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tremors felt in the city

run | 20.03.2008 08:40 | Analysis | Globalisation

This week the financial markets are feeling a bit unsteady and HBOS, owners of the Halifax bank are the brunt of a massive fall in confidence.

If you or your friends or family have savings in any of the banks effected, especially the Halifax or other banks under the HBOS family of companies then you should seriously consider pulling that money out today. Since monday, share prices in banking have plummeted following a run on another of the worlds largest banks. This unease could spark yet another run so you'd better get your money out first.



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20.03.2008 08:58

This is a wierd little post. Apparently stock brokers are spreading these above rumours so as to make a quick buck. See



20.03.2008 11:33

i had any savings i'd withdraw them and use them to buy carbon credits since these will be in great demand once we shift back to using coal

sherman mccoy

I'd join a credit union

21.03.2008 01:58

I HAVE put my money in a credit union already.

Apart from the fact that it's money that's re-invested in my local community.

Apart from the fact that we're setting up energy co-operatives, and housing co-ops, it's having my money in a bank that I own. The decisions about how the money is invested and controlled is mine. And that of everybody else that has money in the credit union.

It's not a company that is run for someone else to make a personal profit from. It's me working for me.

Sig. Measure Twice
