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ALF torch circus trucks; sabotage pet shop & butcher

FLA&ALF | 18.03.2008 00:00 | Animal Liberation | World

The trucks destroyed belonged to Pinder's circus in France; that ADI exposed in 2003 after Dicky Chipperfield joined, following his trade of lions and tigers being driven out the UK. Pet shop and butcher also sabotaged in Mexico.

"Our message to Dicky Chipperfield [Pinder's] is: GIVE UP" Animal Defenders International (ADI), 2004

Dicky's circus that went to join Pinder's in France
Dicky's circus that went to join Pinder's in France

reported anonymously:

"March 14:

The war against speciesist shops and businesses is just starting in Mexico; we recognize that the radical Animal Liberation movement is only just being born, hoping that it reaches a higher level than what they are accustomed to seeing. The Mexican people are unconscious of what is happening with the beings who inhabit the same planet and therefore deserve to enjoy it as much as possible.

This war cannot be stepped up a notch without someone, a group of people who have dedicated themselves to do things and act in favor of the rights of our animal brothers and sisters; it's because of this that we desire to make the name of the international ALF reach all those who profit from the parts of living, intelligent, sociable and sentient beings, all who wanted to be free, but by the anthropocentric attitude of the degenerated monkey have not come to feel that freedom and the only thing that s/he felt and feels is sadness, slavery and imprisonment.

As a result of all this and more, we attacked, painting slogans "ANIMALS ARE NOT MERCHANDISE! on a pet store and MEAT IS DEATH! at a meat market. Victory for the ALF.

For the animals, here and now!

FLA México"


anonymous communique:

"During the month of March, Circus Pinder was targeted in Montpellier. Trucks were burned after billboards were destroyed and tires punctured. The losses amount to several thousand Euros.

They have, among other animals, two female elephants who they tie up day and night. They can not move or lie down!

Pinder, animals are not your slaves. We will follow you to Avignon, then to Nîmes . . . .

The Scandinavian countries ban wild animals in circuses. Cities of France, refuse to host this modern slavery!



Background on Circus Jean Richard Pinder, by ADI

"Victory: UK’s largest supplier of circus lion and tiger acts closes and the notorious Dicky Chipperfield flees to France"

But Dicky has not given up, he’s just gone into exile. he has subsequently told the Daily Mirror that he has not been driven out of the country, it’s just that circuses have stopped using animals! In 2003, ADI learned from a French contact that Dicky had joined Circus Jean Richard Pinder as an animal trainer. We were able to obtain some footage of Dicky training and determined to put the circus under surveillance. In December, the circus took up residence in Paris for about seven weeks and an ADI team went out to monitor them.

Our Field Officers found the lions and tigers still living in beastwagons, cages on the backs of lorries. They would occasionally be allowed into a small so-called ‘exercise enclosure’. This was a concrete area with just a scattering of straw. There was nothing to amuse the animals. Getting to see Dicky training was difficult, with much in secret, however we still found him up to his old tricks lashing out at animals if they disobeyed, even catching him on film hitting a tiger hard over the head with a metal bar and then again across the back as it ran in terror, just to make sure it got the message.

The exchange showed the old Dicky Chipperfield, losing his temper and shouting: “Bastard. You f***ing bastard, come here,” followed by (six times in succession!) “I’ll sort you out” and challenging the animal to come forward.

That was behind the scenes ­ that night during performance, Dicky was all smiles, wearing a black tie outfit, performing to the James Bond theme tune. Meanwhile, backstage Circus Pinder workers were filmed jabbing the animals with metal bars and hitting the tunnel bars over their heads, to drive them into the ring. In the background, Dicky Chipperfield can be heard barking out commands.

In January 2004, Circus Pinder Jean Richard started a tour of France, with ADI on the trail. In Tours in central France, an ADI Field Officer gained access to a training session where Dicky was in the ring with a mixed group of lions and tigers, but was asked to leave by suspicious circus workers. Our message to Dicky Chipperfield is: GIVE UP. You’ve made a good living from these animals, now give them a break, and retire.

Further information: (CAPS)




March ALF Articles

Global (13th) (5th) (1st) (Feb)

Norway: Oslo fur shops under attack (15th)

UK: ALF Spraypaint Slogans Against Oxford Uni (3rd)

- Homepage: http://DIRECTACTION.INFO


Hide the following 10 comments

Heating up?

18.03.2008 00:28

6th arson in 6 weeks...






Arson around with Auntie ALF

There's a cirkus near here too

18.03.2008 07:24

So what does one do with the liberated wild kats and elephants? I haven't noticed too many refuges that would be able to hide Nelli the Elli discretely.

