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Sexshun6 | 25.03.2008 05:33

Please remember that the mothership account is open so that you can send all your squat related news to it. If you were at the meeting in Leeds you should know the password and will know what to do, but please use the account- it's what networking is all about!!!!!!!!! @

Please remember that the mothership account is open so that you can send all your squat related news to it. If you were at the meeting in Leeds you should know the password and will know what to do, but please use the account- it's what networking is all about!!!!!!!!! @

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and if not?

25.03.2008 12:41

If we were not at that meeting in Leeds (which clashed with the indymedia network gathering) then what? Your one line 'article' doesn't tell us anything in the brief time it will appear on the newswire before being hidden as non-news. What is this mothership thing and what is it for? why would we use this, yet another place to try to co-ordinate and communicate. Already we have schnews, freespaces on indymedia, the ASS website, and the communications channels set up for the April 2008 actions plus relevant local area publications such as infousurpa and eroding empire etc. So with so many places we should already be posting our news, what's this new one for and why add another?

then what?