Ann T. Mason | 19.03.2008 17:38 | Indymedia | Repression | Social Struggles | London | World
JERSEY - a really beautiful island off the north of France was occupied by the Germans between 1939-1945.
The German occupiers destroyed every part of Freemasonry on Jersey. This was highlighted by the destroying of the inside of the unmarked and innocuous looking large Headquarters of Freemasonry in Jersey, the organization known as "the Craft" which is based in Stopford Road in St Helier - the capital of the island.
The Germans who were into esoteric beliefs, knew that they had to destroy the symbols of the secret society that was and is used to control and enslave the English, the now emasculated people of Wales and of course the down trodden Scots.
Most Freemasons operate at the lowest levels of the hierarchy of Freemasonry. They know little about how they are controlled and what is believed at higher levels. Much that is told at the lower levels is "a blind". What is well known is to take orders and protect ALL Freemasons and protect ALL secrets of Freemasonry. However, at the upper level of 33rd degree - we see that traitor Tony "THE LIAR" BLAIR who now lives at 29 Connaught Square, just off the Edgware Road by Marble Arch in London and that other betrayer of our trust - James Gordon BROWN - another 33rd degree Mason.
Just as both Blair and Brown are "puppets" that are controlled by George Walker ("W" or Dubya) Bush who is also a 33rd degree Freemason but he is also a "puppet" of Freemasonry that is controlled by the "Banksters" (i.e. "Bank Gangsters" who control all banks)! It just so happens that they have different specific aspects in common. They are ALL linked to a very specific religious belief -which tells others that "Goyim" are mere "sheep" who are to be treated as such by the "chosen people".
Further, the "Banksters" are all Freemasons. Which in turn is controlled by B'nai Brith. What is more, the true controllers of B'nai Brith are those who control the money and those who control the money control the world.
ZOG controls the UK
ZOG controls the US
ZOG controls ISRAEL
ZOG controls ALL tax havens around the world
Jersey is a tax haven
Jersey is controlled by ZOG
Jersey is controlled by Freemasons
Most male politicians in Jersey are Freemasons
All judges in Jersey are Freemasons
All male advocates in Jersey are Freemasons
All male bankers in Jersey are Freemasons
All male controllers of the media in Jersey are Freemasons
Similarly, Scotland is controlled by ZOG
Scotland is controlled by Freemasons
Most judges in Scotland are Freemasons
Most male politicians in Scotland are Freemasons
Most male advocates in Scotland are Freemasons
Most male bankers in Scotland are Freemasons
Most controllers of the media in Scotland are Freemasons
It is very well known that England is controlled by Freemasons. The Grand Lodge [with 21 Temples in it] is based in Great Queen Street, close to Covent Garden in central London. It is known as the United Grand Lodge of England [UGLE]. The Head is HRH the Duke of Kent who lives at St James Palace. HRH Prince Philip is also "on the square" as a Freemason. The most senior organization linked to Freemasonry is the Supreme Council headquartered at the anonymous looking building at 10 Duke Street, St James, London [close to St James Palace]. Also linked is B'nai B'rith ["Sons of the Covenant" that controls Freemasonry - so that it is in reality controlled by ZOG].
It is vital to realize that although "Dubya" ("W") Bush ("43") is a "puppet" of Freemasonry. He in turn is controlled by Z.O.G (Z: Z******)(O: Occupation) (G: Government). Its supreme controller is David Rockefeller. Look him up on Wikipaedia! He is senior Banker of the Federal Reserve Board [which is in reality a Private not a Public entity].
Deviously and craftily the Freemasons are known as being "on the square" and protect ALL Freemasons - no matter the evil.
Deviously and craftily they repeat the 13, 33 and the 666 on advertising and in the media and corrupt our children so that it becomes subliminally imperceptible that Satanism of Freemasonry controls the world.
Satanism links to the symbolic "Goat" (Baphomet) of Freemasonry which links to the "Goat of Mendes"! [George W. Bush seems to be very experienced in reminding us at every opportunity of the Mano Cornuto].
What is not realised is that at the higher levels of Freemasonry, ritual child sacrifice and child sexual abuse is practised.
Witness Bohemian Grove, Glencora, Dorset child rings, Islington child rings and Jersey ritual sexual abuse and the Secret Ritual of Molech [(see in the Book of Genesis 6: 1-4 in the Bible) the owl worshipped by pagans and those who control Freemasonry] at Bohemian Grove. It is from this cadre of politicians that the future president and cabinet are selected!
Look up Alex Jones and Gordon Maxwell Ted Gunderson of the FBI and enter ritual sex abuse (RSA) on any search engine and confirm yourself with the abundant evidence!
The German occupiers of Jersey [1939-1945] destroyed all traces of Freemasonry.
In the 1950s Freemasonry returned bit by bit.
In the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s Freemasonry began to take hold of Jersey like a weed that choked its laws and choked its politics.
