Keith Parkins | 19.03.2008 16:03 | Repression | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Sheffield
According to the boss and founder of a4e speaking on a BBC business programme last week, they are the unemployed best friend, they 'help' the unemployed back into work!
The Bottom Line is a BBC Radio 4 business programme broadcast on Saturdays sandwiched between the five o'clock and six o'clock news.
Last Saturday (15 March 2008) the guests on the programme were the boss of a recruitment agency who did not understand how social networking sites worked, the French guy who cocked up the Dome and the boss and founder of a4e.
A4e, together with other training providers such as Working Links and CDG (Careers Development Group), are subcontracted to DWP to provided under New Deal training for the unemployed and 'help' them into jobs.
In the light of highly critical comments on Indymedia UK, SchNEWS and elsewhere, I was interested to hear what the boss of a4e (Access for Employment) had to say for herself.
She came across as an idiot with a big mouth. According to her they were helping the unemployed into work, they were the unemployed best friend!
The BBC, displaying its famed impartiality, had no unemployed or jobseekers on the programme to give a contrary view, so her crass comments went unchallenged.
This is a small attempt to address that imbalance.
I have had no direct experience of a4e, I merely note the negative comments that have been published here and elsewhere, but it did strike me listening to her mouthing off, if you are so good, why are the unemployed not queuing up outside your door, why are these courses made compulsory, with threat of loss of benefits for up to six months if you refuse to attend?
If you attend a college course and it is no good, you can drop out, you may even try to get your money back.
The unemployed lack this option when on New Deal training courses. They are forced to attend no matter how bad, and benefits will be stopped if you try to drop out.
For basic skills, jobseekers are better off attending a local college, but Job Centres will even pull people off the courses and force them to attend a scam training course.
One of these scam training providers is CDG. Bullying is rife, jobseekers are forced to apply for four jobs every day, jobseekers are forced to go on compulsory work placements with no prior discussion as to the long term job prospects or even whether the job is suitable, forced to attend training courses which do not match or enhance their existing skills and experience, computer activities illegally monitored, the ever present threat of benefits being stopped for non-compliance. Those who dare criticise what is going on, are quickly pushed out the building, either on job placements or removed from the course with false allegations of misconduct. The most critical have had smear campaigns run against them.
Jobseekers should be able to vote with their feet, walk off these scam training courses, but they cannot. If they try, their benefits are stopped.
If these training providers are so good, why is compulsion necessary to force people to attend?
There is a long overdue need for a thorough inquiry into these scam training companies and an end to the gravy train.
Last Saturday (15 March 2008) the guests on the programme were the boss of a recruitment agency who did not understand how social networking sites worked, the French guy who cocked up the Dome and the boss and founder of a4e.
A4e, together with other training providers such as Working Links and CDG (Careers Development Group), are subcontracted to DWP to provided under New Deal training for the unemployed and 'help' them into jobs.
In the light of highly critical comments on Indymedia UK, SchNEWS and elsewhere, I was interested to hear what the boss of a4e (Access for Employment) had to say for herself.
She came across as an idiot with a big mouth. According to her they were helping the unemployed into work, they were the unemployed best friend!
The BBC, displaying its famed impartiality, had no unemployed or jobseekers on the programme to give a contrary view, so her crass comments went unchallenged.
This is a small attempt to address that imbalance.
I have had no direct experience of a4e, I merely note the negative comments that have been published here and elsewhere, but it did strike me listening to her mouthing off, if you are so good, why are the unemployed not queuing up outside your door, why are these courses made compulsory, with threat of loss of benefits for up to six months if you refuse to attend?
If you attend a college course and it is no good, you can drop out, you may even try to get your money back.
The unemployed lack this option when on New Deal training courses. They are forced to attend no matter how bad, and benefits will be stopped if you try to drop out.
For basic skills, jobseekers are better off attending a local college, but Job Centres will even pull people off the courses and force them to attend a scam training course.
