been set up purposely for dealing with this issue, I am happy to forward on any questions and email back the responses, though spam and any hateful comments or statements will be deleted and ignored.
Expect more on this subject very soon.
John Paulman