In the 1990s and now in the 2000s, Freemasonry has become so concentrated and so toxic that it has totally destroyed the integrity, the honesty and the trust of the people that lived in harmony in the most beautiful island of Jersey - one of the most beautiful places in the world!
Now the people of Jersey live in fear - in distrust - with deceivers as male advocate lawyers and male politicians who double cross, deviously and craftily betray all those who are non Freemasons.
Many Jersey people get out of the island as matters have become so vile, so unlawful, so criminal, so wicked and so very evil. It is a place for sinners and sadists, paedophiles and satanists. A place where you can never get true justice, just to be framed for the crimes of the Freemasons that now ruthlessly control the island with a rod of iron.
Many people in Jersey now live in very great fear when it gets dark.
The senior Judge on Jersey is a senior Freemason.
He is called the BAILIFF. He destroyed one politician who was a rival - Senator Vernon Tomes - a good man and he ordered Senator Stuart Syvret to stop speaking in Parliament during the Senator's Christmas speech in 2007. Senator Stuart Syvret is a good honest politician with integrity who had truly gained the most votes in the elections of the island.
The BAILIFF does not just sit as the senior judge on Jersey but he also acts as Speaker to the parliament, so that he controls all political debate in the feudal dictatorship that tries to pose as "democracy". Further, all the laws of the Island are set out in an unintelligible mumbo jumbo called "Norman French". It is a language that is not spoken on the island. It is older than modern French and a language that no one understands, but the Freemason judges and male advocates who are all Freemasons on Jersey can shape it for their devious and crafty purposes to deceive.
Many times people have gone before the crooked courts in Jersey that are staffed by judges who are Freemasons "on the square" and male advocates who are all Freemasons "on the square" and clerks who are "on the square" only for the litigants to be deceived and betrayed by those Freemasons in the courts who utter special passwords and end up "winning" a case [through guile and deceit] that they would lose on the mainland - if their dirty trickery was not used to undermine a case where wicked fraud and deceit of Freemasons is used again and again and again to destroy good honest upstanding people who are not Freemasons - the evil men would be behind bars. Perverted beasts is what the Freemasons all happen to be. The Freemasons covet the property of every non Freemason in Jersey.
Is it not true that the BAILIFF is a cowardly bully - a dictator who destroys or tries to destroy the characters of all non Freemasons on Jersey. [Through Abuse of Power]?
Is it not true that the BAILIFF also destroyed his first wife through character assassination and lives with a second wife who is not so bright and cannot compare to the one whose life was destroyed. [Through Abuse of Power]?
The BAILIFF protects every male ADVOCATE in Jersey who MUST be a Freemason in order to practice "successfully".
The BAILIFF [Philip Bailhache] has a brother who is the Attorney General [William Bailhache] who is also a Freemason.
The Attorney General decides who gets prosecuted in Jersey. Never ever does a Freemason get prosecuted on Jersey!
Jersey has NO real Democracy.
Jersey has NO real Rule of Law.
Jersey is controlled by evil Freemasons.
A previous Bailiff [Peter Crill] warned the island people that the new form of Cabinet government which was rapidly pushed through "parliament" [called the States of Jersey] with little debate was a charter for an elective dictatorship. It would ensure that Freemasonry could and would control Jersey. He was proved right.
For the future, every politician in Jersey MUST sign a declaration as to whether there is any Conflict of Interest between their own Private Interest and their own Public Duty. More specifically, are they [evil] "crafty" Freemasons that have sworn to protect each other?
Every Freemason swears an oath to protect his "brethren" from every criminal offence and every civil wrong and in every situation if a Freemason exhibits a sign of "distress" - a sworn duty to protect ALL brethren - the Freemason must protect his "brother" Freemason. The secret sign of "distress" is often exhibited in the corrupt Jersey courts!
Yet a Judge swears an oath to act "in the interests of justice".
But the judge MUST give priority to the oaths sworn to "the Craft".
The United States, United Kingdom, European Union, Scotland, England, France, Jersey and its dependencies are being destroyed by the policies of Freemasons and the "banksters" that are placing their agents as "puppets" and destroying our own democracy.
Time is running out.
Sadly, most people do not understand that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan are just the beginning of a move to steal oil reserves and destroy many of our own population. "Order out of chaos" [Ordo Ab Chao] is the slogan of the Illuminati that controls Freemasonry. "911" [in 2001 - was ten years to the day after the date when Bush senior spoke to Congress of a New World Order - "Novo Ordo Seclorum" as seen on the US One Dollar Note!]. We are now only too well aware that it was an "inside job" orchestrated through the office of the president of the United States. [George Walker Bush and "the architects" for a catastrophe against the United States by the New American Century - AIPAC - ZOG faction controlled by David Rockefeller]. [Only those who "pulled it off" or their agents or those who have no brain believe it was "Terri the Terrorists". The use of such emotive words fire people up against an enemy that are an "invisible enemy" supplied with US weapons to defeat the enemiers of the US so they could not collar "OUR OIL"!]
