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Leaflet to hand out on Fossil Fools Day

Rising Tide | 23.03.2008 15:07 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Social Struggles | London

A leaflet has been made that you can use on Fossil Fools Day if you haven’t got time to create your own. We think it looks particularly good photocopied on yellow paper but obviously that’s your call!

Leaflet front
Leaflet front

The leaflet explains the basics of Fossil Fools Day but has a big empty white space for you to add the specifics of why you are taking action in the way that you are, why you are at the location you have chosen and your website or contact details. The editable Photoshop files can be downloaded at: Leaflet - Front Final.psd Leaflet - Back - Final.psd

If you don’t have Photoshop, the leaflet is also available as a Word document so you can print it off (4 per piece of A4) then physically glue your text in the empty space before you photocopy the leaflet: Leaflet.doc

Also at
-resources to make your own leaflet
-action ideas booklet
-details of publicly called actions in London and Manchester

Happy Fossil Fools Day!

Rising Tide
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oh dear...

23.03.2008 19:41

...encouraging people to photocopy? using toxic chemicals, wasting paper and using up more electricity. More than a wee bit contradictory for a Fossil Fools day isnt it?


Links to resources

25.03.2008 14:29

Someone pointed out that the links above don't copy easily - sorry about that! They are all easily downloadable from:

Also sorry about image size - I did resize it but apparently not quite right!

Rising Tide
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