One of these scam training providers is CDG. Bullying is rife, jobseekers are forced to apply for four jobs every day, jobseekers are forced to go on compulsory work placements with no prior discussion as to the long term job prospects or even whether the job is suitable, forced to attend training courses which do not match or enhance their existing skills and experience, computer activities illegally monitored, the ever present threat of benefits being stopped for non-compliance. Those who dare criticise what is going on, are quickly pushed out the building, either on job placements or removed from the course with false allegations of misconduct. The most critical have had smear campaigns run against them.
Jobseekers should be able to vote with their feet, walk off these scam training courses, but they cannot. If they try, their benefits are stopped.
If these training providers are so good, why is compulsion necessary to force people to attend?
There is a long overdue need for a thorough inquiry into these scam training companies and an end to the gravy train.
Keith Parkins
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Nothing is mandatory
19.03.2008 17:18
They can if they are no fixed abode. I was put on one of this companys courses and so I just changed my signing office, rather than being lectured on seeking employment by someone who has proven themselves unable to get any real work themselves. I realise that isn't practical for everyone but those of us who can vote with their feet should.
I agree that if these courses were any good then they wouldn't be mandatory, effectively they are day prisons for poor people. The state thinks it has a right to bully and waste the time of anyone on benefits, and that if you don't like being patronised then you should opt-out of claiming benefits. That would be fair enough if we also had the option of opting out of paying tax.
Blessing in disguise
20.03.2008 08:56
I know them of Old
21.03.2008 23:51
If we ain't careful we shall all become slaves.
A4e is a scam, a lie and a joke. A sick joke at that...!!!!
15.04.2008 22:31
What makes this scary is that his was my experience with A4e in Leeds. So it seems A4e's incompitence is nationwide.
Without wanting to repeat what has already been said, I'll add my 2cents worth.
I was on A4e around 5 years ago, here in Leeds. Prior to going to A4e, I was at the 2 week gateway to work run by a pillock who'd make David Brent look like Bill Gates. Its sole aim was to scare people into work. All the jobs papers were out of date. I took it upon myself to bring in free jobs papers from the local Morrisons on my way there in the morning. There were 2 other members of staff (in addition to Mr. Pillock) as well as security guards who would open the door for you only at set times so you'd be almost imprissoned!!
Now to A4e!!! My New Deal (or should that be Raw Deal) advisor informed me that I'd have to attend A4e for 3 months as part of New Deal 25+. I had to ask her what A4e did. "Training" was the reply. "What sort of training?" I asked. She could or would not answer so she reluctantly handed be a photocopied leaflet which had a number of "courses" highlighted. When I asked more about what the "courses" entailed, she got huffy and retorted "I'm not telling you what the courses are as they (A4e) will get £50 for telling you this at the induction". Charming!!!! More about these "courses" a bit later.
When I attended A4e, as has been said, there were 25-30 people in the room. Now if 25 or so people bring in £50 for A4e, thats £1250 right away for that morning. Every day, new inductees....
Now when at A4e, the conditions were as previously described - filthy cups, no washing facilities in the toilets and so on. The facilities were basic. Yes therewas a computer suite on the ground floor, but these were normally out of bounds. The 4 PC's on the upper floor whre most of A4e's cleints were were slow as hell, and only 2 were connected to a VERY slow internet connection. There was only ONE phone available with which you were supposed to make phone calls to arrange interviews and the like.
One of the senior members of staff, lets call her Laura, said to me on day one, "Don't worry, you'll be out of here in 2 weeks". Guess wot? I spent the whole sorry 3 months there!
As with Gateway 2 work, The job papers, yellow pages and phone directories were woefully out of date.
I enquired about the "media & design course" I was meant to be on. Another useless member of staff, lets call her Mel, told me that the courses do not exist and only ever existed for a very short period of time, if at all. I was shocked livid!!!! I went back to my new deal advisor. Her reply: "Oh, they're obviously getting money for things they're not providing then". UNBELEVABLE!!!!! This is FRAUD!!!!
Things got from bad to dia-bloody-bolical. I soon got a rep for being awkward and ucooperative. One of the things A4e are supposed to provide is work experience via local companies. As my feild was/is design and print as well as general IT, they contacted a couple of businesses on my behalf. However, I had to do most of the phoning around myself using the single phone available! On one occasion A4e contacted a local college with a view to getting me work experience. Only, they never told me what I was going for. Only when I got there was I told that I'd be teaching students DTP. So I turn up with no work samples or anything!!!
