April2008: one struggle - one fight
autonomediaffiliate | 13.03.2008 14:14 | 2008 Days Of Action For Autonomous Spaces | Free Spaces | Social Struggles
Many countries have decided to have massive action-days on the 11-12 april, based on a transeuropean meeting in Dijon in 2007. The aim of the action-days is to display discontent with the repression we've been faced with in terms of evictions of copenhagens ungdomshus and the close call for Berlins Köpi, which most see as a result of more right-wing governments etc. The action-days do not have specific formulas or concepts apart from decentralised organisation, in many countries they have planned squattings and houseparties on top of general demonstrations. More than twenty countries are participating including some across the ponds... Anything going on in London?
space is the place
16.03.2008 18:57

Sidestepping The Property Ladder
11 - 12 April 2008
In a reclaimed central London venue
This is a one-off event in a new venue which will form part of the April days of international action in support of autonomous spaces (april2008.squat.net).
We are sending this general call out to artists who can contribute to the gallery part of the event. There are no restrictions on the medium, or size (being sensible of course), but we are primarily looking for artwork which keeps the theme of the event…
The themes for the Space Is The Place event will be: social centres, squats & free spaces, the mismanagement of land and its ownership by the wealthy elite, the current housing crisis affecting the most disadvantaged, the appropriation of public space by big business through privatisation and speculation (PFIs etc), the sell-off of council housing, the Olympics in 2012 and the ruin of the Lea Valley at the tax-payers’ expense…
The event will house: an open access gallery space around the core themes of land, housing and free spaces, discussions and skill-sharing to bring people together and share ideas on how we can solve the problems we face, info-station for DIY action, films, photography, music and cafe.
There will be a dedicated team who will be organising, curating and installing artwork into the gallery space but this is a DIY event, so please don’t expect all the work to be done for you. We welcome involvement on all levels – we will need invigilantes for the gallery and elsewhere; stewards, door staff, stall minders – and people to generally spread the word before the event. This is a new event so it’s a good opportunity for active and energetic people to make a fresh start with a new group!
If you want to contribute your artwork and/or physical presence please email:
housingmatters AT hushmail DOT com
If you just want to attend the event check here or www.indymedia.org.uk closer to the time.
