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BBC1 ITN Camden councillor Keith Moffitt in shady deals with MRC/NIMR Camden Lab

Against Camden Death Lab | 14.03.2008 18:58 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Other Press | London | World

It is alleged that {Camden New journal} Keith Moffitt and other senoir Camden cllrs were in secret talks and struck shady deals with the MRC / NIMR / Wellocmr trusty consortium who want to build the "worlds largest ever, highets level virus containment facility and animal testing lab on a Camden council estate. You can write to Keith at : 39 Buckinham Mansions, West End Lane, London NW6 1LS.

For the full article on this see Camden New Journal

Against Camden Death Lab
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the correct contact detatils are:

08.04.2008 19:13


1) We didn't write this. 1) Please send letters to Town Hall only.

30.06.2008 13:48

Please make sure all communications are kept polite and legal.

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