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Chavez against indiscipline.

Luiginno Bracci/ Miguel Martin | 27.03.2008 16:02

President Chavez of Venezuela has recently atacked certain groups from inside the chavista movement that have voiced criticisms of the government policies. Some chavista groups that have organised protest actions that had not been sanctioned by the government officials are deemed to constitute "anarchist" tendencies inside the PSUV, as they foster "lack of discipline".
From Indymedia venezuela.

In a phone call to the program “Dando y dando” on Venezuelan television last Thursday, president Chavez said: “I’m going to wage a war against the lack of discipline” The head of the state asked the people to have a debate on those groups that propose the opposition to power and horizontality, or those who think that the government, as constituted power, is not part of the popular power. He will fight the groups that create divisions inside the PSUV (Unified Socialist Party of Venezuela).

In a new phone call to a program in the state owned TV station VTV, this time to the program “Dando y dando”, the president of the republic, Hugo Chavez, repeated his statement of the previous day, in which he addressed certain groups in the left and demand a debate about their ideology.
“I’m on full gear, I’ll wage war against the lack of discipline”, he said, referring to the PSUV and its recent creation. “There are lots of little groups everywhere, people crowning themselves as leaders of a faction, making campaigns inside the party and exchanging notes between them. I’m going to wage a war against this lack of discipline, but with loyalty, with a true revolutionary compromise. We shouldn’t pay attention to rumours and intrigues that aim to displace some one in the internal struggle for power, which were so typical of the previous regime and still take place between us”
Against anarchist groups.
President Chavez repeated the declarations he had done the night before in the program “La Hojilla”, in which he addressed groups that he described as anarchists, which had carried out demonstrations against the TV station Globovision and the bishop’s palace. “There are some groups that will not recognise the issue of power, and talk about being against power, that everything should be organised in a horizontal way, without leaders or bosses, but using coordination instead and thinks like that”, said the president.
The president also said that since the loosing of the referendum in the 2nd of December, some are of the opinion that those in government are not the constituent power any more, but the constituted power and can not be part in the debate on popular power. He said that this argument is fostered by the right wing opposition and imperialism, and that they use slogans like, “we don’t want to be governed, we want to govern”
“I want to speak to the people listening to us”, said Chavez, “to talk about the issue and cut short these ideas that are clearly of an anarchist nature and are trying to create divisions amongst us. Maybe because I have a military background planned for war, I am more used to the need for a plan, a hierarchy, a leadership and a discipline. This might not be military style, but it has to be revolutionary, with revolutionary cadres and submitted to a revolutionary leadership and program, with self criticism”.
Extracted from an article by Luiggino Bracci.
Translation by Miguel Martin.

Luiginno Bracci/ Miguel Martin
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You sure that was the whole article

27.03.2008 18:11

Chávez: Guerra a la indisciplina Chavez: war on indiscipline
Luigino Bracci - 22.03.2008 14:12 Luigino Bracci - 22.03.2008 14:12
Llamada a programa "Dando y dando" este jueves Calling program "Giving and giving" this Thursday
Presidente Chávez: "Voy a hacer una guerra contra la indisciplina" President Chavez: "I am going to make a war against indiscipline"
El Jefe de Estado pidió al pueblo hacer un debate sobre aquellos grupos que plantean el antipoder y la horizontalidad, o que opinan que el gobierno, como poder constituido, no forma parte del poder popular. The Head of State called upon the people to a discussion on those groups that pose the antipoder and horizontality, or feel that the government, as power constituted, is not part of popular power. Peleará contra los grupos en el Psuv que fomentan divisionismos. Peleará against groups in the Psuv promoting divisionismos.
El Presidente de la República, Hugo Chávez, realizó un nuevo contacto telefónico con un programa del canal estatal VTV, en este caso con "Dando y Dando", para reiterar sus declaraciones del día anterior dirigidas a algunos movimientos de izquierda y pedir un debate en torno a su ideología. The President of the Republic, Hugo Chavez, made a new telephone contact with a program of state VTV channel, in this case with "Giving and Giving," to reiterate their statements of the previous day led to some left-wing movements and ask for a debate around their ideology.

