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Every Move You made

R E Cycler | 15.03.2008 23:03

And every click you take. Microsoft has a digital related search database.

And every click you take. Microsoft has a digital related search database. Last time I wrote on here was about whats on your hard disk. I decided to give Microsofts test run of Server 2008 a go. Seeing as it was free for 60 days ,with the option free upto 240 days I thought it was worth a go,even if I just used it to install a current operating system on my recycled computers.See
So on a macine with a clean install of windows 2000 (genuine ) I downloads server 2008. Burns it to dvd and begin an install. I won\t go into the details of the nightmare doing that is. But once installed it informed me I had to create a new password. Now I allways use run as a password for all the computers i build. So I changed it to ran. And got this."The password does not have the length,and complexity for the history of this server". Without thinking much I assumed 2008 would want a long mixed alphanumeric password so I put in a 18 digit/letter one.Same result The password does not have the length,and complexity for the history of this server. Puzzled I thought I don\t have a server. And I don't have a history because I'm on 5 or 6 different computers a day.And ,as I said I never ever had a complex long password. I'd forget it. So I called an IT friend. He explained to me that Microsoft not only have a constant open back door but if you happen to be in an area were one of the state officials are visitng in the very near future your IP wwill be refferred to the NSA for a hack of you. Apparently this happend when Condi Rice came to the UK. No doubt this has been on here befor in one form or an other.But I don\t think anyone has got a handle on just how invasive these things we type into are becoming with every new version of operating system.2008 is quite a piece of work.I'm no operating system specialist but I know some on here are and I'd like them to educate the rest of us with what they know,like Danny for one.And Indy if you feel this is not news please leave it on for enough time for a few replies.

R E Cycler