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"Detective Superintendent Newman is thick as shite" - Charity Sweet

Mrs. Charity Sweet | 15.03.2008 22:57 | SOCPA | History | Indymedia | Repression | London | World

Detective Superintendent Newman is also a wanker amongst many men who lack morality or bollocks. Inspector Fox is just another boot boy and most probably his rent boy.

These are the Formal Complaints as refused, screwed up into a ball, tossed in the bin, taken out of the bin and ripped to shreds in front of a Sergeant - with his blessing... then the bin disappeared magically... (you couldn't make this shit up if you tried) on the night the Ninja Ant was kidnapped and assaulted.

Which tosser behing the desk at Belgravia screwed this complaint up and put it in the bin?

I know...

And so will everyone else...

Sir Ian, you are truly a prize piece of shite and Westminster Police farce must be a consolidation of the worst of the worst of the MET.

Does anyone do law anymore?

March 13, 2008

Detective Superintendent Newman who has failed to produce any signed and - dated - delegated authority under SOCPA 2005 ss132-138 unlawfully sent down Inspector Fox to threaten Brian Haw with arrest re: Parliament Sq. Peace Campaign and an alleged "breach" of conditions that are not prescribed by law. These matters (unlawfully "enforcing") SOCPA 2005 ss132-138 are subject to judicial review and the papers were shown to Inspector Fox. The judicial reviews are dated 19/12/2007 - Section 3(1) CLA 1967 + 11th + 13th March 2008.

Inspector Fox unlawfully arrested the Ninja Ant at 3pm for the alleged public order offence of calling police "Nazi police".

The Ninja Ant has been kidnapped.

In May 2006, Lord Justice Moses stated "A man stormed from the High Courts calling the Master of the Rolls a Nazi" - "it is only surprising it doesn't happen more often" ... "these are real peoples we are talking about" ...

No-one was arrested ... in the High Court ... it is fair comment.

Please release the Ninja Ant immediately - it is well known that he has also previously been kidnapped on a fraudulent arrest warrant that was obtained issued and executed by PCCX674 Smith out of COWMC, on 9th October 2007 at 6.12pm. He was released by HH Judge Rivlin on 10th October - who ruled arrest unlawful.

Barbara G. Tucker
Parliament Square Peace Campaign
Parliament Square
London SW! 18:48 p.m.

March 13, 2008 - Formal Complaint

Detective Superintendent Newman failed to produce a signed and dated document showing Sir Ian Blair's delegating his authority, failed to produce any search warrant, and failed to produce any court order allowing any lawful seizure of the property of Mr. Brian W. Haw of Parliament Square.

Despite any legal justification, Newman and Inspector Fox threatened to arrest Mr. Haw for breach of conditions and clear his display of the war crimes being committed by Parliament.

All parties present at Parliament Square were duly informed, as members of the Metropolitan Police Farce that "There are no powers of seizure prescribed in SOCPA 2005 and no powers of arrest under SOCPA".

To threaten to steal property and deny a person his liberty without due process or without any legal basis is akin to Nazism.

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and acts like a duck - it's a duck.

A member of the Met cannot be deemed to be caused harassment, alarm or distress by being called a Nazi when it is an entirely appropriate description of his behaviour.

The arbitrary dention of the Ninja Ant for exerting his Article 10 Rights to freely express his opinion is wholly unlawful and why detain a member of the public for a nonsense public order charge when the clearest possible route would be to issue a public order ticket?

Is it any wonder the MET are being labelled as Nazis when kidnapping is still a real offence on the law books. PC 409 Steff and PC Kenn were noted to be spectators to this gross miscarriage of justice.

Absolute Bollocks.

No punishment without law.

Charity Sweet
1900 hr

Mrs. Charity Sweet
- e-mail:


Display the following 7 comments

  1. This is rant — hidden Poster
  2. agreed, and... — ya
  3. i could not walk away. fact & reality. — babs tucker
  4. Keep it up..... — Amused watcher
  5. Lame — Danny
  6. Some folks are just thick as shite — Charity Sweet
  7. some people ... — babs tucker