Refer to what David Rockefeller ["the ZOG Controller"] had to say about "THE NEED FOR A CATASTROPHIC EVENT AGAINST THE UNITED STATES" and look very carefuly as to WHO EXACTLY was to benefit from the outrage involving the cold-blooded MURDER of thousands of "GOYIM" - whilst the president had with him a VERY IMPORTANT "prop" [to those "in the know"] about "The Pet Goat" [erroneously referred to or perhaps deliberately referred to as "My Pet Goat" or was it the "GOAT OF MENDES"? in the Emma E. Booker Elementary school in a Sarasota, Florida classroom - the state where his brother was GOVERNOR - so he was very, very, very safe] for the symbolic 7 long minutes - the book of which was "upside down". [Study Satanism to understand what precisely this all means!]
Note that the president returned in "Air Force One" which was NOT escorted to the Air Force Base - rather stange don't you think - if the country was meant to be "under attack"! [Also rather surprising that all intercepting jets were ORDERED well away from Washington that day - on executive orders! Further, DICK CHENEY (who controls Dubya Bush) the protege of David Rockefeller of 146, East 65 Street, Manhattan, NY 10021 was in charge of the controlled demolitions that day]. [Who was to benefit that day? Was it not ZOG and those who support it?]
Many of the 9/11 victims families remain disturbed by the negligent way the investigation was conducted by the 9/11 Commission. The Family Steering Committee (FSC) compiled a list of 400 questions for the Commission. Approximately 150 were addressed, leaving 250 questions unanswered.
The FSC was intended for the Commission to ask President Bush in sworn testimony. In case you weren't aware, both President Bush and Vice President Cheney agreed ONLY to testify in PRIVATE, without being under OATH, and without the capability of Commissioners being able to even take NOTES.
As Commander-in-Chief on the morning of 9/11, why didn't he return immediately to Washington, D.C. or the National Military Command Center once he became aware that America was under attack? At specifically what time did he become aware that America was under attack? Who informed him of this fact?
On the morning of 9/11, who was in charge of our country while he was away from the National Military Command Center? Was he informed or consulted about all decisions made in his absence?
What defensive action did he personally order to protect the nation during the crisis on September 11th 2001 [Precisely 10 years after his father gave the New World Order speech to Congress, making it very clear that the New World Order controlled by the United States would take control of the planet!]? What time were these orders given, and to whom? What orders were carried out? What was the result of such orders? Were any such orders not carried out?
Why was the US given the impression it was so utterly unprepared for an attack on its own soil - wit the most sophisticated equipment in the world to detect aircraft off course?
U.S. Navy Captain Deborah Loewer, the Director of the White House Situation Room, informed the president of the first airliner hitting Tower One of the World Trade Center before he entered the Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida. So how could he ever explain the reason why he decided to continue with the scheduled classroom visit, fifteen minutes after learning the first hijacked airliner had hit the World Trade Center. [Unless it was all very much pre-planned???] [Today - 911 was the day for "the catastrophe"!!!]
Is it normal procedure for the Director of the White House Situation Room to travel with the president? [Of course not!!!] If so, please cite any prior examples of when this occurred. If not normal procedure, please explain the circumstances that led to the Director of the White House Situation Room being asked to accompany you to Florida during the week of September 11th.
What plan of action caused the president to remain seated after Andrew Card informed the president that a 2nd (second) airliner had hit the 2nd (second) tower of the World Trade Center (WTC) and America was clearly under attack?
Approximately how long did the preseident remain in the classroom [Emma E. Booker Elementary School] after Card's message?
At what time was the president made aware that other planes were hijacked in addition to Flight 11 and Flight 175? Who notified him? What was his course of action as Commander-in-Chief of the United States?
Beginning with the transition period between the Clinton administration and his own, and ending on 9/11/01, specifically what information (either verbal or written) about terrorists, possible attacks and targets, did he receive from any source? This would include briefings or communications from:
Out-going Clinton officials
and other intelligence agencies
Foreign intelligence, governments, dignitaries or envoys
National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice
Richard Clarke, former counterterrorism czar
Specifically, what did he learn from the August 6, 2001, PDB [President's Daily Brief] about the terrorist threat that was facing the nation?
Did he request any follow-up action to take place?
Did he request any further report be developed and/or prepared?
As Commander-in-Chief, from May 1, 2001 until September 11, 2001, did he receive any information from any intelligence agency official or agent that "UBL [Usama Bin Laden]" was planning to attack this nation on its own soil using airplanes as weapons, targeting New York City landmarks during the week of September 11, 2001 or on the actual day of September 11, 2001?
What defensive measures did the president take in response to pre-9/11 warnings from eleven nations about a terrorist attack, many of which cited an attack in the continental United States? Did he prepare any directives in response to these actions? If so, with what results?
