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Thesis - Corruption and high treason

mrs Charity Sweet | 18.03.2008 11:07 | History | Indymedia | Repression | London | World




The British Constitution is a combination of the Magna Carta 1215, the Bill of Rights 1689 and the Act of Settlement 1701. All threats to our sovereignty are illegal under our constitution which is what enabled England to declare war on Germany. Any person who threatens our sovereignty is guilty of treason at common law and under our five treason Acts. Misprision of Treason is the crime of refusing to act when one knows that treason has been committed.

The writ of a foreign power has been illegal in Great Britain since at least 1689.

The Act of Supremacy and the Bill of Rights both specifically state, “No foreign prince, person, prelate, state or potentate hath or ought to have any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence or authority ecclesiastical or spiritual within this realm.” Neither the Queen nor Parliament may undermine the sovereignty of the English nation.
The prerogative that is extended to Parliament only permits government to implement the wishes of the people, not its own agenda. The will of the people is to hold a referendum on Europe. Parliament has publicly denied the will of the people and must be held accountable.

Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg a.k.a. Windsor committed High Treason when she signed the European Communities Act in 1972.

Margaret Thatcher committed High Treason when he signed the Single European Act in 1987.

John Major committed High Treason when he signed the EU Maastrich Treaty.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel penned the Reform Treaty in 2006 and Gordon Brown committed High Treason when he signed the Reform Act December 13, 2007. Parliament is committing High Treason by ratifying this Treaty in Parliament as from February, 2008. Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg is due to commit High Treason once again when this treaty receives Royal Assent in June, 2008.


Should the Reform Treaty receive Royal Assent in June, the EU Constitution will replace the British Constitution as of January 1, 2009. As such, all five EU treaties and the Reform Treaty are illegal. The EU’s 111,000 regulations have been passed on by illegal orders of council. All British signatories are guilty of High Treason.

The EU Constitution does not allow for elections to Westminster as elections will only be held to Brussels. Abolishing English Parliament is the ultimate act of High Treason.

No more British elections?


The British Pound will not be government currency – England will lose their pound note to the European state.


The Law Lords have criminally refused to uphold law and the British Constitution. The Magistrates are illegally following the edicts of the EU Corpus Juris.

Our Common Law, as far back as 1215 with Magna Carta, states that a citizen can only be judged by his peers (Section 39). These rights protect the individual against arbitrary conviction and imprisonment. Our Common Law recognises several vital rights to the citizen:
• The right of Habeas Corpus (that the accused must be taken to a public court within a very short period of time, usually 24 hours, and the accusers must produce their evidence then and there).
• The right to Trial by Jury at which jurors can in fact even disregard the law if they think it would give an unjust conviction. The jurors are thus 'sovereign'.
• If found innocent, the accused cannot be tried again on the same charge ('double jeopardy').
• In other words our process is 1) suspicion, 2) investigation, 3) arrest, 4) charge.

Under the Continental system, known as the Inquisitorial System (often loosely referred to as the Napoleonic system) things are quite different:
• In Europe the sequence of events is 1) suspicion, 2) arrest, 3) investigation and 4) charge. In other words the citizen can be arrested and imprisoned without anyone having to produce any evidence against him. There is therefore:
• No Habeas Corpus so one can be imprisoned for very long periods (weeks, months, occasionally years) without any evidence being produced against you.
• No right to Trial by Jury as their system involves judgements being made by a career judiciary who are the judges and prosecutors and who are, to all intents and purposes, 'colleagues' (a quite separate body of lawyers makes the defence and are often treated as inferiors).
• In most instances the accused can be tried a second time for the same offence, since the prosecution has the right of appeal against acquittal.
Curiously, two treason Acts were secretly removed and illegally repealed by Tony Blair in 1998. The repeals were inserted within the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 after it was debated within Parliament. Parliament supposedly did not discover this fact until March 2005.

What can the people do?

Using Para 3, Schedule 12, paragraph 18, sub paragraphs 4 & 5 of the 1972 Local Governments Act, the people can and must surely demand their local council to hold a referendum on Europe, re-asserting our Constitutional right to sovereignty.

Gordon Brown and his cronies, crossing all the political parties that make up corporate democracy as it stands today, can then be arrested and detained for their crimes of High Treason, tried before a jury of the people – subject to life imprisonment.

mrs Charity Sweet
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This really helps with credibility.....

18.03.2008 11:49

Of both the author and Indymedia.

Good Job

Sane watch


18.03.2008 12:29

Are you by any chance related to those fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists UKIP? I should point out that most members of UKIP objected to the word closet in that description.

It would appear that you know nothing about either the UK 'constitution' or the way in which the EU works.

Fair enough being opposed to the EU but at least get your facts right, other wise you look like one of the above.

And why would we need a referndum on signing up to this, most of the country doesnt care it is only knee jerk, little britainers that are worried. Scared that we will no longer have the right to spend great british pounds, drink warm beer or watch cricket on the village green.

You like to highlight the bad outcomes of our membership of the EU, most of which are spurious anyway, but fail to mention that a lot of what is actually for the good of all has come from Europe. Human rights, minimum wage, REACH and a lot of environment related legislation that has actually resulted in higher standards across the EU.

But good luck with bringing the case for treason, I loom forward to seeing how it pans out.


Thanks duck for that.

18.03.2008 13:00

A article that is written well, researched, and which comes across in a positive manner.
Makes a change.

James Gardener