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Why is BBC abusing licence-payers' cash for Ken Livingstone propaganda?

AADHIKARonline London Friday 14 March 2008 | 14.03.2008 15:02 | Social Struggles | London | World

The bbc over-compensates by giving Ken Livingstone hours of spin as if to say that they, the bbc controllers, are 'sorry' that even a small fraction of ken Livingstone’s autocratic, dictatorial, egotist behaviour and his wrongdoing was even hinted at on any bbc slot, however briefly.

By©Muhammad Haque
1500 Hrs GMT
London Friday 14 March 2008

Ken Livingstone is already expecting another big bonus from his 'prudent' 'chum' Gordon brown, and his crossrail-hole-bill-prompting ‘chancellors’ Alistair darling. This is touted to be the Livingstone bonanza whether the confidence-tricking ken stays in the post of 'undone mayor' or is ousted from it.

It seems that there is no way of democratically beating this morality-free, big business-aiding careerist wrongdoer. No one is able to hold him to account.

Neither the ‘Greater London Assembly’.

Nor the BBC.

The more wrongs he does, the more airtime and space he is given to spout yet another stunt.

While the new York, usa-based big business propaganda outfit Bloomberg has been publishing approving profiles [by-lined to Brian Lysaght] of ken Lyinsgtyill and certifying him as a genuine aider and abettor of global capitalist forces, the bizarre world of the ‘British left’ [what that??!!] Seems in effect blind to this fact and in denial about hundreds of items of other evidence pointing to Livingstone’s long standing role as a solid part of the oppressive, neo-con agenda. The 'British left', if it is typified in and seen in the 'morning scar' ['oops'!! 'Morning star' 'formerly' of the 'former' 'CPGB'] and it, the 'British left' [!] Is as crazily ignorantly endorsing the careerist Ken Livingstone’s ego-linked bids for perpetual stay in public office and unlimited access to public cash in March 2008 as it had approved of the liar’s outrage against basic standards of democracy when he condemned the ‘elected’ leader of the then ‘Greater London Council, Andrew McIntosh in May 1981. Within 24 hours of then GLC election [May 1981] which Labour’ won under Andrew McIntosh, Livingstone staged a coup and ‘emerged’ as the ‘radical’ 'leader of the glc'.

The 'greater london council' soon became the greedy Livingstone’s career-vehicle….

The bbc over-compensates by giving Livingstone hours of spin as if to say that they, the bbc controllers, are 'sorry' that even a small fraction of ken Livingstone’s autocratic, dictatorial, egotist behaviour and his wrongdoing was even hinted at on any bbc slot, however briefly.

However infrequently.

In the name and at the expense of the ordinary people of London.

Ken Livingstone wins even when he is apprehensive of being kicked out.

And he must be laughing all the way to his bank. Whichever mode of transport he fancies to flaunt his loot on!

If he is waiting to ‘open’ yet another ‘achievement’ – like ‘CRASSRail’, the perennially lying Ken Livingstone might have a longer wait than he ‘plans’ on that one. It is likely that some of the ordinary people of London have been totting up the number of ‘plans’ that the fabricator has confected and been ‘credited’ with by the BBC about ‘CRASSRail’. It may be that those ‘plans’ and claims will be subjected to the test of universally verifiable standards of scrutiny in an almost independent court of law…..And the BBC may be called to substantiate the many lies for the Ken Livingstone CRASSRail scam that they have illegally allowed him to confect and promote via the BBC when the BBC have persisted in blocking critics of the Crassrail hole plot from the right to reply.

AADHIKARonline London Friday 14 March 2008
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Display the following 7 comments

  1. Brilliant — Lynne Truss
  2. "Lynne Truss"! Even your chosen slumber has been disturbed! What feat! — AADHIKARonline London Friday 14 March 2008
  3. Pri kio vi parolas? — Bewildered
  4. Crossrail corruption seems dodgy,if still true Red ken should join greens — james
  5. BBC=State Propaganda — 30piecesofcapitalism
  6. this is — hidden poster
  7. No to 'Crossrail hole plot' CAMPAIGN is taking place in UK 'Parliament' — AADHIKARonline London UK Sunday 16 March 2008