"Vine con la recta a 90 millas, ¡quiero hacer una guerra contra la indisciplina!", dijo en torno al Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela y su conformación. "I came straight to the 90 miles, I have a war against indiscipline!" He said about the United Socialist Party of Venezuela and its conformation. "Hay muchos comanditos por todos lados, gente que autoproclama líder de una corriente, empiezan a hacer campañas internas y se pasan papelitos. Yo voy a hacer una guerra contra la indisciplina, pero con lealtad, con un compromiso revolucionario cierto y verdadero. No hacernos eco de rumores, chismes, maniobras para tratar de desplazar a alguien en las luchas de poder, muy propias de la Cuarta República y que todavía perviven entre nosotros." "There are many comanditos everywhere, people who self-proclaimed leader of a stream, start making internal campaigns and spend slips. I am going to make a war against indiscipline, but with loyalty, with a true and genuine revolutionary commitment. Not make echo rumors, gossip, manoeuvres to try to displace anyone in power struggles, very typical of the Fourth Republic and that still persist between us. "

Contra grupos anarquistas
Against anarchist groups

El Presidente Chávez reiteró sus declaraciones el día miércoles en la noche, en el programa "La Hojilla", dirigidas hacia grupos que calificó de "anárquicos" y que realizaron manifestaciones en el canal Globovisión y en el Palacio Arzobispal. President Chavez reiterated his statements on Wednesday night at the program "The Hojilla", directed towards groups which he described as "lawless" and demonstrations in the channel Globovision and the Archbishop Palace.

"Hay algunos grupos que desconocen el tema del poder, y plantean el antipoder. Ellos plantean que todo se debe hacer horizontal, que no deben haber autoridades ni jefaturas, sino coordinadoras y todas estas cosas", dijo el Presidente. "There are some groups that ignore the issue of power, and raise the antipoder. They argue that everything should be done horizontally, that there must be no authorities or chiefdoms, but managers and all these things," said the President.

El Presidente afirma que, alentados por la derrota del 2 de diciembre, algunos grupos han opinado que los que están en el poder ya no son el poder constituyente sino el poder constituido, y que ya no merecen estar en el seno del debate del poder popular. The President says that, encouraged by the defeat of December 2, some groups have argued that those who are in power are no longer the constituent power, but the established power, and that they no longer deserve to be within the discussion of popular power . Opina que este es un discurso inducido desde la derecha y el imperialismo, y que usa lemas como "no queremos que nos gobiernen, queremos gobernar". Believes that this is a speech induced from the right and imperialism, and using slogans such as "we do not want to govern us, we want to govern."

"Quiero dirigirme al pueblo que nos está oyendo", dijo Chávez, "para debatir este asunto y le salgamos al paso a esta tesis que sin duda es anarquista y que trata de sembrar divisionismo en nuestras filas." "I want to address the people who are listening to us," said Chavez, "to discuss this matter and leave it to the passage of this thesis is undoubtedly anarchist and which seeks to sow divisiveness within our ranks."

"Quizás yo, por mi formación militar pensada para la guerra, estoy acostumbrado a que tiene que haber un plan, una jefatura y tiene que haber un liderazgo y una disciplina, que no tiene que ser militar, pero tiene que ser revolucionaria. Y cuadros revolucionarios, y reconocimiento a un liderazgo revolucionario ya un programa revolucionario, y la autocrítica revolucionaria." "Maybe I thought by my military training for war, I am used to that there must be a plan, a head and there must be leadership and discipline, which need not be military, but it has to be revolutionary. Tables And revolutionaries and revolutionary leadership to a recognition and a revolutionary program, and self-criticism revolutionary. "

A pesar de esto, explicó que él es "el primer defensor de la libertad de opinión y de la autocrítica responsable y revolucionaria, verdaderamente constructiva". Despite this, he explained that he is "the first defender of the freedom of opinion and self-criticism responsible and revolutionary, truly constructive."


Las palabras del Presidente Hugo Chávez apuntan hacia algunos movimientos que apoyan la ideología anarquista, una filosofía política que agrupa teorías y actitudes que rechazan al Estado como eje de gobierno y promueven su eliminación. The words of President Hugo Chavez point to some movements that support the anarchist ideology, a political philosophy that brings together theories and attitudes that reject the State as the hub of government and promote their elimination. Se define por algunos como "una visión según la cual la sociedad puede y debe organizarse sin un Estado coercitivo." It is defined by some as "a vision in which society can and should organize a state without coercion."

Existen diferentes colectivos anarquistas o libertarios en Venezuela, algunos de los cuales apoyan al Presidente Hugo Chávez debido a que éste ha implementado mecanismos para darle más poder directo a la población (como los consejos comunales, o la propuesta contenida en la Reforma Constitucional de 2007 de creación de comunas, ciudades comunales y distritos comunales). Different groups anarchist or libertarian in Venezuela, some of whom support President Hugo Chavez because he has implemented mechanisms to give more power directly to the population (2007 - establishment of communes, towns and districts communal communal). Otros movimientos libertarios son radicalmente antichavistas. Other movements are radically libertarian antichavistas.