Staying with work experience, A4e had an IT repairman / trouble shooter who's job it was to sort out any IT issues. Even he was amazed when I told him my experiences with A4e. He was also baffled as to why A4e did not let me work with him for a couple of months whilst I was there!!!
Someone has mentioned complaing about this useless shower. Well I did just that. A new deal advisor would visit from the local job centre not only to see his clients, but also to see how well A4e was delivering its services. I arranged to see him, lets call him "Pat", ASAP. I told him how bad A4e was. He listened sympathetically. Next day, Mel shouts at me "What have you been saying to Pat? Its was bang out of order!"
Well I went straight down to the job centre and saw Pat. My blood was boiling at this point. He said that the comments I put to him were confidential but were told to a senior member of staff as way of feed back. What Mel said to me was itself out of order and he'd be having words with A4e.
I also saw a lady from a mentoring service provided by the employmnt service. A nice lady, she had heard some good things about A4e, lets be honest. However, she began to hear some real horror stories from not only myself but several others. Her good opinion of A4e evaporated overnight!!!
Now the funny thing is that my (and others) complaints were beginning to turn the corrupt oil tanker round!!! Sure it was still shockingly poor, but it seems one day Mel decided to do "fun" things like asking people who they most admired and why. You then had to write a short essay about them. I refused. This would have been better done at the beginning, not near the ent of my 3 month tenure ot should that be torture???!!!
Again, Mel had the cheek to conduct interview skills traing when most people had a couple of weeks left to go. This should have been done in the first week or two, surely? Again, most refused.
I ended up doing the work of an unpaid member of staff. I was typing up peoples CV's and teaching basic IT!!!
Many of the clients spent thier time smoking weed. Others clearly had alchohol issues.
To those who say "get a job" are missing the point in a BIG way. They should be angry too. As angry as I am writing this response. This is fraudulant behaviour on a NATIONWIDE scale. Indeed it may even be international as A4e are moving into France, god help them.
As a taxpayers, everyone should be intersted to know what happens inside such "training providers" esp as Gordon Broon is pushing training and skills up the political agenda. If A4e is involved, expect more lies, fruad and doublespeak folks. The sad thing is though, A4e may be bad but they are bad whilst aided and abetted by this gov't!! Whilst on A4e, you are not classed as unemployed. You are taken off the unemployment register or 3 months so it looks like you've go a job as far as the statistics are concerned. Rember, YOUR taxes are being abused by this scam.
A4e may help some. If so, great. However, they pitch their level of help at such a low common denominator that they fail to help those who have an above average education.
Ian C. Matthew
A4E Courses
24.06.2008 17:48
The first few weeks wernt to bad but there was nothing to do as the building was being made ready ,but we kept asking for computer access to find jobs but it didnt emerge till the last week i was there .the numbers at first were few ,most of us ,10 or so clients from instant muscle plus a few others.We were put in classes of roughly similar age groups.Then as the weeks went on the classes grew to stupid numbers ,30 or so in rooms designed to seat 20.
And as the class sizes grew the tutors attention was streched even more and at one point i think it took alll morning to write my name and N,I, number.Towards the end of this course the whole thing decsened into lunacy with people walking round doing nothing.I cannot say if this is true for alll these courses but similarities with other posts i've read suggest that they might help a few but for the majority with half a brain cell this is crap.
Fortunatly i have a job now but not through A4E efforts.
Here is some advice for anyone having to attend these things
1) Turn off your brain or your gonna go mad
2) Take plenty to read ,it gets boring after you sit down
3) Take your own drink because theres no way your gonna get near that kettle at break and if you do theres no coffee ,sugar,milk etc,although they did have a fully functioning coffee machine that they didnt want to use.
Anyway to capp it all off ,I wasn't impressed,didn't find a job through them and i left thinking the whole thing was a total waste of time and the only real benefit is to those who make shed loads of cash out of the whole affair.
Paul Matiss
Has anyone heard of BEST?
09.07.2008 14:19
19.05.2011 17:50
Ex A4E worker
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