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The Todd has nodded off!

Aunty Christ | 11.03.2008 17:18

Top UK police chief is found dead

The head of one of the biggest police forces in Britain has been found dead, it has been revealed.

Michael Todd, the Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police (GMP), was reported missing on Monday night.

Rescue teams found his body in a beauty spot in North Wales on Tuesday afternoon, rescue teams in the Snowdon area revealed.

Mr Todd, a former Met Police assistant commissioner, joined GMP in 2002. He also worked in Essex and Nottingham.

What a shame, After all he did for us!
One less wanker to sort out come the revolution!

Aunty Christ


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I remember.

11.03.2008 18:20

Yes I remember him on the prowl during Mayday celebrations.


Highly Suspicious

11.03.2008 19:09

I wonder who from the Government or Intelligence Services he pissed off.


Nothing to see here, move along.

12.03.2008 00:35

This would be the Michael Todd who was in charge of the ACPO investigation of extraordinary rendition flights in the UK and found no evidence of it. I bet he was mightily miffed when Ed Milliband put his hand up to the 2 flights just recently.

I have to say that a 2 1/2 hour hike to throw yourself off a cliff is the mark of a very committed man. Hikers found what appear to be letters to Todd's family & friends at the summit of Snowdon (along with Mohammed Atta's passport I don't doubt, apologies for the sarcasm). I'd have thought leaving the letters in your car which would doubtless be found and searched rather than exposing them to the elements and possible loss would have been eminently more sensible. Maybe he just wanted to make it obvious that he had been up the mountain so as to avoid any possible confusion.

There is a report on the Daily Mail website that quotes various 'sources' (I love that word 'sources') and even Max Clifford is chiming in - check it out for yourself it appears very complete. Of course it would take a 'tin foil hat wearing conspiracy nut job' to raise any questions about this.

My condolences to the family he leaves behind.

Nothing to see here, move along.



12.03.2008 08:48

I can accept a man walking for 2.5hrs up a mountain to kill himself.

Its the bit where he takes the letters and leaves them at the summit where they may get blown away and never found.


That walkers found these letters at the summit and raised the alarm. Who the hell goes up the top of a mountain with gales predicted? Yes maybe a suicidal person...but walkers???????

....something < about this.


A Tale of Two Tods! Manchester political, Hackney political!

12.03.2008 12:52

One was a Mancunian f*****t, the other was responsible for policing the Class War Bash The Rich march, as part of Hackney police/TSG special anti-riot/political policing squad. Please don't get them confused and send condolence cards c/o Hackney Nick!

Michael Tod Michael Tod (2)

Slight Corrections

12.03.2008 13:02

the Hackney Tod is infact called Michael Tod, which means devil in German. The Bash the Rich march was the recent one.


May Day 2001

12.03.2008 23:07

"During the May Day demonstrations in 2001 he held 66 TV and Radio interviews during the two days, which was a record."