As Commander-in-Chief from May 1, 2001 until September 11, 2001, did he or any agent of the United States government carry out any negotiations or talks with UBL, an agent of UBL, or al-Qaeda? During that same period, did he or any agent of the United States government carry out any negotiations or talks with any foreign government, its agents, or officials regarding UBL? If so, what resulted?
HIs schedule for September 11, 2001 was in the public domain since September 7, 2001. The Emma E. Booker School is only five miles from the Bradenton Airport, so you, and therefore the children in the classroom, might have been a target for the terrorists on 9/11. What was the intention of the Secret Service in allowing the president to remain in the Emma E. Booker Elementary School, even though they were aware that America was under attack?
Please consider why the president remained at the Sarasota, Florida, Elementary School for a press conference after he finished listening to the children read, when as a terrorist target, his presence potentially jeopardized the lives of the children?
What was the purpose of the several stops of Air Force One on September 11th? Was Air Force One at any time during the day of September 11th a target of the terrorists? Was Air Force One's code ever breached on September 11th?
Was there a reason for Air Force One lifting off without a military escort, even after ample time had elapsed to allow military jets to arrive?
What prompted the president's refusal to release the information regarding foreign sponsorship of the terrorists, as illustrated in the inaccessible 28 redacted pages in the Joint Intelligence Committee Inquiry Report? What actions has the president personally taken since 9/11 to thwart foreign sponsorship of terrorism?
Who approved the flight of the bin Laden family out of the United States when all commercial flights were grounded, when there was time for only minimal questioning by the FBI, and especially, when two of those same individuals had links to WAMY, a charity suspected of funding terrorism? Why were bin Laden family members granted that special privilege -- a privilege not available to American families whose loved ones were killed on 9/11?
Please consider why no one in any level of our government has yet been held accountable for the countless failures leading up to and on 9/11?
Please consider the fact that UBL's profile on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives poster does not include the 9/11 attacks. To your knowledge, when was the last time any agent of the US government had contact with UBL? If prior to 9/11, specifically what was the date of that contact and what was the context of said meeting.
Does the president continue to maintain that Saddam Hussein was linked to al Qaeda? What proof could he possibly have of any connection between al-Qaeda and the Saddam Hussein Iraqi regime?
Which individuals, governments, agencies, institutions, or groups may have benefited from the attacks of 9/11? Please consider how you think they have benefited?
Many people were to benefit out of 911...
All of them were those very, very, very close to George (Dubya = W) Bush, David Rockefeller, Larry Silverstein (and his 7 Billion payment for the asbestos towers with the blood of over three thousand innocent murdered firemen, policemen, paramedics and people who were just doing their job - all on his hands - through the evil murder by Freemasons who orchestrated it all for "the catastrophe"), Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle - AIPAC and the whole Bush Mafia!
There you have the answers as the evidence speaks volumes to ALL. [The Chairman of the 911 Commission was a friend of the president, he was a Freemason and appointed by the president who was also a Freemason!]
Do you now understand why the JERSEY tax haven is riddled with a rotten infestation called Freemasonry?
Do you know understand why the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy and controlled by Israel through ZOG - the money controls us all - which is controlled through the male Freemasons - 500,000 of them in the British Isles alone - of a population of 60 million.
Look at the one dollar note - look at all its symbolism - designed by Freemasons.
Look at the design of Washington - all designed by Pierre L'Enfant - a Freemason.
The so-called "Statue of Liberty" has nothing to do with "Liberty", as it was given by the Provincial Lodge of France which controls the French President and French Cabinet. In truth it represents the Babylonian pagan female deity.
In France, the president SARKOZY is Jewish.
In the UK, Peter Mandelson "made" Blair. Mandelson is Jewish. He made out that he was a "Communist" but was he not in reality a ZOG agent?
ZOGs control politics by introducing the red herrings of "RACISM" and "DISCRIMINATION" which is often PATRIOTISM and PRIDE of one's own CULTURE. It is linked with sovereignty.
Yet if you are from another country and culture and you controlled the money supply, you would want to destroy the indigenous culture and the indigenous nationhood.
Thus the ZOG want to destroy Monarchy!
Thus the ZOG want to destroy the Church!
The point is to have a New World Order of one World Sovereign Government - through the controlled body called the "United Nations".
It is controlled by the United States. The land on which it was built was given by the Rockefeller family. [David Rockefeller controls the banking structure].
The ZOG use the ADL and ZOG fronts to attack Scottish, English and Welsh culture and attack it robustly as "RACIST"! [Laws are passed quickly by Freemason agents who ensure patriots are made to feel guilty and sentenced by Freemason judges!]
Most people then agree to replace their own culture and their own beliefs with those beliefs and culture of an alien belief and culture. [The ZOG replacement and Hollywood CNN, CBS, Fox News orchestrated culture][BBC controlled by ZOG are very good at attacking UK Religion and Monarchy].
Quite a number of the left wing fronts are nothing more than fronts for an alien culture and belief to destroy indigenous culture and indigenous beliefs.
