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Vegan Diet 'Help' For Arthritis

Earth-Tribe | 18.03.2008 09:51 | Animal Liberation | Education | Health

Vegan diet helps with arthritis and heart disease

Vegan diet 'help' for arthritis
Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Those on the vegan diet showed a decrease in the total level of cholesterol and specifically a reduction in the amount of low-density lipoprotein (LSL), also known as "bad cholesterol".

In contrast, those on the non-vegan diet showed no significant variations in these levels.

The Arthritis Research Campaign, which is currently looking into how statins may reduce cardiovascular risks for sufferers, said the study was of interest but said the role of diet could be exaggerated.

"We spend over £20 million a year in universities and medical schools to support pioneering biomedical research in order to improve life for people who have arthritis and related musculoskeletal diseases."

Instead of adopting a simple change in diet, they prefer to pump much needing funding into " Medical Research"... vivisection, keeping the gravy train running.



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This post ok other not I wonder why ?

18.03.2008 10:33

I see this post made it through the Indy sensor when the four previous ones did not. But then after all a rise in Antisemitc attacks is nowhere near as important as pushing a Vegan diet is it ?

The following posts were all hidden today, none of them breaks any of the editorial guidelines, they are all relevant to Indy reflecting important issues. They are of course detailing attacks on Jews. Was this the reason they were hidden ?

Yesterday when a post about the death of a Jewish Facist fighter was hidden we were told by ana it was " a mistake". Where these mistakes as well ?

Who has hidden these, why was the hiding not notified to the Moderation List, what was the reason ?

And the comments to this one were also hidden, for what reason ?

More "mistakes" or institunialised antisemitism ?

pissed off

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