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Dismantle the war machine: SmashEDO In Oxford, 24th March

Smashy Dough | 18.03.2008 10:37 | Anti-militarism | Oxford

Make a space in your busy schedules for the evening of 24th March, as activists from Brighton’s anti-arms trade campaign, Smash EDO, are coming to Oxford for a soiree of film and discussion.

The group’s tenacious drive to make life difficult for the weapons manufacturers, EDO MBM, has involved the repeated use of direct action and noise demos, and has been met with police repression and a (failed) attempt by the company to impose a High Court injunction on the activists.

Smash EDO will be showing ‘On the Verge’ - a new film about their campaign, followed by a talk and discussion on building resistance to the company. The event will take place in the bar at the East Oxford Community Centre, Princes Street, at 7pm on 24th March. No-one will be turned away for lack of cash but donations are more than welcome. Smash EDO’s determination has been seriously inspiring - this is well-worth

The evening should be of interest to all social justice activists who are challenging the “but I’m only doing my job” mentality, have been bored to tears by petty police tactics, and who’ve had valuable time and energy sapped by that discredited loser of a lawyer, Timothy Lawson-Cruttendon.

Come along for more info on how we can support the campaign, and adopt tactics for our own…

Smashy Dough
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Spread good practice.....

18.03.2008 11:56

This is a good idea - EDO can learn from the successful campaign to stop the Oxford lab being built.


Get more people involved

18.03.2008 13:53

CND are organising an event at Aldermaston (see perhaps they should be leafleted and encouraged to get involved in direct action. Apparently they have 50 coaches going.

mail e-mail:

Good idea, lousy timing.

18.03.2008 22:20

A great shame. Putting an anti-arms trade meeting on the same day as a major CND rally was most unfortunate. I suspect that an awful lot of sympathisers (e.g. me) will be down at Aldermaston and not really be up to coming along in the evening :0(

Nevertheless, I wish you luck, and perhaps will come to a future meeting.

Gregory Beetle

Come after Aldermaston!

21.03.2008 14:14

The event starts at 7pm; plenty of time to get back from Aldermaston and get to the Community Centre (and maybe even have a shower). Unless you get nicked that is ;)


Knickers to the Bye-Laws
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