JERSEY - a really beautiful island off the north of France was occupied by the Germans between 1939-1945.
The German occupiers destroyed every part of Freemasonry on Jersey. This was highlighted by the destroying of the inside of the unmarked and innocuous looking large Headquarters of Freemasonry in Jersey, the organization known as "the Craft" which is based in Stopford Road in St Helier - the capital of the island.
The Germans who were into esoteric beliefs, knew that they had to destroy the symbols of the secret society that was and is used to control and enslave the English, the now emasculated people of Wales and of course the down trodden Scots.
Most Freemasons operate at the lowest levels of the hierarchy of Freemasonry. They know little about how they are controlled and what is believed at higher levels. Much that is told at the lower levels is "a blind". What is well known is to take orders and protect ALL Freemasons and protect ALL secrets of Freemasonry. However, at the upper level of 33rd degree - we see that traitor Tony "THE LIAR" BLAIR who now lives at 29 Connaught Square, just off the Edgware Road by Marble Arch in London and that other betrayer of our trust - James Gordon BROWN - another 33rd degree Mason.
Just as both Blair and Brown are "puppets" that are controlled by George Walker ("W" or Dubya) Bush who is also a 33rd degree Freemason but he is also a "puppet" of Freemasonry that is controlled by the "Banksters" (i.e. "Bank Gangsters" who control all banks)! It just so happens that they have different specific aspects in common. They are ALL linked to a very specific religious belief -which tells others that "Goyim" are mere "sheep" who are to be treated as such by the "chosen people".
Further, the "Banksters" are all Freemasons. Which in turn is controlled by B'nai Brith. What is more, the true controllers of B'nai Brith are those who control the money and those who control the money control the world.
ZOG controls the UK
ZOG controls the US
ZOG controls ISRAEL
ZOG controls ALL tax havens around the world
Jersey is a tax haven
Jersey is controlled by ZOG
Jersey is controlled by Freemasons
Most male politicians in Jersey are Freemasons
All judges in Jersey are Freemasons
All male advocates in Jersey are Freemasons
All male bankers in Jersey are Freemasons
All male controllers of the media in Jersey are Freemasons
Similarly, Scotland is controlled by ZOG
Scotland is controlled by Freemasons
Most judges in Scotland are Freemasons
Most male politicians in Scotland are Freemasons
Most male advocates in Scotland are Freemasons
Most male bankers in Scotland are Freemasons
Most controllers of the media in Scotland are Freemasons
It is very well known that England is controlled by Freemasons. The Grand Lodge [with 21 Temples in it] is based in Great Queen Street, close to Covent Garden in central London. It is known as the United Grand Lodge of England [UGLE]. The Head is HRH the Duke of Kent who lives at St James Palace. HRH Prince Philip is also "on the square" as a Freemason. The most senior organization linked to Freemasonry is the Supreme Council headquartered at the anonymous looking building at 10 Duke Street, St James, London [close to St James Palace]. Also linked is B'nai B'rith ["Sons of the Covenant" that controls Freemasonry - so that it is in reality controlled by ZOG].
It is vital to realize that although "Dubya" ("W") Bush ("43") is a "puppet" of Freemasonry. He in turn is controlled by Z.O.G (Z: Z******)(O: Occupation) (G: Government). Its supreme controller is David Rockefeller. Look him up on Wikipaedia! He is senior Banker of the Federal Reserve Board [which is in reality a Private not a Public entity].
Deviously and craftily the Freemasons are known as being "on the square" and protect ALL Freemasons - no matter the evil.
Deviously and craftily they repeat the 13, 33 and the 666 on advertising and in the media and corrupt our children so that it becomes subliminally imperceptible that Satanism of Freemasonry controls the world.
Satanism links to the symbolic "Goat" (Baphomet) of Freemasonry which links to the "Goat of Mendes"! [George W. Bush seems to be very experienced in reminding us at every opportunity of the Mano Cornuto].
What is not realised is that at the higher levels of Freemasonry, ritual child sacrifice and child sexual abuse is practised.
Witness Bohemian Grove, Glencora, Dorset child rings, Islington child rings and Jersey ritual sexual abuse and the Secret Ritual of Molech [(see in the Book of Genesis 6: 1-4 in the Bible) the owl worshipped by pagans and those who control Freemasonry] at Bohemian Grove. It is from this cadre of politicians that the future president and cabinet are selected!
Look up Alex Jones and Gordon Maxwell Ted Gunderson of the FBI and enter ritual sex abuse (RSA) on any search engine and confirm yourself with the abundant evidence!
The German occupiers of Jersey [1939-1945] destroyed all traces of Freemasonry.
In the 1950s Freemasonry returned bit by bit.
In the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s Freemasonry began to take hold of Jersey like a weed that choked its laws and choked its politics.
