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BBC's White Hate season

insidejob | 09.03.2008 18:36 | Anti-racism | World

BBC is backing a season designed to encourage violence between black people and working-class whites.

There is something very worrying about BBC's White season.

BBC's White season believes that the voice of white English, working-class people are not listened to. If the programme and BBC online comments are anything to go by, then this is not surprising because they talk a lot of crap. BBC's Have Your Say demonstrates the rubbish:

Added: Saturday, 8 March, 2008, 15:09 GMT 15:09 UK
White people of ALL classes are routinely discriminated against in the UK; even the BBC has a “positive” pro black employment agenda, which extends into its Black and Asian only radio and TV programmes, and BBC News. This comes on top of the usual anti-white insults where a myriad of Black only organisations are allowed to flourish, such as the Black Police Association and the Black Music Awards, but when whites wish to enjoy last Night at the Prom’s, we are accused of Nationalistic jingoism.
Kevin O'Sullivan, Halstead, United Kingdom

Added: Saturday, 8 March, 2008, 08:21 GMT 08:21 UK
Here's a question for those who abuse the white working classes. What are the unemployment statistics amongst the descendants of the Afro Caribbean/Indian immigrants who were brought in to under cut UK workers in the 50s and 60s? Since most of these communities live in cities where Eastern Europeans are deemed necessary to keep the places running one must assume that all of the earlier migrant community is in FULL employment or we could not justify abusing the white working classes as idle.
Peter Grimes

So, black people run the country, do not experience any unemployment and politicians are being insulting for suggesting that it shouldn't only be white people who enjoy the Proms. CRAP.

For white working-class people, black migration has been a 'disease' that has been killing them. Journalist, Tim Lott was born working class. He believes the 'do-gooding', white, liberal middle-class have supported black people against working-class whites. In 'The Independent', 9 March 2008, he even blames black neighbours for his mother's suicide:

'My mother hanged herself in the house she lived all her life, in Southall, west London, a town that had changed beyond all recognition. It is today the least white place in the whole of Britain.

'She wrote in her suicide note: "I hate Southall, I feel so alone." In case anyone dare accuse her of any racism, she may have hated Southall, but my mother was incapable of hating people. She worked in the last years of her life as a dinner lady in an all-Asian school and was much loved. But she was lost. Her world had disappeared.'

So, there you have it. Black people in the UK are so threatening, even if you love them, living next door to them kills you. (And don't be so heartless to dare criticism Lott, because it was the tragedy of his mother that he was talking about.)

White people would have us believe that employers and the government discriminate in favour of black people. Yet, if they were asked to support a law that would force white people, working class or otherwise, to have the same life chances and experiences in work, housing, politics, education, health etc as revealed by independent research, how many would support that? ANSWER = 0.

White people are using bogus arguments about supposed preferential treatment of black people. They argue that the BNP is the party of equality. What white people really fear is that they are losing their 'right' to positive discrimination because they are white.

Yet, it is the case that the white working class as a whole is losing out (no more than other racial groups.) New Labour and the elite are reducing the protections working class people had. The health service is being run down. The middle classes are more and more the people to benefit from education. In fact, social mobility for working-class people was higher in the 1970s. For all this, white working-class people blame 'black Poles'.

But there is something far more sinister about the season as revealed the programme and the Newsnight discussion on Thursday 5 February. The voice that the BBC is giving the white working class is one that belongs to the British National Party.

The first programme looked at a working men's club in Wisbey, Bradford. A majority of the white participants criticised black people for being abandoned by Labour, for feeling betrayed, living in Bradford, taking over the city with 15% of its population and for violence that they predict. One young person almost relished the idea of a future racial clash - he had a Union Jack with a swastika painted on it.

But giving a voice to BNP supporters and sympathisers as if they represented the white working class was not accidental. Currently, the Wisbey ward was represented by Labour. In 2004, Wisbey elected a BNP councillor. Workingmen's clubs are renown for its racism, so the BBC producers would know that they would have racist members. They could then claim that these clubs represent white working class people - even though the club they looked at has been in decline.

It seems that the BBC's White season has been taken over by elite social manipulators. They are pushing the media into inventing stories that supports Samuel Huntingdon's a clash of Western civilization with Islam thesis. The phoney war on terror, the attack on multiculturalism, the attack on 'political correctness' are being used to drag race equality back, as far as possible, into the 1970s.

This will set the framework for what is to come. The plan is for the global economy to contract. People will lose their livelihoods and living standards. This could be a problem for the elite. So they are encouraging the white working-class to direct their anger towards ‘black Poles’ rather than to those who control the economy. Black people notice this growing blame towards them. They will conclude that they will have to physically defend themselves against white anger.

What’s worrying is the numbers of white working-class people who are falling for this.



Display the following 11 comments

  1. Its much more complex...... — WeneedanewOrwell
  2. "genuine concerns about mass migration" — Divide And Rule
  3. Bogus bile from the white working-class — insidejob
  4. Inside Job is Correct — Quintus Fabius Maximus
  5. BBC propaganda — James, Bath
  6. James' fantasy — insidejob
  7. a sick mind — James, Bath
  8. Fantasy and reality — insidejob
  9. Is it evidence? — charge the cannon
  10. Racism - no evidence needed — insidejob
  11. my last comments on this non-debate — James, Bath