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Environmental Action at Football Association HQ in London

Mike Wells | 31.03.2008 21:55 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | London

Campaigners against sponsorship of FA by power station construction company

FA gets the red card for greenwash sponsership
FA gets the red card for greenwash sponsership

Protesters from London Rising Tide, an environmental campaign group, give the FA the red card during a protest outside the Football Association headquarters in London. Rising Tide, who call for a reduction in the use of fossil fuels, complain that the FA has accepted sponsorship from E-ON who are likely to build new coal fired power stations in the UK. Rising Tide claim that E-ON are stoking up pressure on planners to grant permission for these new power stations, when the real solution is a huge reduction in the over all use of fossil fuels.

This action was timed as a kick off to Fossil Fools day, 1st April, when there will be further actions by environmental campaigners.

Mike Wells
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01.04.2008 15:22

....there's bigger things to protest about than whos sponsoring the FA Cup?