In the 1990s and now in the 2000s, Freemasonry has become so concentrated and so toxic that it has totally destroyed the integrity, the honesty and the trust of the people that lived in harmony in the most beautiful island of Jersey - one of the most beautiful places in the world!
Now the people of Jersey live in fear - in distrust - with deceivers as male advocate lawyers and male politicians who double cross, deviously and craftily betray all those who are non Freemasons.
Many Jersey people get out of the island as matters have become so vile, so unlawful, so criminal, so wicked and so very evil. It is a place for sinners and sadists, paedophiles and satanists. A place where you can never get true justice, just to be framed for the crimes of the Freemasons that now ruthlessly control the island with a rod of iron.
Many people in Jersey now live in very great fear when it gets dark.
The senior Judge on Jersey is a senior Freemason.
He is called the BAILIFF. He destroyed one politician who was a rival - Senator Vernon Tomes - a good man and he ordered Senator Stuart Syvret to stop speaking in Parliament during the Senator's Christmas speech in 2007. Senator Stuart Syvret is a good honest politician with integrity who had truly gained the most votes in the elections of the island.
The BAILIFF does not just sit as the senior judge on Jersey but he also acts as Speaker to the parliament, so that he controls all political debate in the feudal dictatorship that tries to pose as "democracy". Further, all the laws of the Island are set out in an unintelligible mumbo jumbo called "Norman French". It is a language that is not spoken on the island. It is older than modern French and a language that no one understands, but the Freemason judges and male advocates who are all Freemasons on Jersey can shape it for their devious and crafty purposes to deceive.
Many times people have gone before the crooked courts in Jersey that are staffed by judges who are Freemasons "on the square" and male advocates who are all Freemasons "on the square" and clerks who are "on the square" only for the litigants to be deceived and betrayed by those Freemasons in the courts who utter special passwords and end up "winning" a case [through guile and deceit] that they would lose on the mainland - if their dirty trickery was not used to undermine a case where wicked fraud and deceit of Freemasons is used again and again and again to destroy good honest upstanding people who are not Freemasons - the evil men would be behind bars. Perverted beasts is what the Freemasons all happen to be. The Freemasons covet the property of every non Freemason in Jersey.
Is it not true that the BAILIFF is a cowardly bully - a dictator who destroys or tries to destroy the characters of all non Freemasons on Jersey. [Through Abuse of Power]?
Is it not true that the BAILIFF also destroyed his first wife through character assassination and lives with a second wife who is not so bright and cannot compare to the one whose life was destroyed. [Through Abuse of Power]?
The BAILIFF protects every male ADVOCATE in Jersey who MUST be a Freemason in order to practice "successfully".
The BAILIFF [Philip Bailhache] has a brother who is the Attorney General [William Bailhache] who is also a Freemason.
The Attorney General decides who gets prosecuted in Jersey. Never ever does a Freemason get prosecuted on Jersey!
Jersey has NO real Democracy.
Jersey has NO real Rule of Law.
Jersey is controlled by evil Freemasons.
A previous Bailiff [Peter Crill] warned the island people that the new form of Cabinet government which was rapidly pushed through "parliament" [called the States of Jersey] with little debate was a charter for an elective dictatorship. It would ensure that Freemasonry could and would control Jersey. He was proved right.
For the future, every politician in Jersey MUST sign a declaration as to whether there is any Conflict of Interest between their own Private Interest and their own Public Duty. More specifically, are they [evil] "crafty" Freemasons that have sworn to protect each other?
Every Freemason swears an oath to protect his "brethren" from every criminal offence and every civil wrong and in every situation if a Freemason exhibits a sign of "distress" - a sworn duty to protect ALL brethren - the Freemason must protect his "brother" Freemason. The secret sign of "distress" is often exhibited in the corrupt Jersey courts!
Yet a Judge swears an oath to act "in the interests of justice".
But the judge MUST give priority to the oaths sworn to "the Craft".
The United States, United Kingdom, European Union, Scotland, England, France, Jersey and its dependencies are being destroyed by the policies of Freemasons and the "banksters" that are placing their agents as "puppets" and destroying our own democracy.
Time is running out.
Sadly, most people do not understand that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan are just the beginning of a move to steal oil reserves and destroy many of our own population. "Order out of chaos" [Ordo Ab Chao] is the slogan of the Illuminati that controls Freemasonry. "911" [in 2001 - was ten years to the day after the date when Bush senior spoke to Congress of a New World Order - "Novo Ordo Seclorum" as seen on the US One Dollar Note!]. We are now only too well aware that it was an "inside job" orchestrated through the office of the president of the United States. [George Walker Bush and "the architects" for a catastrophe against the United States by the New American Century - AIPAC - ZOG faction controlled by David Rockefeller]. [Only those who "pulled it off" or their agents or those who have no brain believe it was "Terri the Terrorists". The use of such emotive words fire people up against an enemy that are an "invisible enemy" supplied with US weapons to defeat the enemiers of the US so they could not collar "OUR OIL"!]