Según el ministro Ramón Rodríguez Chacín, el grupo Venceremos (que se responsabilizó de la colocación de cuatro artefactos explosivos recientemente) es de tendencia anarquista. According to the minister Ramón Rodríguez Chacín, the group Venceremos (which was responsible for the placement of four explosive devices recently) is anarchist tendency.

La enciclopedia en línea Wikipedia afirma que existen varias ideologías anarquistas: el anarquismo utilitarista de William Godwin, el mutualismo de Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, el egoísmo ético de Max Stirner, el colectivismo de Mijaíl Bakunin, el individualismo radical de Benjamin Tucker, el comunismo libertario de Piotr Kropotkin o el anarquismo voluntarista de Errico Malatesta. The online encyclopedia Wikipedia says that there are several ideologies anarchists: anarchism utilitarian William Godwin, mutuality of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, selfishness ethical Max Stirner, collectivism of Mikhail Bakunin, the radical individualism of Benjamin Tucker, libertarian communism by Piotr Kropotkin or anarchism voluntarist Errico Malatesta.

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Ahora a la crítica se le llama ANARQUISMO Now the criticism is called ANARQUISMO
Roberto Yépez - 23.03.2008 - 23:57 Roberto Yépez - 23.03.2008 - 23:57
Imagino que Luigino escribe como reportero en vez de articulista. I guess Luigino writes as a reporter rather than writer. Lo digo porque refrenda por lo redondo lo que expresa Chavez: "El Presidente afirma que, alentados por la derrota del 2 de diciembre, algunos grupos han opinado que los que están en el poder ya no son el poder constituyente sino el poder constituido, y que ya no merecen estar en el seno del debate del poder popular. Opina que este es un discurso inducido desde la derecha y el imperialismo, y que usa lemas como "no queremos que nos gobiernen, queremos gobernar".", sin indicar por su propia boca si esto es correcto o equivocado. I say this because it endorses round which expresses Chavez: "The President says that, encouraged by the defeat of December 2, some groups have argued that those who are in power are no longer the constituent power, but the established power, and no longer deserve to be within the discussion of popular power. Believes that this is a speech induced from the right and imperialism, and using slogans such as "we do not want to govern us, we want to govern.", without indicating by his own mouth whether it is right or wrong.

¿Es anarquista la frase NO QUEREMOS QUE NOS GOBIERNEN, QUEREMOS GOBERNAR? Is the phrase anarchist NOT WANT THAT WE GOBIERNEN, WE WANT TO GOVERNING? Si esto es así entonces habrá que agarrar los textos de los clásicos y aprender de nuevo. If this is so then that will grab the texts of the classics and learn again. Un anarquista que se precie no utilizaría nunca la palabra GOBERNAR en alguna consigna ni el primer sentido ni en el segundo, sencillamente porque sería contradecir de entrada que por lo que siempre lucharon Bakunin, Proudhon o Malatesta, la eliminación inmediata del estado, la familia, el dinero, pasaría por el total contrasentido de reconocer el gobierno, y por lo tanto, la temporalidad o la transición hacia el fin último. An anarchist who was not precie never used the word in any GOBERNAR slogan meaning neither the first nor the second, simply because it would contradict the outset that it always fought Bakunin, Malatesta or Proudhon, the immediate elimination of state, the family, the money would go through the total contradiction to recognise the government, and therefore the timing or the transition to the ultimate goal. Para los anarquistas destruir el estado como estrategia pasa por no reconocer en esencia ni el gobierno actual ni otro que reconozcan quienes lo tumben. For anarchists destroy the state as a strategy involves essentially not recognize nor the current government or another that recognize who tumben. De ahí que el mismo problema de la organización política para acabar con el estado, el partido político, sea un enmarañado de posiciones que no respeta centralismo democrático alguno en su afán de no organizarse. Hence, the same problem of the political organization to end the state, the political party, is a tangle of positions that does not respect democratic centralism within its desire not to organize. Por ende, asumir el gobierno y gobernar al estado es toda una penosa confusión para cualquier anarquista. Thus, assuming the government and rule the state is a painful confusion for any anarchist.

Entonces si la consigna QUEREMOS GOBERNAR no es para nada anarquista, a qué se debe del análisis reporteril de Luigino que Chavez los tilde de este mote. So if the slogan WE WANT GOBERNAR is certainly not an anarchist, why analysis of Luigino reporteril Chavez that the accent of this motto. A Chavez le preocupa sencillamente que el poder que detenta pueda ser compartido con el pueblo, cuestión que luego de la crisis política que le estalla después del 2D al perder él el plebiscito y no la reforma constitucional, se torna más comprometedora si por un lado la derecha insiste en su remoción por cualquier medio o vía, y por la otra, las masas delimitan aún más su ascenso ante lo incompleto o desacelerado de su "socialismo" a lo siglo XXI. A Chavez is concerned simply holds that the power can be shared with the people, a matter that after the political crisis that broke out after the 2D him to lose the plebiscite and not constitutional reform, it becomes more promising if on the one hand the Right insists his removal by any means or route, and on the other hand, the masses delimit further their ascent to the incomplete or slowed their "socialism" to the twenty-first century. Expresiones de poder constituido o constituyente son claras maniobras para disciplinar, "regimentar", a las mayorías descontentas pero aún ilusionadas con él. Expressions of power constituted or constituent maneuvers are clear to discipline, "regimentar", but still dissatisfied majorities ilusionadas with him.