I'm just asking so as to think through a possible


But not in the UK

18.03.2008 08:37

Heating up indeed but not in the UK - too hot here?


according to

18.03.2008 09:38

SHACWATCH.WORDPRESS.COM (who I must say seems to live all alone on his/her own 'fantasy island') all british animal liberationists are in prison right now.

ooh err

Shacwatch is hillarious

18.03.2008 10:32

'Until all are caged' the site jokes. What is really funny is the spelling, grammer and glaring inaccuracies in many of the reports on this site.


Whats it for?

18.03.2008 12:01

Just looked up shacwatch out of curiosity. Whats it for? It appears to be just personal jibes of a sophistication I last remember from school and Newman and Baddiels history professors. I could understand a site argueing for animal testing to help us cure diseases (although I don't agree with it & think there are better methods) but they are just making personal remarks like "ginger" ? What is their point? Feel strangely sorry for them, but perhaps they are having fun in the best way they can. Oh dear.

number six

Dumb,dodgy & Dumber!!!Why put this on newsline???provocatuers

18.03.2008 14:18

animal suffering must be stopped as well as millions of children dying unecessarily& increased birth rates in poor areas to compensate for poverty.
Theres better ways of stopping these bastards if you know about construction etc+ economics etc. This is well dodgy& gives state an excuse to crackdown.
There are thousands of arson events happening across europe everyday, no one publicises this except idiots or provacetuers!

surely this breaks imc guidelines

take it off, if people want to put this on a covert website & get arrested do, dont get the rest of us arrested, we need to stop torture & exploitation for good.
Things are slowly getting better if you think not go back to the middle ages & witness bestiality,accepted paedophilia-incest rampant then.

I personally do not want to promote indymedia if this stays on, why should we tolerate minority that accept this?& hide behind the rest of us?



18.03.2008 18:40

What is it with people who don't agree with a tactic, and then lay their finger so quickly towards "provocatuers"? Perhaps a lack of education regarding history? The suffrajets burned mailboxes and MPs cars (who were sexist) in order to win their rights is this any different?

>> "This is well dodgy& gives state an excuse to crackdown"

No, the state provides it's own excuses if you remember correctly, Twin towers (twice!!), 7/7 and the fucking rest. They'll crack down regardless you ignorant fool, do you think the Jews overstepped the limit in the 1930s and that's why Hitler cracked down? Or do you think that perhaps that the concept of fascism is why the state cracks down? Maybe they are cracking down because you infact are damaging the state to much maybe - who knows. Regardless, there hasn't been a rights movement without a crackdown, so it doesn't make any different what tactics are being used - they'll try their hardest to crack you down. Pin.

>> "Things are slowly getting better if you think not go back to the middle ages"

Yeh....increasing poverty, more wars, ever increasing wealth and environmental destruction, waves of repression, unstricted government control. A LOT better.

>> "There are thousands of arson events happening across europe everyday, no one publicises this except idiots or provacetuers"

Maybe that's because most are seriously endangering life, or do, or are racist attacks or gangs etc, etc, note; there aren't "thousands" of politically orientated arsons every day, there are few, and fewer that are reported and publicised.

>> "surely this breaks imc guidelines" it doesn't, just like G8 riots weren't.

>> "take it off, if people want to put this on a covert website & get arrested do, dont get the rest of us arrested"

Like the journalists from newspapers who report on arsons, and include quotes from the arsonsists; independant, guardian, la times etc, etc.

>> "Theres better ways of stopping these bastards if you know about construction etc+ economics etc"

Don't talk about economics as if this isn't economic sabotage to the extreme. This is the definition of the media's "extremism"....economic sabotage extremism...your arguments are out of place by miles!! True; outreach is extremely effective, but so is this, combined is what gets things done.

P.S - to the person who asked about the animals. They wouldn't be in the trucks, they would have been moved temporarily for the event. Although they might of, or could of been liberated, they probably would have mentioned so.

Like those twisted suffrajets

ignore and remove

23.03.2008 15:46

Maybe regular IMC readers/supporters might ignore "SHACWATCH" and not reply to their silly postings it will only encourage this imbecile.

He/she (SHACWATCH) doesn't deserve the time of day to plug their immature website using IMC.

IMC get on the case, do the right thing and remove postings with the SHACWATCH url included.



Shaquila is overweight and ugly.

23.03.2008 23:41

This is the venomous, malicious and quite frankly very cowardly work of that gutless vivisector 'Shaquila' troll who was on here for some time, it stands out a mile. This twat also has a big obsession with how people look and their weight etc. What a sad twat. Luckily there's always the computer to hide behind eh Shaqfatter?

By the way Shaquila/Shacwatch, you are an ugly fat bastard.

Shacwatch is a coward