Refer to what David Rockefeller ["the ZOG Controller"] had to say about "THE NEED FOR A CATASTROPHIC EVENT AGAINST THE UNITED STATES" and look very carefuly as to WHO EXACTLY was to benefit from the outrage involving the cold-blooded MURDER of thousands of "GOYIM" - whilst the president had with him a VERY IMPORTANT "prop" [to those "in the know"] about "The Pet Goat" [erroneously referred to or perhaps deliberately referred to as "My Pet Goat" or was it the "GOAT OF MENDES"? in the Emma E. Booker Elementary school in a Sarasota, Florida classroom - the state where his brother was GOVERNOR - so he was very, very, very safe] for the symbolic 7 long minutes - the book of which was "upside down". [Study Satanism to understand what precisely this all means!]
Note that the president returned in "Air Force One" which was NOT escorted to the Air Force Base - rather stange don't you think - if the country was meant to be "under attack"! [Also rather surprising that all intercepting jets were ORDERED well away from Washington that day - on executive orders! Further, DICK CHENEY (who controls Dubya Bush) the protege of David Rockefeller of 146, East 65 Street, Manhattan, NY 10021 was in charge of the controlled demolitions that day]. [Who was to benefit that day? Was it not ZOG and those who support it?]
Many of the 9/11 victims families remain disturbed by the negligent way the investigation was conducted by the 9/11 Commission. The Family Steering Committee (FSC) compiled a list of 400 questions for the Commission. Approximately 150 were addressed, leaving 250 questions unanswered.
The FSC was intended for the Commission to ask President Bush in sworn testimony. In case you weren't aware, both President Bush and Vice President Cheney agreed ONLY to testify in PRIVATE, without being under OATH, and without the capability of Commissioners being able to even take NOTES.
As Commander-in-Chief on the morning of 9/11, why didn't he return immediately to Washington, D.C. or the National Military Command Center once he became aware that America was under attack? At specifically what time did he become aware that America was under attack? Who informed him of this fact?
On the morning of 9/11, who was in charge of our country while he was away from the National Military Command Center? Was he informed or consulted about all decisions made in his absence?
What defensive action did he personally order to protect the nation during the crisis on September 11th 2001 [Precisely 10 years after his father gave the New World Order speech to Congress, making it very clear that the New World Order controlled by the United States would take control of the planet!]? What time were these orders given, and to whom? What orders were carried out? What was the result of such orders? Were any such orders not carried out?
Why was the US given the impression it was so utterly unprepared for an attack on its own soil - wit the most sophisticated equipment in the world to detect aircraft off course?
U.S. Navy Captain Deborah Loewer, the Director of the White House Situation Room, informed the president of the first airliner hitting Tower One of the World Trade Center before he entered the Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida. So how could he ever explain the reason why he decided to continue with the scheduled classroom visit, fifteen minutes after learning the first hijacked airliner had hit the World Trade Center. [Unless it was all very much pre-planned???] [Today - 911 was the day for "the catastrophe"!!!]
Is it normal procedure for the Director of the White House Situation Room to travel with the president? [Of course not!!!] If so, please cite any prior examples of when this occurred. If not normal procedure, please explain the circumstances that led to the Director of the White House Situation Room being asked to accompany you to Florida during the week of September 11th.
What plan of action caused the president to remain seated after Andrew Card informed the president that a 2nd (second) airliner had hit the 2nd (second) tower of the World Trade Center (WTC) and America was clearly under attack?
Approximately how long did the preseident remain in the classroom [Emma E. Booker Elementary School] after Card's message?
At what time was the president made aware that other planes were hijacked in addition to Flight 11 and Flight 175? Who notified him? What was his course of action as Commander-in-Chief of the United States?
Beginning with the transition period between the Clinton administration and his own, and ending on 9/11/01, specifically what information (either verbal or written) about terrorists, possible attacks and targets, did he receive from any source? This would include briefings or communications from:
Out-going Clinton officials
and other intelligence agencies
Foreign intelligence, governments, dignitaries or envoys
National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice
Richard Clarke, former counterterrorism czar
Specifically, what did he learn from the August 6, 2001, PDB [President's Daily Brief] about the terrorist threat that was facing the nation?
Did he request any follow-up action to take place?
Did he request any further report be developed and/or prepared?
As Commander-in-Chief, from May 1, 2001 until September 11, 2001, did he receive any information from any intelligence agency official or agent that "UBL [Usama Bin Laden]" was planning to attack this nation on its own soil using airplanes as weapons, targeting New York City landmarks during the week of September 11, 2001 or on the actual day of September 11, 2001?
What defensive measures did the president take in response to pre-9/11 warnings from eleven nations about a terrorist attack, many of which cited an attack in the continental United States? Did he prepare any directives in response to these actions? If so, with what results?
