Truth Revolution Radio: Indymedia and 9/11 truth
Truth Action | 09.03.2008 21:43 | Indymedia | Terror War | Sheffield | World
The Truth Revolution Radio show from 1st March 2008 (adverts edited out) is attached. Guests include Indymedia activists Chris Burnett from Los Angeles and Chris from Sheffield Indymedia.
On this show I am joined by two longtime indymedia activists and we discuss a wide range of topics with a focus on the indymedia network in relation to 9/11 truth, left gatekeeping, working with activists from diverse political backgrounds and the global importance of this issue that cuts to heart of the empire. Chris Burnett has been a part of indymedia since its inception in Seattle at the WTO protests, is a co-founder of IMC Los Angeles and the host of Indymedia On Air on Pacifica's KPFK in Los Angeles. Chris C has been politically active since the Poll Tax protests in the late 80s in England and works with Indymedia UK. In the second segment I talk to Bruno Bruhwiler from We Are Change LA about making banners and standing up to FOX News in defense of free speech.
An OGG version of this show is available on the Internet Archive:
See also the LA Indymedia on Air show from 4th February 2008 with Chris Burnett which features Architect Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and Physics Professor Steven Jones of Journal of 9/11 Studies,
International Day of Truth Action reports:
February 11th 2008
January 11th 2008
December 11th 2007
November 11th 2007
An OGG version of this show is available on the Internet Archive:

See also the LA Indymedia on Air show from 4th February 2008 with Chris Burnett which features Architect Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth,

International Day of Truth Action reports:
February 11th 2008

January 11th 2008

December 11th 2007

November 11th 2007

Truth Action
Some references
09.03.2008 22:02
In the show I referred to the Sheffield Indymedia 2006 "Summer of Truth" screenings: and a hidden article:
Open an honest 911 investigation - Steven E. Jones
And an article that was initially hidden and was then unhidden:
War and Globalization - The Truth Behind 9/11 - Michel Chossudovsky
See also this feature article from September 2006:
11th September 2001, Five Years On
And this ground breaking feature from Portland from 2002:
Why is the Indymedia network ignoring the call for a 9.11 investigation?
Which has a broken link to the hidden (composted) article by Deva, which has some interesting comments:
Why Does The Indymedia Network Refuse To Look Into The Events Of 911?

Open an honest 911 investigation - Steven E. Jones

And an article that was initially hidden and was then unhidden:
War and Globalization - The Truth Behind 9/11 - Michel Chossudovsky

See also this feature article from September 2006:
11th September 2001, Five Years On

And this ground breaking feature from Portland from 2002:
Why is the Indymedia network ignoring the call for a 9.11 investigation?

Which has a broken link to the hidden (composted) article by Deva, which has some interesting comments:
Why Does The Indymedia Network Refuse To Look Into The Events Of 911?
