New email alert against UK and EU biofuel targets
Almuth Ernsting | 27.03.2008 14:00 | Climate Chaos | Ecology
Please take part in two new email alerts against UK and EU biofuel targets: and .

On 15th April, mandatory biofuel blending will be introduced across the UK. This will guarantee a UK market for agrofuels, despite strong evidence that agrofuel monocultures are linked to large-scale deforestation, high food prices, biodiversity losses, displacement of communities, accelerated global warming and, in some cases, human rights abuses.
Several new wheat ethanol refineries are being built across the UK which will use 3.5 million tonnes of wheat between them, at a time when 2.55 million more people in Afghanistan alone are in need of food aid because of the high global price for wheat.
At the same time, the EU is debating two new pieces of legislation which would increase future biofuel targets and incentives which will lead to increased investment. Although there is talk of 'sustainability standards', there are no credible proposals for avoiding even the most catastrophic impacts. Already, tens of millions of hectares worldwide are being turned into agrofuel monocultures, largely for cars in the global North.
Please write to the UK government and also sign a petition to EU politicians: and .
Several new wheat ethanol refineries are being built across the UK which will use 3.5 million tonnes of wheat between them, at a time when 2.55 million more people in Afghanistan alone are in need of food aid because of the high global price for wheat.
At the same time, the EU is debating two new pieces of legislation which would increase future biofuel targets and incentives which will lead to increased investment. Although there is talk of 'sustainability standards', there are no credible proposals for avoiding even the most catastrophic impacts. Already, tens of millions of hectares worldwide are being turned into agrofuel monocultures, largely for cars in the global North.
Please write to the UK government and also sign a petition to EU politicians:

Almuth Ernsting