As Commander-in-Chief from May 1, 2001 until September 11, 2001, did he or any agent of the United States government carry out any negotiations or talks with UBL, an agent of UBL, or al-Qaeda? During that same period, did he or any agent of the United States government carry out any negotiations or talks with any foreign government, its agents, or officials regarding UBL? If so, what resulted?
HIs schedule for September 11, 2001 was in the public domain since September 7, 2001. The Emma E. Booker School is only five miles from the Bradenton Airport, so you, and therefore the children in the classroom, might have been a target for the terrorists on 9/11. What was the intention of the Secret Service in allowing the president to remain in the Emma E. Booker Elementary School, even though they were aware that America was under attack?
Please consider why the president remained at the Sarasota, Florida, Elementary School for a press conference after he finished listening to the children read, when as a terrorist target, his presence potentially jeopardized the lives of the children?
What was the purpose of the several stops of Air Force One on September 11th? Was Air Force One at any time during the day of September 11th a target of the terrorists? Was Air Force One's code ever breached on September 11th?
Was there a reason for Air Force One lifting off without a military escort, even after ample time had elapsed to allow military jets to arrive?
What prompted the president's refusal to release the information regarding foreign sponsorship of the terrorists, as illustrated in the inaccessible 28 redacted pages in the Joint Intelligence Committee Inquiry Report? What actions has the president personally taken since 9/11 to thwart foreign sponsorship of terrorism?
Who approved the flight of the bin Laden family out of the United States when all commercial flights were grounded, when there was time for only minimal questioning by the FBI, and especially, when two of those same individuals had links to WAMY, a charity suspected of funding terrorism? Why were bin Laden family members granted that special privilege -- a privilege not available to American families whose loved ones were killed on 9/11?
Please consider why no one in any level of our government has yet been held accountable for the countless failures leading up to and on 9/11?
Please consider the fact that UBL's profile on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives poster does not include the 9/11 attacks. To your knowledge, when was the last time any agent of the US government had contact with UBL? If prior to 9/11, specifically what was the date of that contact and what was the context of said meeting.
Does the president continue to maintain that Saddam Hussein was linked to al Qaeda? What proof could he possibly have of any connection between al-Qaeda and the Saddam Hussein Iraqi regime?
Which individuals, governments, agencies, institutions, or groups may have benefited from the attacks of 9/11? Please consider how you think they have benefited?
Many people were to benefit out of 911...
All of them were those very, very, very close to George (Dubya = W) Bush, David Rockefeller, Larry Silverstein (and his 7 Billion payment for the asbestos towers with the blood of over three thousand innocent murdered firemen, policemen, paramedics and people who were just doing their job - all on his hands - through the evil murder by Freemasons who orchestrated it all for "the catastrophe"), Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle - AIPAC and the whole Bush Mafia!
There you have the answers as the evidence speaks volumes to ALL. [The Chairman of the 911 Commission was a friend of the president, he was a Freemason and appointed by the president who was also a Freemason!]
Do you now understand why the JERSEY tax haven is riddled with a rotten infestation called Freemasonry?
Do you know understand why the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy and controlled by Israel through ZOG - the money controls us all - which is controlled through the male Freemasons - 500,000 of them in the British Isles alone - of a population of 60 million.
Look at the one dollar note - look at all its symbolism - designed by Freemasons.
Look at the design of Washington - all designed by Pierre L'Enfant - a Freemason.
The so-called "Statue of Liberty" has nothing to do with "Liberty", as it was given by the Provincial Lodge of France which controls the French President and French Cabinet. In truth it represents the Babylonian pagan female deity.
In France, the president SARKOZY is Jewish.
In the UK, Peter Mandelson "made" Blair. Mandelson is Jewish. He made out that he was a "Communist" but was he not in reality a ZOG agent?
ZOGs control politics by introducing the red herrings of "RACISM" and "DISCRIMINATION" which is often PATRIOTISM and PRIDE of one's own CULTURE. It is linked with sovereignty.
Yet if you are from another country and culture and you controlled the money supply, you would want to destroy the indigenous culture and the indigenous nationhood.
Thus the ZOG want to destroy Monarchy!
Thus the ZOG want to destroy the Church!
The point is to have a New World Order of one World Sovereign Government - through the controlled body called the "United Nations".
It is controlled by the United States. The land on which it was built was given by the Rockefeller family. [David Rockefeller controls the banking structure].
The ZOG use the ADL and ZOG fronts to attack Scottish, English and Welsh culture and attack it robustly as "RACIST"! [Laws are passed quickly by Freemason agents who ensure patriots are made to feel guilty and sentenced by Freemason judges!]
Most people then agree to replace their own culture and their own beliefs with those beliefs and culture of an alien belief and culture. [The ZOG replacement and Hollywood CNN, CBS, Fox News orchestrated culture][BBC controlled by ZOG are very good at attacking UK Religion and Monarchy].
Quite a number of the left wing fronts are nothing more than fronts for an alien culture and belief to destroy indigenous culture and indigenous beliefs.
Ann T. Mason
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