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UK teachers set for first national strike in 21 years

xConorx | 01.04.2008 21:59 | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

Members of the National Union of Teachers are set to take part in the first national teachers strike in 21 years in response to the government's failure to keep pay-rises in-line with the rate of inflation.

After four years of below-inflation pay increases, up to 200,000 members of one of the biggest UK teaching unions, the National Union of Teachers (NUT), are set to strike on April 24th. The membership voted for a one-day walkout. 75% of those voting were in favour of a one-day walkout, with 25% against. Turnout for the vote was 32%.

NUT's last national strike was under Margaret Thatcher's goverment in 1987. This latest call for industrial action is in response to the proposed 2.45% pay-rise, which, while above the 2% cap prime minister Gordon Brown called-for on public sector pay increases, falls below the current 4.1% rate of inflation. Teachers says the propsed 2.45% increase reflects a siginificant cut in the standard of living for both primary and secondary level teachers.

NUT members have voted overwhelmingly in favour of the campaign to stop cuts in the real pay of teachers.
The government is wrong to determine a pay increase for teachers below the rate of inflation. The rate of inflation is presently 4.1% and teachers will receive for 2008 2.45%.
The consequences of real term pay cuts are familiar to us. They were a feature of the 'boom and bust' years before 1997. In that period schools suffered from recruitment and retention problems - there were teacher shortages and morale was low. The NUT wants no return to those bad old days.
I call on the government to think again and ensure that salaries at least keep pay in line with inflation and that there is a recognition of the continuing workload pressures on teachers."
- Steve Sinnott (NUT general secretary)

The 2% cap urged by Gordon Brown is based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI, 2.1%), while teachers wanted the pay-rises to be matched to the Retail Price Index (RPI, 4.1%), which takes into account prices of housing, mortgage rates and is a more accurate reflection of actual costs of living. Many new teachers are facing student loan repayments, the interest-rates of which were matched to RPI - this has further angered teachers.

Other teaching unions, such as the NASUWT had previously accepted the proposed 2.45% rise, having perceived it as favourable in comparison with other public-sector workers who received a 1.9% rise. NASUWT "leader" Chris Keates suggests a priority for their members is excessive workload, not pay.

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not a chance

01.04.2008 22:08

So 32% turnout on 200,000 is 32,000 workers, with around 25,000 (75% of 32%) wanting to strike. So thats 25,000 out of 200,000 just over 10% of teachers!!

They won't strike if the unions act as they are, sad but true!



Dissent in the ranks...

02.04.2008 18:40

Myself and the great majority of my esteemed colleagues voted against a strike in these terms. A decrease in class size, better working conditions etc would be reasons to strike; they will perhaps change the face of education for both pupils and teachers. Throwing money at teachers who do not have the time or energy to spend it due to ridiculously long working hours, disruptive pupils and all the other glorious battle scars of the modern educator is NOT a solution. The govt need to work on attracting and retaining a teaching workforce based upon the benefits of the vocation - if they can spin their way to war surely they can put a bit of spit and polish on what is becoming a reviled occupation??
Sadly public opinion is that teachers are overpaid, lazy, under qualified ..the list goes on here. It seems that the only things we didn't do was hide Lord Lucan and start the 30 years war. In this climate we are pushing away the very people whose support we truly need. You know the old saying about it taking a village to raise a child? Well, in the 'village' where I teach I am increasingly the teacher, parent, friend, personal secretary, money lender and agony aunt. Parents need to see us as a link in the chain that they are also part of, not as some untouchable group of money grabbing layabouts or the people who can parent their kids because they don't want the responsibility.
I think I might have strayed slightly off topic from the strike and stepped into social responsibilities..but you see my point.
Solidarity please.
Teachers touch tomorrow.


My heart bleeds

04.04.2008 10:23

Real pay - makes me sick!! Are the chattering classes feeling the pinch? With overinflated rents, energy, food, transport are you startintg to see how it feels for the rest of us. TAnd before you complain, there are plenty of 'overqualified' people in shit jobs on shiot money you could only dream of surving on. You want to go for a meal, have your rubbish collected, your cars filled with petrol,shop at supermarkets, have all your nice goodies prepared by ppor workers - as greedy as the police and the politicians. Oh you are part of the police force. Yep I and my family have had the misfortune along wioth many others to be done over by Labour/SWP loving teachers and their fash agendas, headmistresses ( on anothe rtopical note one of Ken Deadingstone's ex- Christine - see papers - was a particularly nasty sort at a certain NW London school. )I even remeber an anarchist from a certain bookshop in the midlands joining the Labour party to become a councillor! Labour and educashun eh?
Of course - one mustn't have a go at ke y workers ( how come cleaners do not come into this category ) . Fucking greedy nimbie twats like some of the overpaid and braindead union workers I have met over the years - worker power? No union power! seee Lenin et al. Only decent honest union is the IWW. Liberal (p)activist posers need not bother respoonding as you are part of the problem too.
Real complaints then set up your own schools away from the govt run middle class Matthew Arnold inspired brainwashing bullshit. Educashun educashun educashun. Not police state police state police state. Remember Blair thinks of himself as a do-gooder.

educash uvverwise