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Beyond the Green Zone

Hamarket Books | 01.04.2008 23:52 | Iraq | Terror War | London

Dahr Jamail, one of the few independent, unembedded U.S. journalists covering Iraq speaks in U.K. and Ireland. As John Pilger writes of Jamail, "While so much reporting from Iraq has remained embedded and wrong, Dahr Jamail's courageous truth-telling from the frontline has been a beacon."

Acclaimed Journalist Dahr Jamail Tours the United Kingdom and Ireland, April 7-12

Beyond the Green Zone:
Dispatches from an Unembedded
Journalist in Occupied Iraq

"While so much reporting from Iraq has remained embedded and wrong, Dahr Jamail's courageous
truth-telling from the frontline has been a beacon." —John Pilger

"Essential for anybody who wants to know what is really happening in Iraq. A book which reports what Iraqis endure and what has happened to them during the occupation." —Patrick Cockburn, foreign correspondent, The Independent, author, The Occupation

"From the earliest days of the war, Jamail has been a human conduit for the voices of Iraqis living under U.S. occupation. In the face of tremendous personal risk, his commitment to the crucial, principled task of bearing witness has never wavered, and this extraordinary book is the result." —Naomi Klein, author, The Shock Doctrine and No Logo

IN LATE 2003, weary of the overall failure of the US media to accurately report on the realities of the war, Dahr Jamail embarked to Iraq to report on the war himself. His unembedded dispatches were quickly recognized as an important media resource, featuring exclusive, on-the-ground coverage of the major events of the early occupation. Jamail spent a total of 8 months in occupied Iraq, as one of only a few independent US journalists in the country, and has also reported extensively from Syria, Lebanon and Jordan.

Jamail now writes for the Inter Press Service, The Asia Times and many other outlets, with reports published in the Nation, The Sunday Herald, Islam Online, the Guardian, Foreign Policy in Focus, and the Independent. He will be speaking on his new book, Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist in Iraq (Haymarket Books).


April 7th--Stirling, Scotland
University of Stirling, 5:00 pm
Pathfoot Lecture Theatre

April 8th--Glasgow, Scotland
University of Strathclyde, 5.30 p.m
5.14 Graham Hills Building

April 9th--Dublin, Ireland
Dublin Institute of Technology, Aungier St., 6:30 pm
In a debate with RTE, moderated by Pepe Escobar

April 10th--London, England
The Old Lecture Theatre, 7:00 pm
University of Westminster, 309 Regent Street

April 11th--Totnes, England
Methodist Church, Fore Street, 7:30 pm

April 12th--Taunton, England
Friend's Meeting House
3 Bath Place, Taunton, TA1 4EP

Tour Sponsored by Haymarket Books (US)

Locally sponsored by the University of Strathclyde; University of Stirling Department of Film, Media, and Journalism; MediaBite; Dublin Institute of Technology School of Media; The Real News Network; Media Workers Against the War; Totnes Peace Group; Taunton Peace Group


MEDIA INQUIRIES contact, Haymarket Books:

00 1 773 583 7884,

Jamail will be available for interview live and by phone April 6-14.

FOR MORE INFORMATION on the book or events, visit:

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