El desfalco "democrático", "participativo" y "protagónico" de su nacionalismo antimperialista bajo la perversa administración de sus funcionarios que en nada lo aplican, lo obligan a asumir la imposición de la disciplina que Chavez en sí mismo no aplica para con los problemas nacionales de inseguridad, escasez, acaparamiento, inflación, desvalorización del salario, y pare usted de contar. The embezzlement "democratic", "participatory" and "protagonist" of his nationalism antimperialista under the administration of corrupt officials that nothing is applied, forcing it to take on the imposition of discipline that Chavez is not in itself applies to the problems National insecurity, shortages, hoarding, inflation, devaluation of wages, and you stop counting. Y es que el nacionalismo ha llegado a su techo bajo el marco capitalista y burgués imperante. And it is that nationalism has reached its ceiling under the framework prevailing capitalist and bourgeois. Aún nos falta por ver cómo se comporta ante una muy probable crisis económica como consecuencia de la catastrófica crisis del capitalismo financiero internacional. We still remains to be seen how it behaves in front of a highly probable economic crisis as a result of the disastrous financial crisis of capitalism. Ante el desfalco mencionado, hay algo bastante claro para las masas explotadas y oprimidas, ellas quieren hacer lo que no hacen los funcionarios dispuestos por Chavez, ¡GOBERNAR! Faced with embezzlement mentioned, there is something quite clear to the exploited and oppressed masses, they want to do what they did officials prepared by Chavez, GOBERNAR!

Chavez no necesita hacer aspavientos para demostrar su intensión de disciplina. Chavez aspavientos do not need to demonstrate their intent to discipline. Una de las demostraciones más claras la están viviendo los trabajadores de Sidor. One of the clearest demonstrations are living Sidor workers. La disciplina vino por boca de su ministro del trabajo, al ubicarse por encima de la lucha de clases tradicional entre explotadores y explotados, y tratar de imponer el contrato colectivo de Chavez, que a final de cuentas resultó ser el de la patronal. The discipline came through its minister of labour, to move beyond the traditional class struggle between exploiters and exploited, and try to impose the agreement of Chavez, particularly those that do proved to be the employer. No contento con regimentar con un contrato a su gusto y manera, obviando de plano las intenciones de "querer gobernar" de los propios trabajadores su contrato, impone un referendo, y quizás un decreto de reanudar faenas si los trabajadores de Sidor convocan la huelga definitivamente. Not content with regimentar with a contract to his liking and thus obviating level of the intentions of "wanting to govern" for its own contract workers, imposes a referendum, and perhaps a decree to resume fishing operations if workers strike finally summon Pages .

Lo peligroso de la regimentación (imponer disciplina) es que le coloca una mordaza al movimiento obrero y frena su movilización. What dangerous of regimentation (discipline) is that it places a gag to the labour movement and slows their mobilization. Pero peor aún, satisface a la burguesía que los explota. But worse, it meets the bourgeoisie that explodes. El fin último de la regimentación es convertir a los sindicatos en oficinas del estado por intermedio de una burocracia parásita que las administre. The ultimate goal is to convert regimentation of the trade unions in state offices through a parasitic bureaucracy that administers.

La historia de otros países en otros momentos está de nuevo a punto de repetirse en nuestro país. The history of other countries at other times is again about to repeat itself in our country. Y lamentablemente a Luigino Bracci lo encontrará reportando y no discerniendo la lucha de clases. And unfortunately Luigino Bracci will find him not discerniendo reported, and the class struggle. Hoy más que nunca la consigna de las mayorías explotadas y oprimidas de forma organizada debe continuar siendo ¡NO QUEREMOS QUE NOS GOBIERNEN, QUEREMOS GOBERNAR! Today more than ever the slogan of the exploited and oppressed majority in an organized manner must remain NOT WANT THAT WE GOBIERNEN, GOBERNAR WE WANT!
Original Spanish text:
El Jefe de Estado pidió al pueblo hacer un debate sobre aquellos grupos que plantean el antipoder y la horizontalidad, o que opinan que el gobierno, como poder constituido, no forma parte del poder popular.
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