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sawley .nr long eaton.greedy garage owner allows mobile phone mast

peter ambler | 10.03.2008 10:10 | Analysis | Health

greedy property owner allows mobile phone mast to be errected at wilne lane sawley long eaton ..greed of a wealthy man..never mind locals i get paid 4 it

sawley long eaton greedy property owner mr shule has allowed mobile phone mast on garage premises on wilne lane .part of the building is believed to be listed .there are houes flats and workplaces all around it .obviously he has no concern for his tennants health .as long as it is more income to ad too his fortune greedy person .with no requards for others health he should be made to operate from there himself .planning should be looked at and comlaints sent to his pastures road stapleford ofice .any one live near complain .thank you peter ambler spondon derby .air your concern

peter ambler
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Do you own a mobile phone?

10.03.2008 12:30

Because that puts far more radiation through your body than any mast.

We'd best ban cameras as well in case they steal someone's soul.

MonkeyBot 5000

being near a mast especially TETRAemergency masts 24/7is worse

10.03.2008 14:41

If you have ever worked on any mast there are warning signs all over them about the dangers of being close to them for long periods.
Having a mobile especially 3g internet mobiles or wireless technology near where you live 24/7 isnt healthy at all. Check europe safety figures on loads of websites!
Mr Sule is greedy & mobile companies are greedy & criminally negligent
If it really bothers you now, decommission it yourself & call for pagers to be brought back, Emergency services & doctors still use them & for only safe electromagnetic waves to be used.

green syndicalist