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Protesters Threatened at Bobby Roberts Circus

Animal Rights Cambridge | 01.04.2008 15:30 | Animal Liberation | Culture | Cambridge | London

Animal exploitation and threats just a normal day for the likes of Bobby Roberts!

[Bobby Roberts Super Circus will be in Hitchin (Butts Close – Bedford Road, Fishponds Road) from 1st – 6th April 08]

Moira Roberts of the Bobby Roberts Super Circus received a warning from the police under Section 5 of the Public Order Act after threatening a peaceful protester on a demonstration last Saturday at a performance in Huntingdon. Roberts pointed a fist at a protester and claimed she would “f**king deck” the protester if he continued to document her behaviour on his camera phone.

On a previous demonstration last Wednesday Moira Roberts threatened to toe a protester’s car and claimed that she would criminally damage it. She then went on to threaten to toe a car of one of her own customers in the belief it belonged to the protesters.

The campaigners were protesting against the circus’ continued use of animals that is widely viewed as unacceptable even among ‘moderate’ animal welfare campaigners such as the RSPCA. They specifically highlighted the plight of Anne believed to be Britain’s last circus elephant. Although Anne is no longer used in the ring she is still the subject of paid photographs and continues to be dragged around the country without any companionship from her own species, without adequate space to exercise and despite having arthritis.

Wildlife charity the Born Free Foundation are calling for the circus to look at the options for retiring Anne and The Captive Animals Protection Society say that suitable accommodation can be arranged for Anne if the circus are willing to let her go.

The campaigners were pleased with the amount of local press coverage received, with ITV Anglia News, The Cambridge Evening News, The Hunts Post and BBC Radio Cambridgeshire all covering the story. A good response was also received from members of the public when leafleting took place in Huntingdon itself with mums who had visited the circus upset by the animal acts.

The campaigners urge the public to boycott all animal circuses and ask that if anyone sees anything that has upset them in relation to the care of circus animals they contact The Captive Animals Protection Society (this can even be done anonymously if needs be). See

Of course if an animal is in danger or being unlawfully abused please contact the police and the RSPCA immediately.

Bobby Roberts Super Circus will be in Hitchin (Butts Close – Bedford Road, Fishponds Road) from 1st – 6th April 08, please go and show your disgust (lawfully) if you can get to the area.

Learn More about Bobby Roberts

Advertising Standards Slams Bobby Roberts:

The Plight of Anne:

!!! IMPORTANT !!!: One visitor to the circus was so unhappy about what they saw that they wrote a report. The account will soon be published in full so watch the Indymedia newswire!

Animal Rights Cambridge
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This has happened before!

01.04.2008 16:22

In Aberdeen in 2005, animal rights activists including myself were verbally abused and threatened with physical violence by the staff of the Bobby Roberts Circus, when we were lawfully and peacefully picketing near the entrance to the circus. We were also protesting about the captive animals, including Anne the Elephant.

See the article, here:

Keep up the good work Animal Rights Cambridge!


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Exposed! - Bobby Roberts Circus

03.04.2008 14:41

Here is the report from the circus customer:

Animal Rights Cambridge
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Hide the following 8 comments

Good sign, they are worried

01.04.2008 18:14

They would not worry if the protest did not affect their business, this surely can only be a good sign, they are so desesperate to stop the protesters that they resort to breaking the law.



01.04.2008 19:30

Thanks for the support. I had a look at your article and your demo sounded good. We were also asked for our details by the cops but we all refused :-)



01.04.2008 23:31

I was at a protest over 10 years ago in cheshire, we was just outside of the gates and one of my friend had his little girl with him on the protest, as he walk across the road near the gates three of bobby roberts thug crew started to abuse my friend saying if he turns up outside again they were going to kill him? next thing he was held and repeatedly punched in face right in front of his little girl, we got told that we would get the same if we came back. hehe and did it stop us NO.


Bobby Bobbins...

02.04.2008 11:37

OK, here's an idea.

How to put someone out of of business; give them loads of bad publicity, and if the person(s) in question is stupid enough to help you in this process, even better.

So, collect all the stories of abuse perpetrated by this idiot over the last few years, on both Humans and other species, compile them into a dossier and send said dossier around various press/media outlets, including a viral distribution campaign around the web (use your imagination here).

Should do the job, especially as it would all be the undeniable truth, most importantly, with witnesses.

Oh, and make sure there are hidden cameras/dictaphones present documenting the inevitable future abuses perpetrated by this nasty piece of work.

They don't play fair, so why should you?

Karma mate, Karma.

Not Bobby

big dunc

02.04.2008 22:32

just a comment on the the above,nobody was charged or cautioned.mrs roberts was not even involed in the above incident,so please can you check your facts before you post scandlous comments.the show was also well supported at this venue as it is at all towns


Say what you like..

03.04.2008 14:00

She was warned under Section 5 - This is direct from the police. Please refer all complaints to them.


The REAL Scandal!

04.04.2008 01:18

The real scandal is that these archaic animal abusers are still in business in the 21st Century, and that now we have Special Branch making such brazen postings on Indymedia, what is supposed to be an activist forum.

Still, they do see fit to seize Indymedia servers from time to time, don't they?

Be seeing you.

Not Bobby


04.04.2008 13:08

Activists from Gloucestershire Animal Action witnessed some mental shit from these crazy circus freaks a couple of years ago when a crazy bloke working on site leanned over his daughter (or just a young girl) in the car to wave a stanley blade at one of the activists...

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